Oct 29, 2015

Auditioning For Marriage

Repost: Crissy N Jones
2 hrs
A lot of men want a girlfriend to act like a wife to prove that she is worthy of being a wife. Yet, these same men don’t want to act like husbands to prove they are worthy of being a husband. They are quick to say that a girlfriend shouldn’t expect the same level of treatment as a wife. So why is it that women need to audition for the role of a wife but men don’t think they need to audition for the role of husband? Perhaps women aren't requiring that men prove that they are worthy of being a husband. You have women who have been auditioning for the role of wife for years and still never get the part.

I see where she's coming from because a lot of men are good for that, wanting their woman to prove she's wife material by doing wifely duties, but some of these same men don't want to prove he's husband material to her. At the same time, usually women are the ones wanting to be married & if women are the main ones wanting marriage, wouldn't it make sense to prove yourself as wife material? Even if a woman wants marriage, BOTH parties are auditioning for the husband & wife role. A woman is evaluating a man's ability to care for her as a husband, and vice versa (husband evaluating the wife). There's one key difference: Women state their intentions for marriage early on in a relationship, whereas men like to get a feel for their lady before marriage is discussed. This way, no time is wasted on being with someone that's not on the same trajectory. I think of it as pre-screening; get it done early and if the person's not a fit, move on.
No one has the right to expect that which they aren't willing to provide; some men and women need to stop that foolishness. Technically, many men are right in that a girlfriend shouldn't expect wife treatment. A girlfriend is preparing to be a wife, so there are things that should be reserved for a wife, and vice versa (woman for her man). What many people don't realize is that auditions go both ways: A woman has to prove herself wife material and a man has to prove himself husband material. It's stupid to expect something for which you're not going to provide. Both men & women need to prove they are dating material first, relationship material, second and then marriage will come. Too many men and women acting like husband & wife, and it's not working.
Woman: The reason I give my man wife benefits is because I'm afraid he's going to leave me.
Me: That's that 2015 new-age relationship mindset of most people in relationships, give marriage benefits while in courting. So a woman's giving her mate wife privileges while they're dating, then what? There's nothing to look forward to on wedding day because he's been getting wife privileges since they first started seeing each other. It's become routine to him. If a man is willing to leave a woman because she won't give him wife benefits unless he puts a ring on it, show him the door. That's not someone she needs to be with anyway. If you're giving someone husband &/or wife privileges in the courting phase, they tend not to appreciate it because they figure they didn't have to work for it. What you didn't work for, you won't value it as much.

Oct 28, 2015

Top 5 Tweets: 10/28

Today's Top 5 Tweets will be a little different. I usually post my top 5 tweets, but I'm going to add a brief caption to each of them.

Nobody can tell me anything different. People are committed to one person, I doubt it.
Big Pat spoke the real on this one. How do you have time to focus on someone else's pockets and yours are empty?
All Canes fans can vouch for these tweets regarding the Al Golden era at University Of Miami. Prayers were answered. 

Oct 27, 2015

Strawberry Letter: Sexless In The City

With everything she has going for her, sex should continue being the LAST thing on her mind. She's in college trying to better herself while living for Christ. She's done well thus far, so why not keep up the good work? I salute this young woman because although she's losing hope, she's staying focused. Contrary to what some people think, it's easy to stay focused on God even though temptation is all around you: Don't put yourself in compromising situations and Christians keeping themselves covered under the Blood. If she does that, she'll be alright. She can make it if she continues to focus on God and her studies. God has already picked her mate, she just doesn't see it yet. At the right time, God will send the one HE has for her, and it'll be a love story far better than she imagined. 
A virtuous woman is hard to find, and with patience comes great rewards. She's not missing anything, to be honest. Some men will say anything to get between a young woman's legs, and once they've got it, they're long gone and she's stuck like chuck. Unlike her counterparts, keeping herself pure means she's 100% certain she won't be a single mother out of wedlock, let alone have STD's to worry about. She's a diamond whose value can't be measured. I think she should continue immersing herself in fasting & prayer because that's what will keep her pure. If she has friends who encourage her to fornicate, she might want to separate herself from them because you are the company you keep. She'll be alright.

