Aug 31, 2015

Foreign-born drug lords vs. Black drug kingpins

I've noticed a few differences between foreign drug lords and black drug lords: Black drug lords don't have the business mind that kingpins like Pablo Escobar & Griselda Blanco had. Escobar and Blanco used their money for legit business ventures, and they had cops and politicians on their payroll, so they had to pay them off to have free reign. Plus, they were very careful who they let get close to them. Not all, but a lot of black drug lords will let Ray Ray & nem, and his boys in the crew, not knowing these dudes could be undercover rats. The #1 rule to the game is watch the people around you. What's the first thing a black hustler does when he gets money? He gets flashy. Foreign born drug lords are low-key, they don't like a lot of attention, so they have their goon squad do their dirty work for them. Foreign-born kingpins will rarely step in because they have a team of capable hit men ready at all costs. 
Black drug lords are more hands-on, they like to lead by example: Look at folks like Frank Lucas, Nicky Barnes, Freeway Rick Ross, those dudes weren't above getting down for theirs with their squad. I've also noticed that foreign-born drug kingpins had police and some
government officials on their payroll, so they had free reign. Black drug bosses, not so much. Black drug lords rely on residents in their hoods not to go to the police, and a lot of citizens don't, largely due to mistrust between the cops and inner-city residents. As crazy as this sounds, black drug lords do more for residents in their hoods by helping single moms with rent and food, they buy children school clothes, etc. The subsequent violence that follows in the drug world is what gets a lot of kingpins jammed up because 9 times out of 10, someone rats them out to authorities.

Movie Review: War Room

I'm going to review the Christian film War Room. War Room has been promoted among Christian circles for a few weeks leading up to Friday's movie release. I saw it Saturday morning and wasn't disappointed. The movie was 2 hours, but it was worth it. The theme of the movie is that prayer is a powerful weapon. Tony and Elizabeth Jordan have it all—great jobs, a beautiful daughter, and their dream house. Appearances can be deceiving; Tony and Elizabeth Jordan’s world is crumbling under the strain of a failing marriage. This couple was attacked on all fronts by Satan: The only communication Tony and Elizabeth Jordan had was when they were fighting. They both threw shade at each other, and at times they wouldn't say one word to each other even though they lived in the same house. Watching the movie, you can sense the friction between Tony & Elizabeth Jordan.
Their daughter senses the tension between them and as she's talking with her friend Jennifer, Elizabeth overhears her daughter wishing her parents could learn how to love each other again. Tony's not only treating his wife like an enemy, but he's acting distant towards his daughter. Kids know when their parents are acting funny towards each other: Less interaction than usual, one or both parents throwing shade at each other, or in worst cases, open warfare between each other. An older woman looks into buying another home and Elizabeth is her realtor. What starts off as a showcase, turns into a friendship between Elizabeth and this older woman. The older woman gets Elizabeth to open up about her marriage, and as soon as she starts venting about how bad her husband is, the elderly woman stops her dead in her tracks and asks her: What about you?
The elderly woman causes Elizabeth to work on herself instead of trying to fix her husband. Under the woman's guidance, Elizabeth does her fighting in prayer and as soon as she does, she starts seeing changes in herself and her husband. Elizabeth's daughter shares a prayer room with her mother, and there's a scene of them praying together in the prayer room. Tony Jordan gets real with God and confesses his sins. He goes on a dinner date with an attractive colleague, and as they're talking, Tony gets an uneasy feeling and goes to the bathroom to clear his head. He can't go through with cheating on his wife, so he cuts the relationship off. He comes home one evening and decides to confess to his wife that he almost slept with another woman, and breaks down during his confession. 
Once Elizabeth takes her hands off her husband, God begins to work on their marriage and at the end of the movie, the husband pampers his wife via a sundae and foot rub. Prayer changes things. I enjoyed War Room, and plan on seeing it again.

Aug 28, 2015

10th Anniversary Of Hurricane Katrina

When Hurricane Katrina made landfall on August 29, 2005, it wreaked havoc on the Gulf Coast from Florida Panhandle to Louisiana; most of the damage was concentrated from the MS Gulf Coast to Greater New Orleans. Damage was $108 billion, roughly 4x the damage wrought by Hurricane Andrew. Government officials were pointing fingers at each other, blaming each other for not being prepared for Katrina, residents ignored warnings from city, state & county officials to evacuate, etc. Nobody will forget about Katrina, even those who aren't from New Orleans or the Gulf Coast. New Orleans has come a long way, but there are houses still standing from flood damage; water covered to the roof. Uptown, Central Business District and French Quarter avoided the worst of Katrina because they were built on higher ground, it was the inner-city of New Orleans that was hit hard. The housing projects were flood-damaged beyond repair, so they were torn down (not only because of flood damage, but age and being notoriously violent) and rebuilt.
New Orleans' violent crime issue has made national headlines as the city retains its title as Murder Capital of America, with a murder rate 10 times the national average. Reasons for this are poverty & drugs, and a terrible public school system. Before Katrina, New Orleans murder rate escalated to 10x the national average. New Orleans was on pace to record 300+ murders if Katrina wouldn't have hit. Post-Katrina, New Orleans' murder rate declined by 80% while the crime rate escalated in Houston, Dallas, Atlanta and Baton Rouge. Houston suffered the worst of New Orleans' criminal element as the city recorded 375 murders in the year following Katrina. New Orleans & Houston goons clashed for street supremacy. Houston ghetto criminals fought to protect their drug turf, and New Orleans criminals tried to take over new territory. It's interesting that while New Orleans' crime rate dropped, it increased in other cities that took in evacuees.
In my view, most of the blame goes on residents for ignoring warnings from government officials to evacuate. A lot of residents assumed that because they survived Betsy and previous storms for years, they could handle Katrina. Katrina showed them what time it was when she ravaged New Orleans. 80% of Greater New Orleans was flooded. People who could afford to leave, did. Those who couldn't afford, had to do the best they could to survive Katrina. Regardless, even the most destitute of citizens had plenty opportunities to leave New Orleans, but because of their disobedience, they paid the price.
My heart goes out to New Orleans because it will never be the same. When I visited New Orleans a couple weeks ago, I thought to myself "Katrina ravaged this city 10 years ago." Many of them relocated to Houston, Dallas, Atlanta, etc. because they didn't want to run the risk of another storm. I don't blame them. Many times, having a way out involves relocating elsewhere for a better life. Many New Orleans natives still have love for their hometown (as they should), but a lot of them won't go back because in their eyes, there's nothing to go back to.

