Oct 16, 2015

Strawberry Letter: Tired As Hell

As I read these strawberry letters about marital discord, I ask myself: Why do people sign up for marriage knowing THIS is the mess they have to deal with? In short, this man has lost love for his wife because she fell on hard times and refuses to get on her feet. Make it so bad, he's been financing her cheating since 2009, and he hasn't left yet. I know he doesn't want to leave because of the kids, but the children know what's up. They hear and see a lot going on with their parents, they just haven't said nothing. Anyway, this is my response:

What’s the point living with headaches day in and out? His life is filled with disappointment, grief, resentment, and that’s unhealthy. The vision of having someone in my atmosphere who makes me unhappy, has negative energy and no inspiration to do something meaningful with their life can’t form in my mind.
He's stayed too long and it’s time to let go of the nonsense.
His spouse (she’s not a wife) connects with guys because she needs a financial pillow. There’s nothing left when your spouse gives strangers more attention than their designated mate.
Maybe he's unsure how to get out of the marriage, but he’ll pay alimony and child support. HE'S allowed her to be unemployed for too long and his money accustomed her to a certain lifestyle.
People tend to say how “beautiful” their children are, but from what aspect? Children see, feel, and hear friction and conflict that their parents have. Your wife speaks only when she needs something and his daughters know they don’t get along.
I don’t advocate married couples staying together when people have to (1) Tolerate (2) Put Up With (3) Handle or (4) Deal With their mates. Some marriages weren’t meant to be, and it’s best he reclaims his freedom for PEACE OF MIND when it’s apparent that the marriage has ran its course.


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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.