Aug 4, 2015

Unimportant Matters

A good FB friend of mine Tanya Ware posted the following message on her Facebook page:
Tanya Ware
August 2 at 10:58am 
I really don't know why folks are trippin on the killer of Cecil the Lion. Allow me to clue you in an obvious thing. HE'S A LION! Trust and believe me, all that weeping and getting mad at this white guy (wishing him death GTFOH) means nothing. At the end of the day, if you were in a room with the lion alone, YOU WOULD BE NOTHING BUT DINNER TO HIM. He would not have pity or spare your life. So cut the crap, MAN UP, and most importantly SHUT UP. Show this same passion & empathy for HUMAN victims.

My View: A lion will do what he knows. I'm hungry, oh there is some white meat right there, let me go and get my dinner on. THE END! There is no trickery or psychological warfare. I'm HUNGRY, LET ME EAT. If you dare to come into my space, you better be prepared to either BE MY FOOD OR KILL ME. I promise everyone it is not rocket science at all, only humans think so. Everybody has causes they're passionate about, but let's cut the crap: Cecil The Lion gets more attention than important matters, and that's crazy to me. There are important matters than Cecil The Lion. With that being said, I agree with my friend T. Ware's assessment.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.