Aug 27, 2015

Gov't Economic Policy: Rick Nappier

One time for Rick Nappier for breaking down the economic climate as it relates to these shootings.
In a way, I blame all these shootings on government economic policy.
When jobs become scarce, people get nervous about their current work situation. They come to work thinking that today might be their last day because of layoffs, or being fired unjustifiably.
If they economy is booming, the worker has the advantage because they can leave for a better job, or leave for a higher salary. Not in this economy. Companies have the upper hand because they can work you like a dog because "where else are you going to work"?
The labor participation rate is down to 62%...the lowest since 1979. This means only 62% of the people available and willing to work can find employment. So hell yes, people are nervous about losing their jobs to layoff or getting fired.
When you lose your job, you are about 2-3 months from being homeless if you can't find other employment. The unemployment checks are about 70% of what you could not live on anyway.
Blacks, in particular, typically get the short straw when it comes to employment. Blacks don't own many companies. Unless it's state, federal or county employment, black people represent a small percentage of the private sector workforce. Many blacks don't network nor have colleagues in high places.
And in California, most blacks don't speak they are out of luck again with nothing in their favor. I remember an employee in Sacramento at a national bank was laid off because most of the clients sitting in the lobby were Hispanic and he didn't speak Spanish. So he was mostly emptying the trash and doing clerical duties from the work the Spanish speaking bank reps generated. He was laid off three months later sipping on a refill coffee at Starbucks. I said "what's up playa?". He said he got laid off because the big bank only wanted bilingual bank reps. I told him that he had better take some Rosetta Stone language courses.
So black people's mental state are on the fritz right now about their careers and livelihoods. I tell all black people that they had better start their own businesses so they can stay above the fray or you will become a likely, unfortunate statistic.
In summary, a booming economy causes less work related stress and provides more employment opportunities.


Truthfully, I'm tired of pro athletes getting in trouble for nonsense. These guys have fame & fortune, and still make poor decisions.
Truthfully, most churches are full of bums. 15-20% of church members are actively involved whereas the vast majority aren't doing nothing.
Truthfully, if blacks want commercial investment in their neighborhood, stamp out drugs & violence and commercial investment will come knocking. The only businesses that seem to thrive in black neighborhoods are low-income grocery stores, liquor stores, chicken joints, etc.
Truthfully, I can't wait for Tallahassee Centre to reopen. For those of you who aren't familiar, Tallahassee Mall is being converted into an outdoor lifestyle center.
Truthfully, War Room is going to be the best Christian movie I've seen in a while. It gives new meaning to fighting for a marriage.
Truthfully, if you're not trying to help someone who's struggling, do me a favor and shut up because some folks love to have their mouths running and they're not saying nothing.
Truthfully, it's inexcusable for any able-bodied adult NOT to know how to cook. What are you going to do, survive by eating out 24-7? Stop being lazy.
Truthfully, some inner-city single mothers need to cut the crap. She's dressed from head to toe, but her kids look a mess, shakes head. Both mom and kid should look fly together.

Aug 26, 2015

ICYMI: Controlling Husband | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS

This lady feels like she has no say in her marriage. The husband works & is involved with his children. The wife says he's controlling because he makes all the decisions in the household. Isn't that what the head of household does? Maybe he doesn't trust her decision-making ability so he has to make all the decisions. Even if she has good input, the man makes the final decision. She should be grateful she has an involved husband, because some men aren't. Either they aren't around to guide their family, or some men would rather defer the decision making to their wives. Just because she doesn't have a say in the marriage doesn't mean the boys will grow up dogging women or the girls being shown that they don't matter. When she says her husband is controlling, she really means he won't let her do what she wants without accountability.

Strawberry Letter: Open Marriage

Dear Shirley Strawberry and Steve, 
I am a successful, mature, 24 year old woman with a very optimistic view on life. Some have used the words naive to describe my personality, however I disagree. I am open to the idea of having an open (minus the introduction of other men) marriage. We have rules set in place, no men, no sleepovers, no double takes, and we always protect ourselves. With all this said, is it naive of me to think that an open or sexually free relationship will work? I believe that it can, due to the fact that for some couples it can be a fun and exciting experience. For some, it may bring a couple closer together or give them the sexually satisfying life that they BOTH want and need. Help me to understand if what it is I am doing is wrong for others to disagree so much so with the decisions I have and will continue to make. Personally, I will not live my life based on others opinions but I would like the opinion of a neutral, third (and maybe fourth) party. Thank you for all your comments and advice. 
One thing about these Strawberry Letters is whenever the writers ask for advice, they always get what they ask for. This letter is no different, so with that said, here goes. Naive isn't the word I'd use to describe her desire for an open marriage, more like foolish. First, she's out of her ever-loving mind to think an open marriage is going to work. I say that because open marriages allow for infidelity to destroy a marriage. You and your spouse are sexing someone else, and feelings are bound to develop for someone else. When it comes to open marriages, there are no rules. It's easy to see what she's doing wrong; she's opening the door for infidelity. She obviously has no respect for her marriage if she's entertaining this foolishness. 
You can't say no (wo)men, no sleepovers, etc. because that defeats the purpose of an open marriage. If she's going to have an open marriage, throw all rules out the window. Marriage is ordained by God, a sacred bond between a man & woman to honor and cherish each other for life. I don't see how an open marriage could bring a couple closer together. On the contrary, open marriages would tear couples apart because one spouse may catch feelings for their sex partner and we know how that goes. Once is not enough, some folks want to keep pushing the envelope to see how far they can go.

Aug 25, 2015

I Rep My City

Some blacks are like "I Rep My City", which usually means they rep the hood side of their city: Violence & drugs, poverty, police presence, etc. Many times, some blacks never represent the good aspects of their city because to them that's boring. There's no excitement in representing Stop The Violence movements, or famous inner-city residents who come back to their old hood to give back. That wouldn't draw as much attention as gang warfare, drug pushing, and assault rifle fire. Little do they realize all that negative attention is drawing potential investment away from black neighborhoods because no one wants to invest in a violence & drug-ridden community. These are the same blacks that complain about having to drive far to get what they need. Maybe if some inner-city blacks started taking pride in their hoods, that maybe commercial investment would come. Part of that involves working together to get the criminal element out, and showing support for positive initiatives designed to bring light into distressed areas of their city.

In Love With The Struggle

I'm convinced most black folks love to struggle. Let me explain: Every other conversation goes something like this: You have to go through the struggle to appreciate the blessing, or you can't have prosperity without struggle. That may be true sometimes, but what about those who have good fortune without struggle? There are some people who know how to avoid struggle by being strategic; every move they make, they weigh the risk(s) & benefit(s) before they make a move. If the risks outweigh the benefits, they don't move forward. If the benefits far outweigh the risks, they proceed. That's not to say their entire road will be a smooth ride because there will be hiccups along the way that are out of their control, but successful folks always find a way around those hiccups and keep trucking. 
The only time "struggle" should be worn as a badge of honor is if you have conquered your obstacle; otherwise, you can become so comfortable with struggling that when you finally make it out, you feel strange because all you've ever known was struggle. You won't know what to do with your blessing so you take it for granted. I don't know about anyone else, but I welcome all the breakthrough I can handle because I've struggled enough to last a lifetime. Contrary to what some blacks may think, there really is no honor in the struggle. You're always worrying from one minute to the next how you're going to get this, how you're going to get that, etc. Life is too short, enjoy the sunshine sometimes.

