Mar 22, 2012

Black Stereotype

It comes as no surprise that blacks are stereotyped. Whether it's right or wrong remains to be seen. Stereotypes are never ok under any circumstances because usually you're dead wrong when you find out the person is nothing like you portrayed. When you live up to the stereotype, you're giving people a reason to say "I told you they don't have any sense". Everything is not a black and white issue! For example; If 20 of you fools are dressed in all black, in the mall disturbing others from having a nice shopping experience then guess what? THE COPS HAVE A RIGHT TO ARREST YOU FOR DISTURBING THE PEACE! It doesn't matter if you grew up in the hood! That doesn't give you the right to act a fool! Personally, I don't want to hear or see it! If you're doing drops and your flaunting your cash as quickly as you get it and you're bragging about it with your youtube videos..then guess what? YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO BE ARRESTED! Please stop thinking that the world owes you something! If you don't want to be stereotyped, then stop acting like the stereotype! I feel sorry for this generation! Stop being so ratchet and put something in your BRAIN!.STOP ALL THIS SENSELESS GUN VIOLENCE! Why fight every time you're in public? What are you proving? NOTHING! WHAT YOU'RE BASICALLY SAYING IS "I TOLD YOU THEY DON'T HAVE SENSE!". I'm so happy that my parents raised me not to be RATCHET! Read a book or get an education! But most importantly: STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT HOW SOCIETY AND LAW ENFORCEMENT IS TREATING YOU IF YOU'RE ACTING LIKE THE STEREOTYPE! That's why I don't oblige to the stereotype. That's why I only hang around people (black especially) that want or have the desire to do better. It doesn't matter where you come from, its where you're going that matters. Everything is not a white and black issue, but some things are.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.