Aug 25, 2015

In Love With The Struggle

I'm convinced most black folks love to struggle. Let me explain: Every other conversation goes something like this: You have to go through the struggle to appreciate the blessing, or you can't have prosperity without struggle. That may be true sometimes, but what about those who have good fortune without struggle? There are some people who know how to avoid struggle by being strategic; every move they make, they weigh the risk(s) & benefit(s) before they make a move. If the risks outweigh the benefits, they don't move forward. If the benefits far outweigh the risks, they proceed. That's not to say their entire road will be a smooth ride because there will be hiccups along the way that are out of their control, but successful folks always find a way around those hiccups and keep trucking. 
The only time "struggle" should be worn as a badge of honor is if you have conquered your obstacle; otherwise, you can become so comfortable with struggling that when you finally make it out, you feel strange because all you've ever known was struggle. You won't know what to do with your blessing so you take it for granted. I don't know about anyone else, but I welcome all the breakthrough I can handle because I've struggled enough to last a lifetime. Contrary to what some blacks may think, there really is no honor in the struggle. You're always worrying from one minute to the next how you're going to get this, how you're going to get that, etc. Life is too short, enjoy the sunshine sometimes.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.