Jan 7, 2021

I've Got Something On My Mind

God is pissed at America, and for good reason. We've gone left, when he wanted us to go right. By going left, I mean embracing liberal ideologies. I expect secular folks to embrace liberal ideologies, but not believers. There are Christians who are praise dancing, shucking & jiving over Rev. Raphael Warnock being elected to the Senate as the first black senator. I respect the man's grind to get where he is because anyone who came from nothing and made something of themselves against all odds is good with me. I can't co-sign a pastor that talks down on Israel. If you're a believer, you should know God's stance on Israel, but if not, I'll paraphrase: Those who bless Israel are blessed; those who curse Israel are cursed. Much of the reason America has been so blessed is because we've stood with Israel. Biden & Harris straight up said they weren't standing with Israel once they got in, yet some Christians still voted for them. Historically, Palestine and Israel were bitter enemies during the reigns of King Solomon, David & Saul because at the time, Jews were scattered everywhere and despised by many nations for centuries. It also doesn't help that Israel is surrounded by Islamic nations who can't stand them & want them wiped off the map.

Fast forward to the 20th-21st centuries, and how do we thank God for sending his son to the Cross? Racial division, greed/corruption, abortion, riots, etc. I've said this before and I'll say it again: We're too free. Just because you're free, doesn't license you to do whatever you want because like it or not, your freedom to do as you please affects someone else. It's like in school, where one or two students do wrong and the whole class is punished. Is it fair for the entire population to suffer because of one person's selfishness? No. If this is the world we're leaving for our children & grandchildren, then I feel for the generation coming after because they have their work cut out for them trying to clean up this mess. 

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.