Aug 24, 2015

My Top Tweets

Aug 23, 2015


If God showed you your future husband or wife, but they cheated a few years after y'all married, would you still marry him or her? My response is: No, because God wouldn't ordain a marriage where your spouse would cheat on you; that's foolish. Choosing to marry a person that will cheat on you a few years into the marriage is like walking into a lion's den with a steak tied around your neck; why would you want to? You're just gonna entrust your heart to this person thinking they're gonna take care of it, and boom...they tell you they've been cheating since Day 1 of the marriage. After the hurt wears off, it turns to anger. You can't look at him/her the same way again. King David was ordained as KING at a young age, had an affair & God still used him. 
King David was one of many influential Biblical men who had vile character issues & God worked through them to fulfill HIS purpose. God does not deal in mess, but because we live in a sinful world, people mess up. That doesn't mean we have to take back a cheating spouse. I take marriage very seriously, so seriously that she has one time to mess up & it's a wrap. I will forgive her, but I cannot run the risk of taking her back and she violating our sacred bond again. Here's the catch..she has to be just as serious about our vows. People give their spouse too many green lights to mistreat them, and folks scared to leave because they don't want to be alone. They would rather be mistreated by their spouse than happy single. It's crazy to me, but I don't have to deal with that headache so it's not my concern.

Aug 21, 2015

Michael Baisden QOTD: Are People Genuinely Happy When You Meet The Right Person?

A lot of people are only happy for you when they are happy. If they don't have anyone special or if their relationship isn't working, they have a hard time being genuinely happy for you. Be careful who you share your happiness with. A lot of people will smile in your face, but can't wait until you are having a problem. Some will try to secretly cause problems between you and your significant other. It can depend on how it will affect their relationship with you, and if they are in a happy relationship. If you start spending lots of time with your new love, they may feel left out. Don't neglect friends and family for a new love. You should be able to give some time to friends. If they are unhappy in or out of a relationship, it may make them feel depressed or sad because they want happiness as well. 
Sometimes, I believe that some people are genuine when they say they are happy when you find that special someone. Most times, you can tell on their faces when they aren't. You can tell who really cares/doesn't care about your happiness when you meet that special person. Your circle will become smaller. The people who really care for you will stay the same towards you, regardless of what you can and can no longer do with, or for them. The ones who don't will change on you when it's no longer about them. It's not up to anyone to be happy for me if I find a special person, it's up to ME to be happy. I don't want on approval stamps from anyone. When it comes down to it, your true friends will be happy for you finding true love. Haters? Not so much, but they can eat shards of glass.

Marriage Buffet

If marriage was a buffet, people would pick & choose what they want in a person. They would take the good & leave the bad. Think about it, when someone's looking for a mate, they have a laundry list of what attributes they desire in a (wo)man. (S)he must have this, that and the third. In short, (s)he must be perfect, but expect their mate to overlook their imperfections. Crazy isn't it? If marriage was a buffet, most people would take the good and forget the bad. They would take someone who's loving, driven, attractive, God-fearing, etc. and would leave the flaws at the buffet line because to them, the flaws would make the meal taste bad. There's nothing wrong with wanting the perfect person UNLESS you're perfect yourself. The way I'm set up, my patience is 0 for foolishness. 
If I think an issue is going to be a problem, I let it be known. The other person has a small window to fix the problem or she takes flight. In a perfect world, marriage would be a buffet: You get the person's good instead of their bad. Couples NEVER have arguments, they're always on the same page and because there would be no dissension in marriage, divorce attorneys would be unemployed because they would have no clientele. Because this world is fallen, unfortunately people have to take the bad with the good. Some people can love the good & bad of their spouse, some people can't. For those who won't love the bad parts of their spouse, that's their right. Everyone has the right to have the marriage they desire, provided they're the person they desire.

Aug 20, 2015

Strawberry Letter: R.I.P. To My Sex Life

Today's Strawberry Letter is about a married couple's dead sex life. The reason I call their sex life dead is because this woman's husband hasn't touched her sexually or sexed her in years. The woman is successful by all accounts: Own home, car, good job, and I assume the husband has the same credentials since they're married. From what I read, this woman's sex drive is high and the husband's sex drive is dead. Check this: The husband admits to cheating on his wife during a bachelor's party years ago. The husband must feel bad about his infidelity because he doesn't want to sex his lady. He doesn't know if she's forgiven him or not, and I respect him for being open about his infidelity towards his wife. Most men would take that to their grave.
When he admitted to cheating on his wife, even if she forgave him & took him back, it's hard for him to be intimate with his wife. He doesn't know if she will be responsive like she was before. She may not admit it, but I think she's harboring resentment towards him for his infidelity. I mean, he admitted he cheated on his woman; how else is she supposed to feel? Going further, he's sown his sexual oats prior to marriage, and he has nothing left for his wife; that's where the disconnect comes from. When someone's done this, that & the third with other people, they're going to get tired of sex, even if their spouse initiates. I think this can be fixed; but both sides have to be willing to meet in the middle.

Grown Soul & Real Talk: Give It Up, Or I Cheat

A married man actually put a sex clause in his prenuptial agreement that states: I have the right to get sex elsewhere if my wife doesn't sex me on demand. When I think of prenups, I think of financial arrangements that state both parties enter & leave with what they came. Sex on demand is new to me in prenups because I've never heard of a couple putting this clause in a prenup. This has to be a fake question. If they've already signed it and are already married, why is he asking opinions? He wants co-signers. She shouldn't have signed no crap like that. Of course, everyone has a right to say what they will (not) put up with, but is there anything in the pre-nup that benefits her?! What about cases of illness, etc? What's he going do when she starts menopause and her sex drive drops? He sounds foolish. Why not worry about the reason she's not interested in sexing him, and correct that? That's too much like right because usually when a woman refuses to sex her man, it's for multiple reasons that are within or out of her control.
That's the dumbest thing I've read, and if she signed something so demeaning, she should take a few bucks and buy some self esteem, and a self help book.Why did he get married if his goal is to cheat? What happened to a union and understanding? I'm hoping he wrote this for shock value. What if he becomes severely disabled or impotent, can she go elsewhere to have her needs fulfilled? If the answer is no, then he's selfish. If yes, then again I ask why would he get married? I have two thoughts: He's worried about the wrong thing; perhaps he should study the definition of marriage because he has no clue. Marriage is about much more than "sex." It's about BOTH parties bringing out the best in each other. Second, he's foolish if he thinks this is going to stand.

Aug 19, 2015

GSRT Member Question: Divorce Or Not Divorce?

