Mar 31, 2015

Are Men Really Powerless?

Let some men tell it, they can't avoid "the trap". The trap is when a man lays down with a woman, gets her pregnant and she puts him up for child support. He wants to spew how the woman is responsible & he didn't sign up for parenthood. Sorry to break it to these guys, but when you lay down with a woman, you consent to parenthood whether you like it or not.

The following comment is from a Facebook group post discussing single parenthood:

Women have control over their wombs, we all know this. However, a woman isn't forcing a man to phukk her, he makes that decision on his own. It's comedy to me how some men are ok with laying up with a woman, but they don't want the baby that comes with it. This isn't Let's Make A Deal. If you lay down with a woman, you agree to parenthood whether you like it or not. If some men weren't such coochie hounds, then there would be no OOW births, but today's men can't seem to think beyond their lower head, then want to bellyache about child support, baby mama drama, this and that. Sometimes, I feel like I'm the only dude that's not moved by action. Let these men tell it: Cooch has a stronghold on their lives that they can't seem to fight the temptation to have sex with a woman just because she offers.

Some men need to understand one thing: You're man enough to lay down with her, be man enough to take whatever comes.

Women: Same thing. Clink clink lock down. Stop telling these dudes you want to have their baby. Smh

Mar 30, 2015

Fussing & Tripping=Love & Loyalty?

There are some women who really adhere to this foolishness. Well, sensible, well to do men aren't bypassing the difficult women and going to the easy-going ones. I've lost compassion for men who complain about their difficult women. You picked her, so you must have saw something in her that you liked, so cut the crap. I'm going to cut & paste a few comments from this thread:

Zwena Thomas: But why u gotta be so difficult to deal with tho? Cant u just be normal? Smh...too much to put up with, ill pass if i was a guy

Khrystle: She's making normal behavior out to be something extraordinary because somewhere along the way she was told that women should not be emotional, worry, get angry, feel sad, feel uncertain, want attention, or just be human. She's talking about being human and men often have these same feelings but they express it differently. She believes she's difficult because someone who probably wasn't worth her time or really didn't give a damn told her she was. It's funny how the messages we receive shape the opinions we have of ourselves.

Nathan Bruce: This is the reason why most women like this are cronicly single. The fact that she had to explain her flaw is a testament to that.

Mary Stieff: We misconstrue some things to be flaws when they are natural human feelings and emotions.  If you show emotion, you're too emotional.  If you show hardly any, then your trying to be a man.  Indecisiveness is a flaw because some of these men are real confused as to what they want.  It won't necessarily be both ways.  Usually, one or the other.

Jerome: Having flaws is human Mary Stieff & Khrystle Nichole, that's one thing, not having the humility or character to address and modify them are totally different, there should never be anything excessively difficult and incorrigible about a woman, NOTHING!!

Michael Moultrie: Life is too much a battle in the streets and in the corporate world to come home and put up with somebody who is supposed to be my other half. Dudes can have that type of woman.

Conclusion: Bragging about being difficult to love is not a good look, for men or women. People with this mindset weed themselves out of the dating pool, as they should. 

Mar 29, 2015

Dying For Respect

Respect is so important to people that you can lose your life for it. You don't believe me? Get into it with somebody & they say something crazy to you, you'll be ready to get street real fast. In a way that's understandable because for some people, respect is all they have. They have nothing else in their lives but their respect, so they're doing all they can to hold onto that. In the inner-city, the slightest infraction can end in death. These young brothers are quick to shoot you for disrespecting them, which is why a lot of senseless murders happen in the black community, because of pride. Everyone has something to prove; nobody wants to be disrespected and I understand that. You're not supposed to let people disrespect you, because if a person can get away with disrespecting you, they'll keep pushing the envelope. At some point, people need to value themselves enough to where they won't stand for shade from ANYONE. I have a motto that's served me well for years: People don't have to like or love me, but they will respect me, and vice versa. 