Oct 26, 2015

Strawberry Letter: Upset Child

I'm going to be 100 with this: This man is garbage, straight up. He's leeching off this girl's mom and it's upsetting the daughter. When the daughter's away at school, her mother has no help. Mom has to ask friends for help, when she has another CHILD living under her roof. Make it so bad, this child sees how much of a leech her mom's man is, so why can't the mother? I feel bad for this child because she's tried to talk some sense into her mother, and the mother refuses to listen. I bet the LW and her mother have discussed this many times, and each time the daughter brings up her feelings on this man, mom is like "You don't know what you're talking about" or "You're not going to come between me & my man". When I read this letter, I immediately shook my head because letters like this seem to be a common occurrence, where mother lets her man mistreat her and she takes it. If the daughter says something, she's being disrespectful. It's like this: It's on mom to get sick & tired. The daughter can pray for her mother (which is good, she should keep doing that) to see the light, but the final word is on mother. No amount of wise counsel will do any good if her mother doesn't see her worth & understands she deserves a lot more than what she's getting. These are the kind of women that become bitter because once they've had enough and finally leave, they want to make the next man pay for the sins of the previous one. Women like the LW's mother are conditioned to this disrespect, and they camoflauge to hide their pain.

Oct 25, 2015

Why Black Millionaires are Never Pro Black

All I have to say is powerful. I mean, this is nothing new to me, but to hear it from the source is something else. Listen to the video clip:

Oct 24, 2015

Tweets Of Encouragement

Oct 23, 2015

When You Keep Quiet (Pt. 2)

When you keep quiet, you learn a lot about yourself. Today I learned that I can write about any subject, even if it may not interest me. As an aspiring professional blogger/writer, I feel this skill is important because anyone who's writing for a major publisher will be called upon to write about stuff they may not be passionate about. The only alternative is to do freelance writing, in which you can choose your writing jobs. From a blogger perspective, my writing is versatile: I can write on any topic, write on YouTube videos (anyone who's followed my website long enough knows that I've written several blogs based on YouTube videos), do book reviews, or I can write on Christianity. If you give me a topic, I'll give you 16 lines of commentary, double that if I really like the topic.
What I WON'T do is write about filth. There's enough sexual writing out there for those who are into that, but not me. I like my blogs to be clean, but real in nature so some subjects are off limits to me. There are times where I do encouraging blogs, and times where I get real, but I will never write about sex or ratchet behavior because that's not my style. I'm sure if I wrote craziness, my blog website would get 1,000,000+ hits in a few hours, but I don't want that kind of notoriety. It's good to know that God's blessed you with a talent, even better when you're intent on using that talent to glorify God. I wonder what I'll learn next.

Oct 22, 2015

Strawberry Letter: Less Than A Wife

She wants to start a family with her husband, but her health issues won't allow it. She feels bad because SHE thinks her husband views her as less than a wife because she can't give him a baby. It's like this: Her man loves her with(out)the baby, so why is she stressing? Considering her health issues, she should reconsider pregnancy because she doesn't want her children inheriting her health issues. Her husband supports her and still loves her, so that should tell her something. Honestly, she shouldn't have a baby, considering her health issues. I'm also big on faith, so that being said: She should find scripture, quotes, songs, pictures, people, etc. that represent what she wants, and that makes her feel hopeful.  Next, she counteracts all fearful, doubtful, and judgmental thoughts with affirmative words. This is very important because it will reprogram her subconscious mind to believe in the possibilities in having this baby. Take your meds joyfully and with gratitude. My heart hurts for this woman, and I pray she finds peace in the midst of her storm.

