Oct 14, 2015


The following video shows Ms. Crystal Duck being busted for cheating. Notice how she seems NOT to care like it doesn't bother her. Unfortunately, nonchalant behavior is commonplace for cheating offenders. Just goes to show you that there are foul people in life who don't care if they hurt others. Every time a man blasts his cheating woman on social media, there's always women defending her stupidity. SMH. Some women are saying he was wrong because he should've kept it private, but I say he's right because she needed to be exposed. She had no hesitation about cheating, so all of a sudden she wants privacy to handle their discord? She didn't care, why should he? I could say a lot more, but these videos say it all.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.