Oct 4, 2015


When people think of workaholic, what's the first thing that comes to one's mind? Someone who gives their life to their job. They're the first ones there, and the last ones gone. When the supervisor calls for overtime, (s)he's the first to volunteer because most times, they need the extra money because they're buying something special or they want to go the extra mile for their company. Regardless of the reason, what's so bad about being a workaholic? It's tough finding a job today, so when someone finds a job, they probably want to show appreciation for being hired by going the extra mile for their company. The only time being a workaholic is bad is if you have family obligations. You're busy trying to climb the corporate ladder while your family is falling apart. Someone's missing vital events in their kid's lives because they're chasing that big promotion.
(S)he might get the desired promotion, but their spouse may serve them divorce papers because they're tired of being neglected, and the child(ren) become disappointed because their mom/dad hasn't been to their games, recitals, etc. As time goes on, the child(ren) becomes so accustomed to their parent putting their job before them that the child(ren) becomes indifferent towards their parent's presence. It doesn't matter if (s)he's present or not, because they've learned how to live without them. If someone wants marriage and a successful career, they need to understand that one will suffer at some point. Someone with no family obligations has more time to devote to their career. It's nothing for them to put in long hours on the job because they're looking at the big picture. They know where they're going, and they don't have time for a significant other because a relationship will get in the way of where they're trying to go.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.