Introspection, Pt. 1

When you stay in your own lane and keep quiet, you find out a lot about yourself. Today I did some introspection and found out I've been holding back. It's for a good reason too. Why should a person give 100% when they're not fully rewarded or compensated for it? Think about it, most of us have Bachelor's and Master's degrees and get paid like we just graduated high school or half way through with an Associate's degree. That's that 100%, pure unprocessed nonsense.
On the other hand ,we do need the money to survive. At best, I've learned that 30-40% is enough. I wonder what I'll learn tomorrow.

Oct 21, 2015

Real Women Don't Argue With Men

What is a woman's favorite shaming tactic when a man is winning an argument against her based on logic and facts? Real men don't argue with women. No woman will admit to not using shaming tactics because that would be too much like right. If shaming doesn't work, emasculation is her next best tool. Attacks on a man's sexuality, statements like "your mother is a woman, a woman hurt you, etc." Let me say this: If real men don't argue with women, then real women don't argue with men. It goes both ways. If a man's outdoing a woman in an argument with facts & logic (men's strong suits), there's a good chance emasculation is on the way.
All that's doing is further proving his case. Today's men are choosing not to be phased by some women's "real men don't argue with women" mantra and continuing to speak out against certain behaviors. Salute to my fellas for staying strong, don't let some women silence your voice because after all, they've had a half century to say what's on their mind, and it's long overdue for us to do the same. So remember, if real men don't argue with women, then real women don't argue with me. That medicine doesn't taste so good does it? It's not supposed to.

Strawberry Letter: Oh The Tangled Web We Weave

Lies On Lies On Lies, you folks like that rap? Well, it's fitting for this lady. I understand she doesn't want kids, and she shouldn't. She had 4 kids and the last thing she should want to do is push out another one. She did right by shutting the baby factory down. The problem is that she made up a fake pregnancy because she didn't want to lose her man. In the earlier stages of pregnancy, she could get away with this but as the weeks and months go by, her husband is going to catch onto her fake pregnancy and that's when she'll have serious issues. A woman begins to show as she gets closer to her due date, so she better hope her husband stays clueless. Honesty is the foundation of a solid relationship because if you can't be real with your mate, who can you be real with? My thing is, if he did something similar she would have a fit because he lied to her, but because she's a woman, she gets a pass. The best thing she can do right now is come clean, and accept the consequences.
Nothing means more to a man than having a child of his own, with his lady. However, he signed up for the stepfather role when he agreed to be with this woman. Did he expect her to want to pop out a baby for him when she already had 4? If he can't deal with being a stepfather, then why did he choose this lady for a relationship? Her and the kids are a package deal, so he knew what he was getting into. There's only two choices: He comes to terms with her not wanting to get pregnant again or he leaves for a woman who will give him a child of his own. Either way, she's toast with no jam once her man finds out she lied.

Oct 20, 2015

Top 5 Tweets + Bonus Mention

You guys know how this goes, no explanation needed.
Honorable Mention:

Oct 19, 2015

Strawberry Letter: Where Do I Draw The Line?

Couple things:

1. She's been with him for 4 months. She already sees her future issues. She needs to give him an ultimatum: If he’s not making her a priority, she doesn't make him hers. If he doesn’t respect her feelings, don’t be desperate because there’s more to follow. She needs to put a period at the end and move on. Key statement: "If I want to get back with my ex, trust me I can." That says it all right there.
2. She will never be #1; Her intuition has already kicked in; RUN. It’s a lot more going on than she thinks. He's running game on her. Move on to someone who will make her a priority. Besides, how much communication does someone need with their ex? The kids are old enough to reach out to dad on their own. I don't buy that excuse "It's about the kids."

Blessed Vs. Miserable

It looks crazy for a blessed person to get into it with someone who's miserable. Why would (s)he do that? Someone who has everything going for themselves has no business in conflict with someone who doesn't have a pot to pee in, straight up. I see that as dropping down to their level, and I'm too good for that. It's not a good look doing battle with someone who's miserable for whatever reason; they're looking to drag someone down with them. When you're blessed, you're supposed to have a different outlook.
 Your walk & talk changes as well as your circle of friends. Many people don't want to admit this, but those friends they thought were happy for their blessing could be the main ones they battle. The fact is when you're blessed, you shouldn't be into it with someone who doesn't have much because all that's going to do is make you look crazy. I don't know about anyone else, but I refuse to let somebody stop my blessing(s). If that means letting them act stupid, be my guest.