Mar 27, 2015

She's Not About That Life

You have women who can't get committment from their men to save their lives, and she pulls this. The next time I read a Facebook post about how men have committment issues, I'm showcasing this Strawberry Letter along with my response. People must realize that women & men have committment issues. Let the world tell it; men are afraid of committment. Looking at this letter, I can't tell because if all the men she's dated were so "good", why is she shook by marriage? Lots of reasons: She's not ready for marriage, she's afraid of failing as a wife, she has some maturing to do, etc. Marriage is nothing to be played with. You're making vows to that (wo)man and God to be there for each other in sickness & health, rich & poor, etc. Best case scenario, she's not ready for marriage and decides to take time to figure out who she is and what she wants. She won't be a statistic as an unwed mother because she followed her discernment. She won't waste years with someone who's not right for her.
Worst case scenario, she gets married and has children with the wrong person. Years later, she realizes she married the wrong man. The end result is a lengthy custody battle, divorce & alimony, child support payments, etc. Most of all, she'd be another baby mama & there's far too many OOW mothers in the black community. She wants marriage & children, but when the opportunity presents itself, she chickens out and calls the wedding off two days before the ceremony. I don't blame her parents and friends for being agitated towards her, because I'm sure they've told her many times to make up her mind. She needs to make up her mind: Either she's about that married life, or she's not. No sense in wasting her & the other men's time. If she had good discernment, she would know who's the right man for her and she'd have no hesitation about marriage. She must be a top-notch woman if she's been engaged 18 times. Some women are lucky to make it to engagement. My hope is that she learns to be sure of her desire for marriage.

Empty Promises

This is a classic case of the tables turning: She had his back when he was down, and now that he's come up, he's acting brand new. The more I read these Strawberry Letters, the more confirmation I get that the only person I can put stock in is God. Unlike people, God doesn't act brand new with us, although we act brand new with him. You all know what I'm talking about: We get in a bind (through no fault of our own, or by our doing) and ask God to deliver us. He delivers us, and we get to showing our behinds like we pulled ourselves out of our mess. Correction: GOD pulled us out of our mess, because if it wasn't for him, we would still be in the same predicament, or worse. Back to the story, she has every right to feel some sort of way. How anyone could act brand new toward the person who helped them come up is beyond me. He should be ashamed of himself because if she brought up how she had his back, he would be in his feelings. She's answered her question of what she needs to do: LET HIM GO. Couples are supposed to have each other's back.
When you're in a relationship with someone, you're supposed to bear one another's burdens (within reason). It goes along with the phrase: "One person struggles, we all struggle." When one person is weary in a relationship, the other one feels the effects indirectly. If she can't count on him to be there for her in her struggle, she shouldn't be with him. She sounds like a good-hearted woman, so she has her answer. She can continue dating this guy, and it's more of the same behavior, or...she can know her worth and find someone who will appreciate her, because it sounds like he doesn't.

Mar 26, 2015

Do It Yourself

I've been a Sweetie Pie's fan since it's debut. Ms. Robbie Montgomery started Sweetie Pie's restaurant after her singing career ended because of a collapsed lung. As a business owner, no one will be as passionate about your business as you, so you have to be there daily. Sure, you can hire folks to help you run the business, but it's not the same as being an owner. The owner had a vision for their business, and they made it happen. Ms. Robbie has been running Sweetie Pie's for decades, and as she continues getting older, she hints around retirement. She deserves to relax because she's worked her whole life to get where she's at, and now it's time for her to enjoy her golden years. There's only one problem: She can't retire because management is at each other's throats, and the employees clown around a little too much for my taste. As an owner/operator, you should be able to trust your employees to do their jobs in your absence; after all, that's why they were hired, to do a job. The only one Ms. Robbie can trust to run the business is Tim, everyone else is iffy which explains why Ms. Robbie has to be there daily. Being her son, Tim is committed to the family business and has come up with great ideas for expanding the family business, including opening restaurants in different locations. I can't see Ms. Robbie leaving the restaurant in any of the other employees' hands, because they would destroy what Ms. Robbie worked so hard to build. Hopefully, Ms. Robbie can get away for a few weeks with no worries as to how her business is going, because she deserves a break.

Motivational Tweets

Mar 25, 2015

A Prayer For Those Battling Addictions

I get daily prayers from CALLED Magzine, and I make it a point to read these prayers aloud because I like to speak positivity into the atmosphere. This prayer is for anyone battling addictions of any kind. I hope this prayer encourages you to continue fighting; here we go:

Father, we pray for those who are struggling with addictions (to drugs, alcohol, food, unhealthy relationships, shopping, sex, gambling, smoking, and anything that destroys their soul and body).
Please supernaturally break the chains of addiction, and strengthen their ability to overcome their battles, and please comfort the people who love them.

Is Being Broke A Good Thing?

