Oct 5, 2015

ICYMI: My Sperm Donor Is A Jerk | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS

I suggest she gets her tubes tied. She lacks any real maturity and her irresponsible actions are hurting, not helping her and the children. After her “miracle child,” she should've piped down on the pill and ceased sleeping with a man who she KNEW didn’t want any more children. Yet, she continues on with her irresponsible behavior of having unprotected sex so now here’s baby #3.
Great sex does not a relationship make; It never has and it never will. The man wants nothing to do with her other than sex and she obliges him. The difference is, SHE will be the one raising three children after he walks away. She may get him into the sack but she won’t make him stay – not even for his own seed(s).
What she does & how she carries herself around men will be a reflection on her children. Her two children and the one on the way deserve better.

Just A Few Things

Just a few tweets I've written over the past few days (some as recent as yesterday).

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.