Oct 18, 2015

People Allow Themselves To Be Used By The Enemy

 One thing that irks me with some Christians is how they like to attribute everything to the devil. "The devil's working through that person to attack a child of God, this and that." Look, we all know the devil's running amok. It's not hard to tell because all you have to do is look around at what's going on. People give Satan more credit than he deserves. I'm going to be real: Sometimes it's not always the enemy working through someone, that person ALLOWS the enemy to operate through them. Did you see how I put ALLOW in caps? I did that to make a point. The point is everyone has a choice to act stupid or act right. The problem is that some Christians make excuses for people's bad behavior. Where is the accountability? At what point do people own up to what they do?
Christians aren't doing the offender any favors by putting the cause on the enemy. The offense should go where it belongs, on the culprit. Only then can healing begin because the offender is willing to own up to their mistake. I'll take it one step further: 10% of the time, the enemy is behind the misfortune, the other 90% is of someone's doing. The devil can't make someone sell drugs on the block, rob or shoot someone; most times that person chooses to do wrong, so some Christians should stop making excuses for what people choose to do. At the same time, the devil does have dominion over the Earth. Why? Because Adam & Eve allowed themselves to be deceived by the Serpent in the Garden Of Eden. When Adam & Eve forfeited dominion over to Satan, that's when he took over from there.
So while Satan does work through people to accomplish HIS purposes, people also have the choice to NOT let Satan use him. There are unsaved people with good morals who choose not to do wrong. Why? Because they know what's right & wrong and they choose to do right.

Oct 17, 2015

October 17, 2013: I Want To Be Ghetto

Richard Hudson
October 17, 2013 · Tallahassee, FL ·
Funniest thing in the world: People who grow up in good environments who WANT to be ghetto. So you want to trade nice homes and good schools for random automatic gunfire and police sirens? LOL at these folks. People who are truly hood will gladly trade places in a minute. Moral of the story: Appreciate the good start you had in life.

It's crazy, but some people really want to be ghetto. Why? Maybe they like hearing police sirens at 8pm nightly, or they get joy in seeing people shot down in the streets laying in blood. What about drug sales? Yeah I think that's it. Anyone who's lived/lives in the hood that's of sound mind will tell you they would move out the first chance they get. Nobody should want to raise a family in poverty & violence.

Oct 16, 2015

Strawberry Letter: Tired As Hell

As I read these strawberry letters about marital discord, I ask myself: Why do people sign up for marriage knowing THIS is the mess they have to deal with? In short, this man has lost love for his wife because she fell on hard times and refuses to get on her feet. Make it so bad, he's been financing her cheating since 2009, and he hasn't left yet. I know he doesn't want to leave because of the kids, but the children know what's up. They hear and see a lot going on with their parents, they just haven't said nothing. Anyway, this is my response:

What’s the point living with headaches day in and out? His life is filled with disappointment, grief, resentment, and that’s unhealthy. The vision of having someone in my atmosphere who makes me unhappy, has negative energy and no inspiration to do something meaningful with their life can’t form in my mind.
He's stayed too long and it’s time to let go of the nonsense.
His spouse (she’s not a wife) connects with guys because she needs a financial pillow. There’s nothing left when your spouse gives strangers more attention than their designated mate.
Maybe he's unsure how to get out of the marriage, but he’ll pay alimony and child support. HE'S allowed her to be unemployed for too long and his money accustomed her to a certain lifestyle.
People tend to say how “beautiful” their children are, but from what aspect? Children see, feel, and hear friction and conflict that their parents have. Your wife speaks only when she needs something and his daughters know they don’t get along.
I don’t advocate married couples staying together when people have to (1) Tolerate (2) Put Up With (3) Handle or (4) Deal With their mates. Some marriages weren’t meant to be, and it’s best he reclaims his freedom for PEACE OF MIND when it’s apparent that the marriage has ran its course.


