Oct 21, 2015

Strawberry Letter: Oh The Tangled Web We Weave

Lies On Lies On Lies, you folks like that rap? Well, it's fitting for this lady. I understand she doesn't want kids, and she shouldn't. She had 4 kids and the last thing she should want to do is push out another one. She did right by shutting the baby factory down. The problem is that she made up a fake pregnancy because she didn't want to lose her man. In the earlier stages of pregnancy, she could get away with this but as the weeks and months go by, her husband is going to catch onto her fake pregnancy and that's when she'll have serious issues. A woman begins to show as she gets closer to her due date, so she better hope her husband stays clueless. Honesty is the foundation of a solid relationship because if you can't be real with your mate, who can you be real with? My thing is, if he did something similar she would have a fit because he lied to her, but because she's a woman, she gets a pass. The best thing she can do right now is come clean, and accept the consequences.
Nothing means more to a man than having a child of his own, with his lady. However, he signed up for the stepfather role when he agreed to be with this woman. Did he expect her to want to pop out a baby for him when she already had 4? If he can't deal with being a stepfather, then why did he choose this lady for a relationship? Her and the kids are a package deal, so he knew what he was getting into. There's only two choices: He comes to terms with her not wanting to get pregnant again or he leaves for a woman who will give him a child of his own. Either way, she's toast with no jam once her man finds out she lied.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.