GSRT Member Question:
I know the divorce rate is high. I know I took marriage vows that said until death do we part. However, my husband of 5 years has had 3 affairs since we've been married.
We went to counseling with our pastor; marriage counseling with a professional too. Now here we are and I just found out he had a one night stand when he was out of town at a conference last month. He always says he doesn't know why he cheats - that he loves me, our sex life is good, etc. He says he doesn't go looking for it, but if an opportunity comes his way he "makes bad decisions". Then he tries to say well, men are gonna be men sometimes. Whatever.
I'm done. I'm ready to end this marriage. My husband, our pastor and even our parents (they know what has gone on) are pressuring me to keep the faith and not throw my marriage away. I can't save this marriage alone and my husband continually does that same thing over and over.
Marriage vows or not, why am I wrong for wanted to call it at this point? How many times do you forgive and try to work on your marriage before you say that's it?

Answer: He's full of crap, and he knows it. He wants an excuse to continue cheating and expects her to take him back each time he blows it. "Sometimes, men are going to be men." If that's the excuse he's going with, then nothing he can say will make her love him like she used to. Only she knows what she can tolerate.
Her parents and pastor are not subjecting themselves to the possibility of STDs, while they are offering their 'opinion'. God knows her heart, and she shouldn't torture herself to maintain 'appearances'. A person can take so much disrespect until they reach the point of no return, and when they do; no amount of apologizing will change that. (S)he will forgive, but (s)he won't have the same love for you as before, and rightfully so. as before, and rightfully so. She must do what's best for her. 
People who want her to stay in a situatuion in which she's repeatedly hurt and disrespected obviously don't care about her feelings, so why should she care how they feel? Her husband is not going to change, why would he if she's going to let other people talk her into staying even though he cheats on her? Why does he ever need to stop cheating if she's not going anywhere? Over the last 5 years she's shown him she'll take whatever he dishes out so she's fooling herself thinking he will change. The pastor is an idiot for even suggesting she puts up with his blatant disregard for her feelings. Going further, the first time he cheated..she should have been out the door. He figures he can cheat on her because he knows she'll be right there. She should leave, and never look back.

Strawberry Letter: Is It Ok To Date My Ex's Cousin?

If she has to ask this question, she knows it's a major violation to date your Ex's cousin. She was probably intimate with her ex before they broke up, and because she's considering dating her ex's cousin, she may decide to get intimate with him if they're vibing. The first thing that comes to my mind is she has no decorum about herself. Dating your ex's cousin is just like dating your friend's ex, that's going to cause all kinds of problems & she doesn't need that. She reconnected with her old friend via Facebook and he blew her mind. According to her, he's a gentleman, handsome and has feelings for her. That being said, why is she checking for her ex's cousin? Her friend that she's reconnected with is feeling her, so she should cut the crap and give her friend a chance. It's said the best couples start off as friends. 
Her choosing to date her ex's cousin is going to cause trouble. Think about it, they're all close so if she decides to date her ex's cousin, and the relationship goes bad, there's no telling what's going to happen. Lord help her if the rest of the family gets out, she's going to be side-eyed by her ex's family. They're going to start gossiping about her, and the dirty looks/shade will be too much to bear and they split. To me, it's foul to date your ex's cousin because that's like dating a family member. You know how some people wouldn't eat everyone's cooking because they don't know how clean (s)he is? This is just like that. To answer her question: No, it's not ok to date your ex's cousin, so she might want to get this nonsense out of her mind.

Aug 18, 2015

No Ring But You Bling | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS

One phrase comes to mind: Lies From The Book Of Lies. She wants a ring, but because he took her word for it, he didn't bother to get her a ring. This is why a lot of men have to read between the lines of their woman. A woman may say she doesn't want a ring, but deep down she does. To a woman, a ring signals commitment. Putting a ring on a woman's finger means she's spoken for. Overall, I think they have a great relationship: They compliment each other; communication, laughing and work through issues together. By all accounts, they have an excellent relationship, so I don't think she should make a big deal over not having a ring on her finger. After all, it's the love that counts. Then again, what you value goes into how you handle finances. This man is a good example because he values material things more than what's important to his woman. 
How can he spend on material things, but not his woman? That should tell her all she needs to know about his feelings for him. I figure, as long as he's not violating their marriage, it shouldn't matter if she gets a ring from him or not. Then again, like I stated earlier, a ring means a lot to a woman. If she's spoken for, she needs that ring as confirmation; otherwise that gives other guys the green light to move in on her. It's in his best interest to get her a nice ring ASAP because I see she's not going to let it go; her not getting a ring. Going further, he should've used the money he spent on those material things to buy her a ring. A man pays attention to his woman's love language, and hers is having a ring, so he missed a vital opportunity to make her happy.

Random Thought: 3 Strikes & Call It Quits

I understand that you should do self-inventory if you're continually being hurt by allowing the wrong people into your life, but...even after having done self-inventory, a (wo)man can still find themselves with the wrong spouse repeatedly. After 3 strikes, maybe God is telling you that being single is better for you because whether folks want to admit it or not, some people really do have bad luck picking mates. Some folks aren't cut out for a relationship, so even if God handpicked someone, that person would probably sabotage that blessing.

Aug 17, 2015

Lions WR Lives On $60,000 A Year

I had to showcase this article for one reason: This man understands the value of money. I don't know his background, but it seems as though he doesn't let money define him, which is more than I can say for many people. Articles like this are a relief from constantly reading about fiscally irresponsible pro athletes. You folks know what I'm talking about: Athlete gets that $200 million contract and goes hogwild, buying a dozen mansions, luxury cars and hooking up everybody and their mama. They're riding high now until they get injured, and that's when the money train stops. What you value goes into how you live your life, and this athlete has the right idea; live on $60K a year and then invest the rest. His reason is he's thinking about life after football. 
Unless he gets endorsements along the way (which I think he will), then that money is going to have to last him a lifetime after retirement, so it's good he's budgeting now. What separates him from most athletes is he understands the value of money. He still drives the same car he did in college, which is great because someone can have a reliable car, but want a new one after so many years of driving the same one. I figure if your car is reliable, keep it even if it does have over 250K miles. With proper maintenance, most vehicles can last up to 300K miles. I applaud this brother for being money conscious, and for having an understanding wife who co-signs his fiscal responsibility. Lord knows if a man is making big money, his woman wants to live lavish: Designer clothes, luxury cars, etc. If you can back up your expensive tastes with the matching finances, more power to you.
As long as he makes good financial decisions, I think he'll be wealthy long after he retires from football.


I'm dedicating today's blog to a few of my Facebook friends who post real statuses. By real talk, I mean these statuses make you think, motivate you, and it's just their outlook on life. Some of them will come from myself, but many of these statuses will come from various Facebookers. Let's get to it.

Myself: I didn't have to see Straight Outta Compton to know there would be heightened security at all cinemas nationwide. I bet there were fights and shootings in various locations that showed the movie.

Trina BabyTee Rogers
15 hrs · 
The problem with the "take me as I am" declaration is, most people who say that have no idea who they are! ‪#‎splitpersonality‬ 

Myself: So women are calling themselves Alpha Females now? Sit down somewhere with that craziness.