Top 5 Tweets: Week of 5/12

You guys know what time it is, so no introduction is needed. 
Bonus Tweet:

Oct 15, 2015

Passing Out Sex Like Candy

I want to send a special shout out to women who pass out sex to random men, then want to make the right guy wait. How can a woman make a man wait for something she passed out freely? That's silly because other dudes didn't have to wait to taste her cookies, but she wants to make the right guy wait. The point is being real about yourself. If you didn't make previous men wait, why would you make a decent guy wait? Be consistent. Don't make one man wait for something every other guy has tasted. The only explanation I can come up with is a decent guy coming into her life could motivate her to value herself more. He could make her understand that she doesn't have to give her stuff away to this & that guy. He wants to get to know HER, and not her body. If that's the case, then I salute her. She met the right man who wants to know what her heart is like instead of her mouth skills. I have no problem with a woman changing; In fact, it's encouraged. No woman should want to be a ho all her life. It's about consistency. If she's abstaining, great; If she's wreckless, that's fine too but the gist of what I'm saying is if you're going to let a few men smash, then let everyone smash. Don't be exclusive now. 

Oct 14, 2015


The following video shows Ms. Crystal Duck being busted for cheating. Notice how she seems NOT to care like it doesn't bother her. Unfortunately, nonchalant behavior is commonplace for cheating offenders. Just goes to show you that there are foul people in life who don't care if they hurt others. Every time a man blasts his cheating woman on social media, there's always women defending her stupidity. SMH. Some women are saying he was wrong because he should've kept it private, but I say he's right because she needed to be exposed. She had no hesitation about cheating, so all of a sudden she wants privacy to handle their discord? She didn't care, why should he? I could say a lot more, but these videos say it all.


We all need encouragement from time to time, so this pic should suffice.

Oct 13, 2015

People Can Learn From Babies

Kiara Shantae Williams
October 11 at 12:55pm · 
❤You ever pay attention to how a baby acts around new people? Some babies cry, others just refuse to let you touch or hold them. You have to earn their trust before they will be open to letting you interact with them. Maybe babies are born with discernment, and can sense when something is off about a person. However, as they get older society teaches them not to fear people and trust everyone until they give them a reason not to, but in all reality it should be the other way around. With new people, we should be just how babies are until they prove themselves worthy of your trust.

Oct 12, 2015

Raven: I Won't Hire Someone With A Ghetto Name

Raven's gotten blasted all over social media for her discriminatory remark about how she wouldn't hire someone with a ghetto name. The irony is she's been discriminated for much of the same reasons, so for her to come out of her mouth like she did is retarded. Even her father doesn't co-sign her stupidity, and rightfully so. Here's what her father wrote:

"To My Dear Friends,

There has been much talk today about my daughters comments on her show The View. People have been hitting me up all night questioning me about her remarks. Let me say this……I haven’t managed Raven's career in over 10 years. This woman is grown, has her own management team, has her own opinions, right or wrong, and is responsible for her own words and actions. A woman wrote to me tonight and said she couldn’t support my book because of the words of my daughter. What she fails to realize is that my book is about teaching your child to believe and achieve. Raven has achieved incredible success, and this cannot be denied!
Children grow up and become influenced by many things, situations and people. I certainly don’t agree with what she said….but she is damn near thirty years old. She’s a grown ass woman making grown ass mistakes. We all have been guilty of this.
I did my best as her father, mentor and career manager. I believe I did a Wonderful job. Aside from this inexcusable gaffe, her 29 years in the entertainment industry has been quite successful, for there have been only an Elite Few Child Stars to last this long and have little to no controversy. For this, I am Very Proud!
Raven is a really Beautiful, Sweet, human being; I should know. Her Mother and I Love her Very much and will always support her and have her back. Even if sometimes……….she says some dumb S#%T!"

