Mar 31, 2015

Are Men Really Powerless?

Let some men tell it, they can't avoid "the trap". The trap is when a man lays down with a woman, gets her pregnant and she puts him up for child support. He wants to spew how the woman is responsible & he didn't sign up for parenthood. Sorry to break it to these guys, but when you lay down with a woman, you consent to parenthood whether you like it or not.

The following comment is from a Facebook group post discussing single parenthood:

Women have control over their wombs, we all know this. However, a woman isn't forcing a man to phukk her, he makes that decision on his own. It's comedy to me how some men are ok with laying up with a woman, but they don't want the baby that comes with it. This isn't Let's Make A Deal. If you lay down with a woman, you agree to parenthood whether you like it or not. If some men weren't such coochie hounds, then there would be no OOW births, but today's men can't seem to think beyond their lower head, then want to bellyache about child support, baby mama drama, this and that. Sometimes, I feel like I'm the only dude that's not moved by action. Let these men tell it: Cooch has a stronghold on their lives that they can't seem to fight the temptation to have sex with a woman just because she offers.

Some men need to understand one thing: You're man enough to lay down with her, be man enough to take whatever comes.

Women: Same thing. Clink clink lock down. Stop telling these dudes you want to have their baby. Smh

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.