Aug 23, 2015


If God showed you your future husband or wife, but they cheated a few years after y'all married, would you still marry him or her? My response is: No, because God wouldn't ordain a marriage where your spouse would cheat on you; that's foolish. Choosing to marry a person that will cheat on you a few years into the marriage is like walking into a lion's den with a steak tied around your neck; why would you want to? You're just gonna entrust your heart to this person thinking they're gonna take care of it, and boom...they tell you they've been cheating since Day 1 of the marriage. After the hurt wears off, it turns to anger. You can't look at him/her the same way again. King David was ordained as KING at a young age, had an affair & God still used him. 
King David was one of many influential Biblical men who had vile character issues & God worked through them to fulfill HIS purpose. God does not deal in mess, but because we live in a sinful world, people mess up. That doesn't mean we have to take back a cheating spouse. I take marriage very seriously, so seriously that she has one time to mess up & it's a wrap. I will forgive her, but I cannot run the risk of taking her back and she violating our sacred bond again. Here's the catch..she has to be just as serious about our vows. People give their spouse too many green lights to mistreat them, and folks scared to leave because they don't want to be alone. They would rather be mistreated by their spouse than happy single. It's crazy to me, but I don't have to deal with that headache so it's not my concern.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.