May 22, 2012

Living Through Your Children

One thing that irks me is parents that try to live their dreams through their children. That's crazy because your child(ren) may have their own ambition and parents are going to hold their kids back so THEY (the parents) can relive their glory days? I hate that mess. You have fathers that push their sons hard in sports and want them to excel because deep down, he didn't excel like he wanted to in his youth so his son is his last shot of making it to the pros. Or how about mothers who enter their daughters in modeling and similar pageants so she can get rich & famous off her little girl's success. That mess gets my goat. If the time comes for me to have a child, I will push him or her according to their desire(s). I may give suggestions on what path they should take but ultimately it's on them. My advice is they will pursue their passion with all their might and most of all, they enjoy the hustle. Just because a parent couldn't cut it in high school does not give them the right to dictate their child(ren)'s lives. Those children will grow up someday & leave the nest. Once your children have left the nest, you can no longer dictate your path for your children because they will resist (and rightfully so). It's not a good look telling grown children what to do. They are married with their own family so parents need to cut the cord. Parents are always saying how they won't be with their children always and they need to stand on their own but when your kids get of age to where they can do for self, you don't want to let go. I know parents want the best for their children, that they don't want their children going through what they did at their age but there comes a point where you have to be secure in knowing you raised your children right and send them into the world to make their mark. That's what I plan on doing, should I have children.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.