Oct 10, 2015

Wolf Blitzer asks Ben Carson if Obama is a 'real black president'

Let me go on record and say shame on Wolf Blitzer for trying to make Ben Carson look bad. Anyone can see that Blitzer's questioning was designed to trip Ben Carson up so the media can paint Carson in a negative light. Carson outsmarted Blitzer by saying: I'll take him at his word, when Carson was asked about Obama's Christianity. Wolf Blitzer was insufferable in this interview. On the contrary, Dr. Ben Carson was exceedingly patient and not in the least defensive while being asked these questions that had nothing to do with policies of governance. The media is obnoxious. Obama is the President, and he's black. Wolf was trying to get Ben to say something that can be twisted with a gotcha question; very pathetic. Carson would not give Blitzer the answer he wants, BOO HOO! Carson said "Obama is the president and he is Black." Why would he answer the question as to whether he's a "real black president?" What did the speaker mean when he used the word "real", only the speaker knows. Same with the Christian question, Carson said - "I'll take him at his word" Is he an actual Christian, who knows? Maybe he is, maybe he isn't, but all you can do is take him at his word. This interview just goes to show how the liberal media works, trying to catch anyone that doesn't agree with the Liberal Narrative in a gotcha moment. Blitzer was being a prick and Carson wouldn't fall for it. When it comes to politics, you have to watch your words because anything you say, can & will be used against you.

I Can't Use You, So I'm Done With You

Some people are full of crap, and let me explain why. It's funny people have no use for you, once you stop letting them use you. They cut you off. Good riddance! God forbid some people know their worth and won't stand for being taken advantage of. Let the trash take itself out. I've learned that as long as you let folks take advantage of you, they'll stay in your life. If you won't let people run over you, they want to exit out of your life. Let them go! Those aren't people anyone should want in their lives anyway. Most people can relate to this topic because you want to give everyone a shot, but sometimes you can't give everyone a shot because of two reasons: 1. Some people masquerade as genuine and play you once you let your guard down. 2. Some folks are straight with you in saying they will use you if you let them.
 You can't get upset when people use you because you allow it. My thing is: I'm not allowing anyone to use me, and they can kick rocks with sandals on. Mess like this is why I don't rock with many people because you don't know who's real and who's otherwise. By real, I mean genuine people who have your best interest at heart. They've proven themselves loyal from Day 1, so you know they're not going anywhere. You don't have to worry about those A1's taking advantage of you because you're happy to do for them. They do for you just like you do for them. There are too many users and not enough givers. It's your responsibility to figure out who's who, and proceed with caution.

Oct 9, 2015

Random Tweets: Week Of 5/5

Some of these tweets are inspirational, others are random thoughts I had on my mind at the time. Let's get into it:
I told it like it was with my thoughts on how Obama lost his way spiritually:

Oct 8, 2015

America As I See It

As much as I like Obama, he's lost his way spiritually. He tries to be buddy-buddy with everyone including the United States enemies. A leader can't keke with everyone because there will come a time where leaders have to choose a side. Take Israel for example: Israel is God's chosen people, and America's future is tied to Israel. United States has been Israel's biggest ally, which explains why America has been so blessed. The Bible says those who stand with Israel are blessed. Those who rise against Israel are cursed because they're God's enemies. In God's eyes, you're with him or against him. With ISIS, Hamas, and other terrorist groups coming for Israel, where's America? America is supposed to ride for Israel, but she's nowhere to be found. For now, Israel is standing alone. My prayer is that America continues to stand with Israel because we're in danger of judgment if we don't. Like I've stated earlier, America is blessed on the strength of standing with Israel. Even if America doesn't stand with Israel, God won't let ANYONE touch his people. Isis, Hamas, and any other terror group will be destroyed for messing with God's chosen people. Israel is always in my prayers, and I know God will keep his hand upon them. People can feel how they want, but I'm not changing my stance. America has gotten soft in standing with Israel as of late. When Israel had beef, America got involved. Now, I feel like America is starting to turn on Israel, which can only mean that God will turn on us.