Trina BabyTee Rogers
19 mins · 
People treat you the way you act. If you are submissive, loving, respectable, generous and honest with one type of man, yet loud, boisterous, obnoxious, ratchet, independent, and fake with another type of man, how can you bunch them all together and say that group A is better than group B? You aren't showing your true self to either group of men! Stop blaming men for your irresponsible behavior and grow up. If you prefer men from group A, say that, but don't degrade men from group B because you are having an identity crisis. Eventually, the preferred men in group A will turn into group B because you are a C class female under the mask! ‪#‎usingliesasalibis‬

Trina BabyTee Rogers
13 hrs · 
If you're not going to practice what you preach, stay away from the pulpit . ‪#‎lyingtoyourself‬ ‪#‎preachingtothechoir‬

Trina BabyTee Rogers
15 hrs · 
Make sure the thing you like in the opposite sex is because of your preference, not your prejudice! ‪#‎likethishatethat‬

Trina BabyTee Rogers
15 hrs · 
The problem with the "take me as I am" declaration is, most people who say that have no idea who they are! ‪#‎splitpersonality‬

Teresa Marie
1 hr · 
All we can do is our individual bests! It's hard, but we must move forward, and be okay whether it's enough or not!

Shanta Collins
10 hrs · 
Name brand clothes don't make these kids. Y'all trying to run competition for what? Them grades is what MATTERS THE MOST 💯✔💯

Shanta Collins
15 hrs · 
We at age now, to know what we want. And stop playing with people hearts and feelings. It's just causing alot of problems, fights, death. If you ain't ready for an relationship just keep it💯💯. Less drama and confusion.

Teresa Marie
7 hrs · 
It won't come out of you, if it's not in you.

Teresa Marie
7 hrs · 
The way people treat others displays who they are inside.

A.s. Webber
11 mins · 
Life is not promised to no one.......
Enjoy your day..
Make the best of your day..
Stay away from negativity....

Aug 16, 2015

11-year old rape victim gives birth in Paraguay

When I read this article, I was livid for two reasons: 1. The stepfather raped this young girl, causing her to give birth, and 2. The idiot medical professionals who denied this girl an abortion. Under normal circumstances, I would be against abortion because most times, it's an easy way out for a lot of women. They don't want such & such man to see the child, so they kill the baby. Cut the crap; you laid down with that man so even though you may not want the child, he may want to be a father so at least give him the chance to be in his child's life. This is one of the only instances where I'm for abortion. An 11, 12-year old giving birth? Really? I'm glad the baby is healthy, but this is foul on many levels. As for the stepfather, he has a price on his head once he gets behind those bars. It's understood among inmate circles that child sex offenders are hated. They're hated because they victimized a child who couldn't defend themselves. What really irks me is the idiot medical professionals who denied this girl an abortion, and I'll explain why.
This girl didn't ask to be raped by her stepfather, he forced himself on her and as a result she gave birth. That alone qualifies her for an abortion because an 11-year old girl's body isn't tough enough to handle pregnancy. Medical professionals denied this young girl an abortion because they don't care about the woman's welfare. They don't care that this young girl could be scarred for life as a result of this terrible situation, and they don't care how it affects the child. Pregnancy is tough on a woman's body, so I imagine how hard a C-section was for this young girl, who's body hasn't fully developed yet. Again, I'm glad the baby's life was spared, but once the baby gets older, she will ask tough questions the mother may not be ready for. I'm looking at this from the child and mother's viewpoint: Having to explain to your child that they were born under terrible circumstances, and the child growing up hating the man who violated their mom. No one should have to go through that. I'm all for children making an impact on the world, but under the right circumstances.

Facebook Video: Kicked Out Of Ministry

The young lady in this video (Diamond) posted the aforementioned Facebook video because she was ousted from serving in ministry at Detroit's Greater Grace Temple. The reason she was outed was because she stood up for what she felt was right. That's sad that you can't speak your mind without being kicked out of ministry. True, you're supposed to honor those in authority, but if you see something that's out of order, bring it to the leader's attention and let them deal with it. If they don't, that's on them. At least you did your part by bringing the grievance to the leader's attention. I don't see anything wrong with what she did. This video doesn't surprise me at all, because a lot of black churches are petty like that. People get a little power and let it go to their heads. What's more disturbing is Dana's tone had pettiness & jealousy all over it, and had the nerve to say "I pray God's best for you, I love you, but your attendance is not required." Honestly, Diamond has nothing to be ashamed of because she stood up for what she felt was right. The blessing in this is that she's free to do what God has called her to do. The downside about this video is that it confirms what many nonbelievers already believe about church: That it's messy and full of petty so-called Christians. It wouldn't surprise me if the lady on the voicemail (name withheld) got Diamond outed from the armorbearer's ministry because she was jealous for whatever reason. Some blacks are petty like that.

Aug 14, 2015

ICYMI: My 17 Year Old Daughter Is Dating A 35 Year Old Man | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS

35-year old man dating a 17-year old, this is wrong on all levels. First, what could a 17-year old girl have in common with a grown man? They're in different life stages. She's still in school, he's out of school. She hasn't gotten started in her professional life and he's already working. Let me guess, she "loves" him.  She's into older guys because boys her age are too immature; they don't know how to be serious. Forget the semantics, the mother needs to do whatever it takes to sabotage this relationship. There's no way this girl should be comfortable with a 36-year old man. He's got a record, which is a huge red flag. Since they can't possibly have much in common, there's only one reason why a 17-year old and 36-year old man are together, and that's for sex. They've gotta be sleeping together because what are their dates like, dinner & a movie? I don't care what this mother has to do, but she needs to figure out a way to end this madness, even if her daughter may hate her.

With A Man Living With His Ex | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS

This Strawberry Letter is about a married man trying to fix things with his ex, but he's been in his current relationship for 2 years. He says it's for the kids, but his current woman isn't buying it. First, I applaud anyone exiting a relationship on good terms with their ex because the kids need to see that their parents can be civil to each other. Usually when parents split, one parent turns the kids against the other parent and the kids are caught in the crossfire of warring parents. At the same time, when this husband broke up with his ex a couple years ago, that should've been the end. There shouldn't be any room for reconciliation because feelings are still fresh between that couple. Any woman is going to think her husband still has feelings for his ex if he's living with her. If he wants to fix things between his ex, there's no need to live with her. They can communicate by phone, Skype, text, etc. When a man takes a wife, his responsibility is to HER. All exes he has been involved with should be history.
I could be wrong, but I think this man is sleeping with his ex, otherwise why would he feel a need to live with her when he has a wife at home? Some men do pull this: They get married while maintaining ties to their ex. I think some men miss the sex from their exes, which is why many men choose to live with their exes. Then, some men try to hold onto their ex as backup; if their current relationship fails, they can pick up where they left off with the ex. Now, some exes are able to be cordial for the children's sake, while being faithful to their spouses. I co-sign the wife's suspicion as to why her man feels the need to live with his ex. He may be sincere in trying to gain closure with his ex, but he could have a hidden agenda. He may not be sexing his ex, but the wife doesn't know that. She's going to automatically assume he still has feelings for his ex.

