Aug 6, 2015

Marriage Is Business, Not Romance

 Salute to my FB friend Hondo Solomon for this topic, because the Bro. is on point. Before anyone reads today's blog message, take a few seconds to read the topic title and re-read it again. The reason I want folks to reread this topic at least 3 times is because a lot of folks are confused about what marriage is really about. See, some people think marriage is lovey-dovey where you come home to that (wo)man and sex them on demand. No, marriage is business & not romance. Why is marriage business and not romance? It's simple: There's legal, financial, and health benefits to being married such as lower tax rates for married couples, spouses recover faster from illness, and from a professional standpoint: Married couples are seen as stable, therefore they're more likely to advance faster at their company, etc. 
Those are some of the reasons why I say marriage is business. Being that marriage is business, you have to do your homework on your potential husband/wife. Find out all you can about them from family & friends, professional colleagues, exes, professors, etc. Getting intel from the aforementioned sources is a great way to find out if someone's worth marrying because you get to learn their work ethic, what makes them happy or mad, their dreams, etc. Once you find out your desired intel, observe how they handle disappointments. How someone handles setbacks is a testament to how they'll be as a husband or wife. If they're quick to give up just because of an issue, then you can bet that they have no hesitation on backing out of marriage. You wouldn't accept the first deal that's presented to you because you could be missing out on something better.
It's ok to say no to marriage proposals because this is life we're talking about. A person may be a great catch, but they're not necessarily a good catch for you.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.