Oct 7, 2015

Strawberry Letter: Out Of Control Discipline

The grandma wasn't wrong at all for intervening on behalf of her grandson. The daughter brought her drama into HER home and tried to flex on her mom. I guess the daughter learned today that grandma doesn't play. There's a difference between discipline and abuse, and the daughter crossed over into the abuse category. Regardless of how frustrated a parent gets with their child(ren), abuse should NEVER be an option. Some black parents are old-school, meaning they grew up being whipped like slaves so they discipline their child(ren) the same way. Only difference is that back in slavery times, whippings were legal so slaves would stay in their place. Now, parents can't spank their children without government intervention. The daughter moved in with grandma, so the daughter has to respect her grandma's environment. If grandma doesn't approve of the way daughter disciplines her son, then it's best if the daughter don't discipline in grandma's presence. I know the daughter is frustrated because the father isn't as involved in his kids lives as he should be, but she made the choice to lay down with him so she should deal as best she can. Discipline is when you correct the child, then talk to them about why (s)he was disciplined, then ask what did (s)he learn from that punishment. You reinforce your love for your child(ren), but you will discipline them if needed.

Oct 6, 2015

Strawberry Letter: Confused Brother

He's not as confused as he thinks, so he should admit it: He can't get over her past. He says he's the last person to judge anyone, but his questioning says otherwise. He wanted to be her "first" and he can't handle it because he's a notch on her belt. He's in the list of men she's bonked and every time he brings it up to her, she gets upset (rightfully so). I'm sure she told him about her past from the start, so he should accept it or move on. He doesn't have much room to talk because he's slept with his fair share of women. Did I read about her throwing up his past in his face? No, because I'm sure she accepted it. As long as they're compatible, he shouldn't be so judgmental. Everybody has a past, but it doesn't mean they're not deserving of a loving mate. As long as they've grown from their past, then that shouldn't define their future. He can talk all he wants about his love for her, but it means nothing until he stops judging her because she slept with dozens of men. Sounds like her past is one of his dealbreakers since he always finds a reason to bring up her sleeping with dozens of men. Maybe he wants to find out her sexual skills, who knows? I would think someone who's slept with dozens of people would be well-versed in the sex arena.

Strawberry Letter: I have a good Man That I Can't Trust

I've been in a relationship with my fiancee for 7 years now, and I can't trust him. He’s never done anything for me not to trust him, but looking at all the men in my family and knowing that they cheated. I can’t trust him because I feel that there is no way he is faithful. I have the mindset that ALL men cheat. My grandfather, dad, and uncles all have cheated on their wives, and those idiots are still with them after they’ve been caught time and time again. I refuse to get hurt. I’ve never had a problem with females calling his phone or anything, but I can’t trust him. He does everything for me and the kids. Everyday he comes home from work or school I ask him if he’s talked to any girls and if he ever cheated on me? This is everyday. He says he’s never cheated and will put it on his mother, who is deceased, and his kids, that he’s never cheated. What am I to do? Am I about to run a good man away?

Response: What does she think? No doubt he's about to run him away. Some men have nothing to hide so they'll tell their lady he hasn't cheated, because he hasn't given her a reason to doubt otherwise, but over time, that begins to wear on a man because it's like she doesn't trust him. A man can only take so much false accusation until he cheats for real, or he leaves because he's fed up with her insecurity. This shows you that some women have it in their minds that he's gonna cheat, even if he's been faithful from Day 1. Listen, just because the men in her family are doggish doesn't mean her man is, so she needs to shove the insecurity before she finds herself alone. He's better than me because I would've left after the first cheating accusation. There's no way I would tolerate cheating accusations when I haven't cheated. I couldn't cheat if I tried, because it's not in me to cheat. If I'm not happy, I'll try and work it out or bounce. Knowing my tolerance level, I'm gone. Best thing for him to do is stay faithful and hope she gets rid of that insecurity because if not, he's gone.