Aug 13, 2015

Strawberry Letter: What Is Wrong With My Husband?

Today's Strawberry Letter is appropriately titled because we have a wife who's slighted over her husband talking to other women on social media. She's brought it to his attention and the only thing he can come up with is: It's not like I'm sexing them; we're just talking. It's not that she doesn't trust her husband, she doesn't trust the other women because she doesn't know their agendas. Do these women know he's married? Probably not. I wouldn't expect him to let his wife know he's talking to other women on social media because he knew she would be in her feelings & rightfully so. No woman should be ok with her man talking about his marital life with other women; it's none of their business. If she was talking to other men on social media, he would be ready to fight.. 
She's right in being upset with her husband because he should be able to discuss his issues with his woman. That is why he married her, so they can come together as one. I'm trying to figure out what he and these other women could possibly be talking about that he can't discuss with his woman. She mentions these women were in their 20's and slim, so he could be looking for a
pretty young thing. His wife is thick (she mentions she could be smaller, but she likes her figure), but her age is unknown. She gave him children so that's reason enough for him to appreciate his woman. I think he's outgrown his wife and is looking for satisfaction outside of his marriage. He may not ever cheat on his wife, but he's not doing himself or her any favors by continuing to talk with these women on social media. If he knows what's good for him, the husband will stop talking with these other women and focus on his wife. From the last sentence, she may be on her way out.

Mississippi puts prayer back in schools

Mississippi may be known for its racist history, but after reading about how Mississippi let prayer back in schools, it might be time for me to look at Mississippi in a different light. I want to salute Mississippi for taking steps to rewrite a new history by putting prayer back in schools. Whether people admit it or not, America has degenerated into immorality since the removal of prayer from schools. Corporate greed, corrupt politicians and policemen, and racial division are a few of the issues that have hit America hard recently. Since MS reinstated prayer in schools, students meet around the flagpole for prayer every morning before classes. Congratulations to the State of Mississippi.
Morning prayer dictates the rest of the day because it establishes God's presence in that place. The enemy may try to creep in, but he can't because the atmosphere has already been set by God. I'd like to see other states follow Mississippi's lead and reinstate prayer back in their schools. The only way America will turn it's heart back to God is if prayer is brought back into Anerican schools. If some students don't want to pray, that's their choice and they are free to go. They're not going to stop other students from talking to God. Prayer is a wonderful thing. It sets the tone for your day, and it's like carrying on a conversation with a good friend, except you're talking to God. Looking at the state of society, prayer in schools is sorely needed.

Aug 12, 2015

Answered Prayer: The Power Of Praying With Faith by Pastor Fred Price

Pastor Frederick K.C. Price is a veteran pastor who's been around since the 80's. I grew up watching many of his sermons on his nationally-televised broadcast, which still comes on today. He founded Crenshaw Christian Center in Los Angeles, which is now the FaithDome and has a 22,000+ church membership. This blog is going to be my analysis of the book. Many Christians struggle with their prayer commitment and wrestle with a proper prayer attitude and posture. Through reading this book, Pastor Price has debunked traditional prayer teaching that says: Sometimes God says yes, no, and wait. Some Christians pray the wrong prayer and expect God to cover for them. This book shows how God responds to faith and why it's critical for Christians to understand how to pray in faith and not doubt, ignorance or presumption. My favorite chapter in this book is Use The Right Tool. Just like a mechanic needs the right tools for repairs, Christians also need the right tools for prayer. In other words, different kinds of prayer require different tools. Many Christians aren't aware that there are several different kinds of prayer discussed in the Bible, and if the tools/rules from one prayer type are used in place of another, your prayers will not work. In short, different prayers require different tools. So many Christians wonder why their prayers go unanswered. Much of the reason is because they pray incorrect prayers using the wrong tools. This book has changed my prayer life.

Praying For What's Yours

As Christians, we're all guilty of praying like this: Lord, bless me with financial provision, good health and joy. Why do some Christians pray for what's already theirs? Two reasons come to mind: 1. God wants to hear our voice, and 2. Lack of faith. While it's true that God knows what his children need before they ask, he wants us to bring our requests to him. This is so he can spend time with us. Don't some Christians think God gets upset when we treat him like a genie? I've been guilty of treating God like a genie from time to time, asking him to grant MY requests without considering the fact that he just wants to hear his children's voice. I think some Christians treat God like a genie because God delights in answering the prayers of his righteous children. They can come to God with everything and they're guaranteed a "Yes" answer to their prayers. The answer may(not) be immediate, but they know their answer will be Yes. The 2nd reason is lack of faith, which is where the majority of Christians' prayers fall into the category. Some Christians pray for what's already theirs because they don't believe God will do what he says, so they think by bombarding God with basic prayers, they'll have a better chance of getting them answered. In other words, their lack of faith prevents them from guaranteeing that God will respond in favor to their request(s). I've made a commitment to change my prayer life to one of thanks, thanking God for granting me what's already mine.

Aug 10, 2015

Becoming A Target

Everyone is a target in some fashion. Some people are targets because they take a stand for right, others are a target because they're into illegal activity. When you become a target for standing up for righteousness, you're tired of ratchet behavior and your want to see an end to it. Depending on your state of mind, you may(not) be able to withstand the backlash. When foolishness is used to running amok, of course there will be backlash because no one's used to being checked for their foolery, so they will resist until one of two things happen: 1. They change their ways or 2. You give up because the backlash is too strong. When you're a target, people throw darts. Nobody knows what you don't reveal. You can't hit what you can't see. The best way to avoid being a target is by keeping your business to yourself. By flying under the radar, no one can use your information against you. Anyone who's into target shooting will tell you the same thing: You can't hit what you don't see. If someone can't see your business, how can they throw darts? They can't.

I've Got Some Tea

If a friend's always coming to you with some tea they heard about you, cut them off because they're playing both sides. A true rider will have your back and tell you how they stood up for you when the other person threw shade. Someone playing both sides will keke with the other person, then tell you "I'm not saying no names, but someone's talking down" We've all been there before. I don't care how long you've known them, cut it short before it gets major! Any so-called "friend who's comfortable enough to listen to gossip is no friend at all. These are the same "friends" that will smile in your face; you're too valuable to keep toxic people in your corner. True friends should never get comfortable in gossiping about you.

Aug 8, 2015

Dr. Phil: Homeschool vs. Public School

I watched Dr. Phil and the topic of discussion is Homeschool vs. Public School. The wives are for homeschool and the husbands are pro-public school. Pro-public school advocates are like: Kids need the socialization, and pro homeschool advocates are like: Public schools have too many issues. Let me say this: People talk about socialization, socialization like it's the be all, end all of school. That's the problem, a lot of kids socialize too much instead of focusing on their schoolwork, and usually their grades prove me right. The older someone gets, the less socialization they should need. For me, I socialize when I need to and that's that. There are times where I mingle, and times when I fall back. For parents who choose to homeschool, kids can get the social skills needed by being around likeminded students: book & academic clubs, neighborhood events, recreation leagues, etc. Public school isn't the only place kids can learn social skills. Or if parents want to send their child to traditional school, they can do charter schools or private schools where they'll be around likeminded kids who love to learn. Public schools have too much of a balance, where kids don't want to be there and cause trouble for other students, and studious kids. In short, I see why some parents homeschool.

