Aug 6, 2015

Don't Check My Child(ren)

I don't care who's slighted, but I have to get this off my chest. Parents have a problem with other adults checking their child for disrespect. Well, if you did your job then other adults wouldn't have to.    I'm tired of some parents getting in their feelings because a concerned adult has the guts to try and point your child in the right direction. Let me give an example: Your child is a known bully who has been reprimanded for picking on other students for whatever reason. It's brought to your attention, and the parent shrugs it off like "Oh it's nothing, boys will be boys." Bullying is a serious issue due to its damaging effects on students. Kids are a reflection of their parents. If a child is misbehaving, people look at the parents. The child doesn't know any better, for the most part. It's until the child gets old enough to know right from wrong that everything falls on that child. People need to cut the crap, and stop making excuses for kids misbehavior because it's annoying. If your child is a bully, check them or someone else will. People are losing patience with these wayward youth and taking matters into their own hands. When another adult handles your child, you want to get in your feelings because someone did what you wouldn't do. Some parents are too busy trying to be their child's friend that they let their child run this & that. If a child is disrespectful to me & no parent is around, I will check that child. If the parent has issue with it, they can see me and I'll tell them the same thing. When I was coming up, my parents were well known so I couldn't do wrong without them finding out.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.