Oct 5, 2015

ICYMI: My Sperm Donor Is A Jerk | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS

I suggest she gets her tubes tied. She lacks any real maturity and her irresponsible actions are hurting, not helping her and the children. After her “miracle child,” she should've piped down on the pill and ceased sleeping with a man who she KNEW didn’t want any more children. Yet, she continues on with her irresponsible behavior of having unprotected sex so now here’s baby #3.
Great sex does not a relationship make; It never has and it never will. The man wants nothing to do with her other than sex and she obliges him. The difference is, SHE will be the one raising three children after he walks away. She may get him into the sack but she won’t make him stay – not even for his own seed(s).
What she does & how she carries herself around men will be a reflection on her children. Her two children and the one on the way deserve better.

Just A Few Things

Just a few tweets I've written over the past few days (some as recent as yesterday).

Oct 4, 2015


When people think of workaholic, what's the first thing that comes to one's mind? Someone who gives their life to their job. They're the first ones there, and the last ones gone. When the supervisor calls for overtime, (s)he's the first to volunteer because most times, they need the extra money because they're buying something special or they want to go the extra mile for their company. Regardless of the reason, what's so bad about being a workaholic? It's tough finding a job today, so when someone finds a job, they probably want to show appreciation for being hired by going the extra mile for their company. The only time being a workaholic is bad is if you have family obligations. You're busy trying to climb the corporate ladder while your family is falling apart. Someone's missing vital events in their kid's lives because they're chasing that big promotion.
(S)he might get the desired promotion, but their spouse may serve them divorce papers because they're tired of being neglected, and the child(ren) become disappointed because their mom/dad hasn't been to their games, recitals, etc. As time goes on, the child(ren) becomes so accustomed to their parent putting their job before them that the child(ren) becomes indifferent towards their parent's presence. It doesn't matter if (s)he's present or not, because they've learned how to live without them. If someone wants marriage and a successful career, they need to understand that one will suffer at some point. Someone with no family obligations has more time to devote to their career. It's nothing for them to put in long hours on the job because they're looking at the big picture. They know where they're going, and they don't have time for a significant other because a relationship will get in the way of where they're trying to go.

Oct 2, 2015

Testing The Waters

Today's blog message is called Testing The Waters. You're meeting a person for the first time to see if there's compatibility. Everything's going smoothly so you two agree there could be a future together, so you continue moving forward with one another. I have one question: What's with couples "testing" each other? You're going to intentionally make someone mad just to gauge their reaction. You want to see how they handle anger. To me, that's playing games and I don't have that patience. You don't have to make someone mad to see how they handle anger. All you have to do is observe. People will get upset on their own and how YOU see someone handle anger should tell enough. I've been tested all my life, and I refuse to be tested by a supposed "queen". Where do they do that at? Another thing, while you're busy testing your mate, most likely they're busy testing you; so be sure you can handle what you put out.

Oct 1, 2015

Top 5 Tweets: Week of 9/27

Check out Richard's Gospel

Blessed By Satan

Reposting the following FB message from one of my Facebook friends Kendra Winters:

Good Morning Facebook!

If your "Blessings" are causing you more stress than strength - than you just might have been "Blessed" by satan and not God!
She's on point with this stat because a lot of people think blessings come from God, which they do. The enemy also blesses his people. The difference is that Satan's blessings come with a price. The enemy will never give anyone anything without some kind of attachment, and that attachment is your soul. God's blessings come with no strings attached. The only condition God places on his blessings is obedience; if you do what he commands, blessings flow by default. See, most people don't have the discernment to separate God's blessings from Satan's, and that's what gets people in trouble. Someone can go through life never having heard about Jesus, live the most blessed life possible and think God had something to do with it. Sometimes, that's true because God will freely bless his children and unsaved folks. If you really dig deep, the enemy is the culprit behind their good fortune because he wants their soul in exchange for fame & fortune. Once you sell your soul to the enemy, it's a wrap. You have aligned yourself with Satan so you have to do his bidding. If not, he takes away his blessing and throws you away. Like my friend Kendra stated, if your blessings cause you more stress than strength, then you were "blessed" by Satan. Satan's blessings are counterfeit, God's blessings add no sorrow with it.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.