Aug 8, 2015

Dr. Phil: Homeschool vs. Public School

I watched Dr. Phil and the topic of discussion is Homeschool vs. Public School. The wives are for homeschool and the husbands are pro-public school. Pro-public school advocates are like: Kids need the socialization, and pro homeschool advocates are like: Public schools have too many issues. Let me say this: People talk about socialization, socialization like it's the be all, end all of school. That's the problem, a lot of kids socialize too much instead of focusing on their schoolwork, and usually their grades prove me right. The older someone gets, the less socialization they should need. For me, I socialize when I need to and that's that. There are times where I mingle, and times when I fall back. For parents who choose to homeschool, kids can get the social skills needed by being around likeminded students: book & academic clubs, neighborhood events, recreation leagues, etc. Public school isn't the only place kids can learn social skills. Or if parents want to send their child to traditional school, they can do charter schools or private schools where they'll be around likeminded kids who love to learn. Public schools have too much of a balance, where kids don't want to be there and cause trouble for other students, and studious kids. In short, I see why some parents homeschool.

Here's a couple responses that reinforce both sides of this debate:

Destiny: Charter schools and private schools don't automatically mean that the kids that attend are there because they want to learn. The majority of them are there because their parents force them to be there. I agree that public school isn't the only way for kids to learn social skills. If you are going to home school the parents need to ensure that the kids are involved in social activities. Social skills are important whether you believe it or not and how will you learn those skills if you spend all your time at home with your parents. Keeping them away from everything cripples them. My mom home schooled my sister for years and my little brother for some years and my little sister and I for a little bit but she had enough sense to make sure we weren't shut out from the world.

Me: A good majority of private school and charter school students are serious about their education, more so in the private school setting. Otherwise, why go to a private school and throw away a good education? That's silly. Everything you stated is what I've reinforced about homeschool: Kids do need to be involved in social activities so they can get those social skills they need. Your mom had the balance down of homeschool and socialization. I do agree that some parents take it overboard.

Destiny: It's important because it teaches you how to interact with different people. That's quite difficult when most of your life is spent interacting with your parents and siblings only. This right here is why my mother set up activities for us to teach us how to deal with different people. I know a woman that home schools her kids(they are 14 and 16 and have never seen a public school) but they are very involved with other kids and because of that they are well rounded kids.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.