Oct 22, 2015

Introspection, Pt. 1

When you stay in your own lane and keep quiet, you find out a lot about yourself. Today I did some introspection and found out I've been holding back. It's for a good reason too. Why should a person give 100% when they're not fully rewarded or compensated for it? Think about it, most of us have Bachelor's and Master's degrees and get paid like we just graduated high school or half way through with an Associate's degree. That's that 100%, pure unprocessed nonsense.
On the other hand ,we do need the money to survive. At best, I've learned that 30-40% is enough. I wonder what I'll learn tomorrow.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.