Oct 10, 2015

Wolf Blitzer asks Ben Carson if Obama is a 'real black president'

Let me go on record and say shame on Wolf Blitzer for trying to make Ben Carson look bad. Anyone can see that Blitzer's questioning was designed to trip Ben Carson up so the media can paint Carson in a negative light. Carson outsmarted Blitzer by saying: I'll take him at his word, when Carson was asked about Obama's Christianity. Wolf Blitzer was insufferable in this interview. On the contrary, Dr. Ben Carson was exceedingly patient and not in the least defensive while being asked these questions that had nothing to do with policies of governance. The media is obnoxious. Obama is the President, and he's black. Wolf was trying to get Ben to say something that can be twisted with a gotcha question; very pathetic. Carson would not give Blitzer the answer he wants, BOO HOO! Carson said "Obama is the president and he is Black." Why would he answer the question as to whether he's a "real black president?" What did the speaker mean when he used the word "real", only the speaker knows. Same with the Christian question, Carson said - "I'll take him at his word" Is he an actual Christian, who knows? Maybe he is, maybe he isn't, but all you can do is take him at his word. This interview just goes to show how the liberal media works, trying to catch anyone that doesn't agree with the Liberal Narrative in a gotcha moment. Blitzer was being a prick and Carson wouldn't fall for it. When it comes to politics, you have to watch your words because anything you say, can & will be used against you.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.