Here's a couple responses that reinforce both sides of this debate:

Destiny: Charter schools and private schools don't automatically mean that the kids that attend are there because they want to learn. The majority of them are there because their parents force them to be there. I agree that public school isn't the only way for kids to learn social skills. If you are going to home school the parents need to ensure that the kids are involved in social activities. Social skills are important whether you believe it or not and how will you learn those skills if you spend all your time at home with your parents. Keeping them away from everything cripples them. My mom home schooled my sister for years and my little brother for some years and my little sister and I for a little bit but she had enough sense to make sure we weren't shut out from the world.

Me: A good majority of private school and charter school students are serious about their education, more so in the private school setting. Otherwise, why go to a private school and throw away a good education? That's silly. Everything you stated is what I've reinforced about homeschool: Kids do need to be involved in social activities so they can get those social skills they need. Your mom had the balance down of homeschool and socialization. I do agree that some parents take it overboard.

Destiny: It's important because it teaches you how to interact with different people. That's quite difficult when most of your life is spent interacting with your parents and siblings only. This right here is why my mother set up activities for us to teach us how to deal with different people. I know a woman that home schools her kids(they are 14 and 16 and have never seen a public school) but they are very involved with other kids and because of that they are well rounded kids.

Aug 7, 2015

You Are Sentenced to A Life Of Being Alone

I have one question: Why do some people feel a single person is missing out on a relationship? You know what I'm talking about. Some people throw shade at single folks by pressuring them into relationships by saying "You're going to grow old & alone". Looking at the state of relationships,  most singles enjoy their solitude. Think about it, you don't have to deal with someone's annoying personality & vice versa, no compromise, no accountability, etc. A lot of folks do not want to give up their peace for learning to love another person, and especially if the giver doesn't feel the love back. That's my issue with relationships; sometimes, one person feels like they're doing all the giving while the other person isn't returning the love back. Even if someone meets the "right" person, there's no guarantees of an easy relationship. 
You'll still go through bad times, and you have to be patient enough to love your spouse even if you may not feel the love back. Nobody should want to deal with that. I will say this: Salute to everyone who can love their spouse even if they're not feeling the love back, you're better than me because I was raised on reciprocation: Someone does for me, I return the favor, or vice versa. I see why some people say relationships are a full-time job, don't apply if you can't handle the responsibility. It's true, relationships are work because they require maturity, selflessness and compromise. You have to be willing to work through the rough times with your spouse. Everyone isn't cut out for that, and that's ok. I respect some people's honesty enough to state that they don't want to love someone at their worst. At least they're honest with themselves, which is more than I can say for most.

There Is No I In Team

Today's blog message is There Is No I In Team. Where did this topic come from? I posted an article on my Facebook page that dealt with an entire football team being suspended in Utah for cyber bullying, and disrespecting teachers. Some parents were not happy at all because they felt the entire team shouldn't have been punished because a few teammates chose to do wrong. I've said this time and time again, and I continue to be proven right: One person can mess it up for everyone. It may not be fair, but life isn't. This Utah high school football coach is teaching these young men about accountability. If you see some of your fellow teammates do wrong, hold them accountable or you're just as guilty as they are. I salute this coach for caring more about the boys' character than winning football games. It's about time coaches take a stand for what's right rather than co-signing their team's foolishness because they care more about winning.
I do see why some parents are upset at the suspension of the entire football team because a majority of those students weren't a part of the misbehavior, so why should they have to pay for the foolishness of their teammates? That's not fair to them. It goes back to what I said before: One person's misbehavior can affect the entire team because many times, the coach is going to come down on the entire team instead of the perpetrators. In short, I salute what this coach is doing and there's a need for more coaches like him that value character over wins.

Aug 6, 2015

Don't Check My Child(ren)

I don't care who's slighted, but I have to get this off my chest. Parents have a problem with other adults checking their child for disrespect. Well, if you did your job then other adults wouldn't have to.    I'm tired of some parents getting in their feelings because a concerned adult has the guts to try and point your child in the right direction. Let me give an example: Your child is a known bully who has been reprimanded for picking on other students for whatever reason. It's brought to your attention, and the parent shrugs it off like "Oh it's nothing, boys will be boys." Bullying is a serious issue due to its damaging effects on students. Kids are a reflection of their parents. If a child is misbehaving, people look at the parents. The child doesn't know any better, for the most part. It's until the child gets old enough to know right from wrong that everything falls on that child. People need to cut the crap, and stop making excuses for kids misbehavior because it's annoying. If your child is a bully, check them or someone else will. People are losing patience with these wayward youth and taking matters into their own hands. When another adult handles your child, you want to get in your feelings because someone did what you wouldn't do. Some parents are too busy trying to be their child's friend that they let their child run this & that. If a child is disrespectful to me & no parent is around, I will check that child. If the parent has issue with it, they can see me and I'll tell them the same thing. When I was coming up, my parents were well known so I couldn't do wrong without them finding out.

Marriage Is Business, Not Romance

 Salute to my FB friend Hondo Solomon for this topic, because the Bro. is on point. Before anyone reads today's blog message, take a few seconds to read the topic title and re-read it again. The reason I want folks to reread this topic at least 3 times is because a lot of folks are confused about what marriage is really about. See, some people think marriage is lovey-dovey where you come home to that (wo)man and sex them on demand. No, marriage is business & not romance. Why is marriage business and not romance? It's simple: There's legal, financial, and health benefits to being married such as lower tax rates for married couples, spouses recover faster from illness, and from a professional standpoint: Married couples are seen as stable, therefore they're more likely to advance faster at their company, etc. 
Those are some of the reasons why I say marriage is business. Being that marriage is business, you have to do your homework on your potential husband/wife. Find out all you can about them from family & friends, professional colleagues, exes, professors, etc. Getting intel from the aforementioned sources is a great way to find out if someone's worth marrying because you get to learn their work ethic, what makes them happy or mad, their dreams, etc. Once you find out your desired intel, observe how they handle disappointments. How someone handles setbacks is a testament to how they'll be as a husband or wife. If they're quick to give up just because of an issue, then you can bet that they have no hesitation on backing out of marriage. You wouldn't accept the first deal that's presented to you because you could be missing out on something better.
It's ok to say no to marriage proposals because this is life we're talking about. A person may be a great catch, but they're not necessarily a good catch for you.

