Oct 10, 2015

I Can't Use You, So I'm Done With You

Some people are full of crap, and let me explain why. It's funny people have no use for you, once you stop letting them use you. They cut you off. Good riddance! God forbid some people know their worth and won't stand for being taken advantage of. Let the trash take itself out. I've learned that as long as you let folks take advantage of you, they'll stay in your life. If you won't let people run over you, they want to exit out of your life. Let them go! Those aren't people anyone should want in their lives anyway. Most people can relate to this topic because you want to give everyone a shot, but sometimes you can't give everyone a shot because of two reasons: 1. Some people masquerade as genuine and play you once you let your guard down. 2. Some folks are straight with you in saying they will use you if you let them.
 You can't get upset when people use you because you allow it. My thing is: I'm not allowing anyone to use me, and they can kick rocks with sandals on. Mess like this is why I don't rock with many people because you don't know who's real and who's otherwise. By real, I mean genuine people who have your best interest at heart. They've proven themselves loyal from Day 1, so you know they're not going anywhere. You don't have to worry about those A1's taking advantage of you because you're happy to do for them. They do for you just like you do for them. There are too many users and not enough givers. It's your responsibility to figure out who's who, and proceed with caution.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.