Aug 7, 2015

There Is No I In Team

Today's blog message is There Is No I In Team. Where did this topic come from? I posted an article on my Facebook page that dealt with an entire football team being suspended in Utah for cyber bullying, and disrespecting teachers. Some parents were not happy at all because they felt the entire team shouldn't have been punished because a few teammates chose to do wrong. I've said this time and time again, and I continue to be proven right: One person can mess it up for everyone. It may not be fair, but life isn't. This Utah high school football coach is teaching these young men about accountability. If you see some of your fellow teammates do wrong, hold them accountable or you're just as guilty as they are. I salute this coach for caring more about the boys' character than winning football games. It's about time coaches take a stand for what's right rather than co-signing their team's foolishness because they care more about winning.
I do see why some parents are upset at the suspension of the entire football team because a majority of those students weren't a part of the misbehavior, so why should they have to pay for the foolishness of their teammates? That's not fair to them. It goes back to what I said before: One person's misbehavior can affect the entire team because many times, the coach is going to come down on the entire team instead of the perpetrators. In short, I salute what this coach is doing and there's a need for more coaches like him that value character over wins.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.