Aug 5, 2015

Exposing People

What is people's fascination with exposing people? Everywhere I turn, someone's talking about exposing this & that person. My first thought: While you're busy trying to expose someone else, someone is trying to expose you. In other words, make sure you have no dirt before you go trying to expose another person. Better yet, who are you to expose anyone? That's God's job. Unlike people, God keeps careful tally so we get what we deserve, good or bad. I think some people get off on exposing folks because it gives them power. If you put someone on blast, and get others against them,  you feel powerful. Little do you realize, you have your own dirt that has yet to be exposed, if at all. My stance is this: You don't have to expose anyone because the truth has a way of coming to light. In due time, either folks will slip up and expose themselves or people will find out on their own. I believe in giving folks enough rope to hang themselves. Too many people try to do the Lord's job without all the facts. Many times, we expose people out of spite. This person did me dirty so I'm gonna put them on blast. You're not the only one who was mistreated, and you won't be the last. In due time, people will find out someone's true colors and when they do, it's over. All I'm saying is no one is important enough to expose anyone, because we all have flaws. One flawed person exposing another flawed person is the same as the blind leading the blind. If you're going to front someone out, you better be Mr(s). Perfect.

He Said He Had Cancer So I Married Him | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS

The worst thing anyone can do is LIE about having a terminal disease. He knew what he was doing when he made up the fake cancer story; it was to get this woman to marry him and she fell for it. If he lied about this, there's no telling what else he's lying about. If she has any sense about herself, she will reconsider being with him. Here's a major clue that stood out to me that said he was lying: He told her he's been given 3 months to live and he's dying. Now, anyone with a terminal disease who's been given months to live should not be thinking about marriage. They should be trying to prepare their family for the worst because although some people beat cancer, some people it's their time. He wished to be married prior to his death. Why couldn't he propose to her BEFORE this fake death scare? I'll tell you why: He knew in his heart he was lying. He wanted this woman by any means necessary, and like some men, he made up a fake cancer story to tug at this woman's heart; she fell for it. Since he came clean about the fake cancer story, I wonder if she still has the same love for him. They did get married and have a baby together, so it's not like if they divorce, both are free. Even if they don't work out, they are forever bound by the baby. Let's be honest: She knows how to feel. He lied to marry her by making up a fake cancer story. He should've been honest with her and said he wanted to get to know her better with the intention of marriage. Now, she may not believe a word he says because he's shown her he can't be trusted. If she chooses to stay with him and they have an argument, she will have ammunition to use against him. Some women may forgive, but they don't forget.

Aug 4, 2015

Unimportant Matters

A good FB friend of mine Tanya Ware posted the following message on her Facebook page:
Tanya Ware
August 2 at 10:58am 
I really don't know why folks are trippin on the killer of Cecil the Lion. Allow me to clue you in an obvious thing. HE'S A LION! Trust and believe me, all that weeping and getting mad at this white guy (wishing him death GTFOH) means nothing. At the end of the day, if you were in a room with the lion alone, YOU WOULD BE NOTHING BUT DINNER TO HIM. He would not have pity or spare your life. So cut the crap, MAN UP, and most importantly SHUT UP. Show this same passion & empathy for HUMAN victims.

My View: A lion will do what he knows. I'm hungry, oh there is some white meat right there, let me go and get my dinner on. THE END! There is no trickery or psychological warfare. I'm HUNGRY, LET ME EAT. If you dare to come into my space, you better be prepared to either BE MY FOOD OR KILL ME. I promise everyone it is not rocket science at all, only humans think so. Everybody has causes they're passionate about, but let's cut the crap: Cecil The Lion gets more attention than important matters, and that's crazy to me. There are important matters than Cecil The Lion. With that being said, I agree with my friend T. Ware's assessment.

How To Avoid Drama: Andrew Patterson

                             Reposted this from my FB friend's wall. Simple advice for a peaceful life                  

Andrew Patterson
  August 2 at 10:32pm ·
A dozen ways to avoid drama:
1) Staying away from bad people / bad influences
2) Steering clear of troublemakers
3) Not associating with liars / excuse-makers / perpetrators
4) Not getting involved in other people's messes
5) Cherishing and preserving your rock solid relationships
6) Being 100% HONEST (with ourselves as well)
7) Keeping friendships and relationships transparent
8) Avoiding fake individuals
9) Avoiding those whom take advantage of others and you
10) Keeping secrets / confidentiality
11) Avoiding gossip / gossipers
12) Respect and dignity toward others

Aug 3, 2015

RIP Officer Sean Bolton

Memphis' crime issues have been well-publicized. The city has been featured on A&E's First 48. A couple days ago, Officer Sean Bolton was responding to a drug deal at a Memphis apt. complex. Unfortunately, that would be his last call as the cop was shot down by this dealer. Currently, there's a warrant out for the criminal's arrest. Memphis Police, and U.S. Marshalls are in pursuit of Tremaine Wilborn. I'll tell you this: If the U.S. Marshalls are after you, you had to have committed a heinous crime. I expect Wilborn to be caught within a few months. Bolton's murder marks the 4th Memphis police officer to be slain in the last 4 years. It's no surprise that law enforcement is a risky field. Policemen face society's worst daily with no guarantee they'll make it home to their families. Cops risk their lives every day to make sure we stay safe, so when a good cop is killed in the line of duty, I mourn (in my own way) for the officer's family because they have to go on without a husband, father, uncle, etc. I lift up all law enforcement officials in prayer because these streets are dangerous. Cops have to do whatever it takes to make it back to their families. Most policemen don't want to take someone's life, but when they're going against a criminal with nothing to lose, it comes with the territory. Police(wo)men deal with the worst of the worst, and sometimes they're tired of seeing what they see daily, but when they take that oath, they have to honor that.

Aug 1, 2015

My Thoughts On The Political Climate

Something's VERY WRONG here people!!
I've always stood by Obama BUT I can't help notice this red flag when it's the size of a BILLBOARD!! Our top allies adamantly disagree with his agreement, while our top adversaries (opponents) overwhelmingly APPLAUD his agreement with Iran. WTH?!
Either Obama is setting up the next president to deal with MASSIVE BACKLASH, or he really does support Muslim extremists. I'm all for equality and respect, even among opponents, but I certainly wouldn't help to facilitate my opponent in winning against me sometime in the near future! Huh?! Something is VERY WRONG HERE PEOPLE!!

Female Apocalypse

(I'm just posting this so its easy for me to find in 5 - 10 yrs when I'm proven right. Like what I said 5 yrs ago about the Subway guy)
Too many women want all the rights of men, yet all the benefits of women. It's greed and greed ALWAYS backfires. I'll say again, "Soon women will TRULY have equal rights with men in the eyes of the law and the public. Very soon, they'll BEG futilely for regression."
And in related news, as transgenders become more popular equal rights will become more real. The female movement as a whole seems to be too short-sighted to see that Transgenders are their Terminators T-1000.
Enjoy these last 5 - 10 years ladies. Caitlyn Jenner (Congrats BTW!) just EXPEDITED the apocalypse of your gender leverage. What you're NOT seeing is once the line is completely blurred, there can only be one law.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.