Oct 18, 2015

People Allow Themselves To Be Used By The Enemy

 One thing that irks me with some Christians is how they like to attribute everything to the devil. "The devil's working through that person to attack a child of God, this and that." Look, we all know the devil's running amok. It's not hard to tell because all you have to do is look around at what's going on. People give Satan more credit than he deserves. I'm going to be real: Sometimes it's not always the enemy working through someone, that person ALLOWS the enemy to operate through them. Did you see how I put ALLOW in caps? I did that to make a point. The point is everyone has a choice to act stupid or act right. The problem is that some Christians make excuses for people's bad behavior. Where is the accountability? At what point do people own up to what they do?
Christians aren't doing the offender any favors by putting the cause on the enemy. The offense should go where it belongs, on the culprit. Only then can healing begin because the offender is willing to own up to their mistake. I'll take it one step further: 10% of the time, the enemy is behind the misfortune, the other 90% is of someone's doing. The devil can't make someone sell drugs on the block, rob or shoot someone; most times that person chooses to do wrong, so some Christians should stop making excuses for what people choose to do. At the same time, the devil does have dominion over the Earth. Why? Because Adam & Eve allowed themselves to be deceived by the Serpent in the Garden Of Eden. When Adam & Eve forfeited dominion over to Satan, that's when he took over from there.
So while Satan does work through people to accomplish HIS purposes, people also have the choice to NOT let Satan use him. There are unsaved people with good morals who choose not to do wrong. Why? Because they know what's right & wrong and they choose to do right.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.