There's levels to everything in life, and being broke is no different. When you hear the word broke, what's the first thing that comes to mind? You have no money, right? Right. Contrary to what a lot of folks think, there's two levels of being broke: You have your good broke and bad broke. The difference between good & bad broke is simple: Your bills are paid for the next few months, and you have little to nothing left over. Let these people tell it, you're broke because you have no money in your pocket. It boils down to priorities. What do you value most? What you value goes into how you handle finances. Bad broke is when you spend foolishly and you have no money when you need it. I don't know about anyone else, but I'd rather be broke from handling business first, than from balling out of control. The Bible says that we are to be good stewards of his money. God gives abundantly to those who are faithful with little. I used to believe that being broke was a bad thing, but as I got older,  I got a clearer understanding of the term broke. If you're going broke trying to fund a new endeavor, that's not a bad thing because the dividends you reap from that are endless. What you paid for, you'll get back 100fold, and you realize that it was worth it to be broke temporarily. Now if one is constantly broke, then their financial game needs to be stepped up. The only time being broke is acceptable is when you're trying to better yourself, because later on you'll reap the benefits of that sacrifice. You sacrifice temporary comfort for the greater good.

Mar 23, 2015

Movie Review: Do You Believe

Do You Believe was one of the greatest Christian movies I've seen in a while. This movie did an excellent job of showcasing the temptations that Christians face in their walk with Christ. You had two brothers who were gangsters, an EMT who stood firm on his faith even though his wife was putting nonsense in his ear, a doctor who didn't believe in miracles, an elderly couple who took in a single mother and her daughter, plus a few other characters. Each of their lives intertwined at critical junctures in the movie. Two characters stood out to me in the movie: 1. The two gangster brothers. One guy called himself Kriminal (yes, he spelled it with a K) & his brother's street name was PB, short for Pretty Boy. The themes in this movie were forgiveness, God's love & redemption. A lot can be taken from this movie, but to me the film focused more on redemption, showing God's love to hurting people and forgiveness.
The second character that stood out to me was the EMT who caught flak from his superiors and a woman for sharing his faith. Even his wife was trying to fill his head up with nonsense, but he wasn't having it. He stood firm in his faith even if it was going to cost him everything. Not many Christians can honestly say they're willing to risk everything for their faith in Christ. Considering what Jesus did for mankind when he died on the cross, his followers risking everything for Him pales in comparison. When the EMT ministered to the deceased man, he got in trouble by the Union and his supervisor. His wife was no help because instead of standing by him, she was talking crazy about how he needs to apologize, think about the family, etc. Then the deceased man's wife wanted to ruin the EMT. He couldn't win for nothing, but he didn't waver even though he had reason to. Those who claim to have your back, have your back when everything's sweet.
It's easy for your faith to be strong when you're not facing persecution; anybody can do that, even the unsaved folks. The true test of your faith is when you're facing persecution from all sides. A true soldier will stand firm in their position and won't fold. Pretty Boy gave his life to Christ, followed by his older brother, then the bitter woman who was out to ruin the EMT came to her senses and felt like poo for the way she treated the EMT. He could've let her die in that collision, but he saved her life because of the God in him. If someone's into it with another person, and the enemy's life was in danger, most people would just let the enemy die & keep it moving.
This movie was a great lesson in loving your enemies, and redemption. Thumbs Up, Hollywood did a great job with this film.

Mar 22, 2015

Timing & Opportunity: Khrystle Nichole

Khrystle Nichole
7 hrs · 
We make a lot of decisions based on timing and opportunity. Most of us believe timing and opportunity have to be perfectly in sync. Sometimes they are, most of the time they are not. Sometimes, we have the best opportunity laid before us at seemingly the worst possible time. This is the reason why many of us pass up great opportunities. Sometimes the time is right, but the right opportunity isn't there. This is why many of us end up settling for something less than what we really want. We feel that it's time to do something or we are now ready to do something. This is where our patience and faith comes in. We must believe that we deserve to have what our hearts desire and we can have whatever we desire if we just learn to trust the process and be patient. The next time you get that great opportunity at that imperfect time, take it! Although you may not understand why now, it is meant for you now, not later. The next time you think it is time to do something or have something and what you want isn't available, don't settle for what seems to be "just okay". Wait. Just because it is not happening for you right now it does not mean it won't happen. There is no such thing as right thing,wrong time, wrong thing, right time. Whenever The Creator brings it to you, then it is for you. Ultimately, you cannot make what He did not design for you work for you. His timing is not always on your time, but He is always on time.
I hope each one of you have a blessed week.

Mar 21, 2015

Book Review: The Harbinger

I've read The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn, and have attended the Thursday evening classes taught at my church. The Harbinger is a must-read for the following reason: It's far more than a prophetic warning to the United States; it's an unveiling of God's ways. Cahn carefully unfolds how God renders judgment of a nation in balance with his compassion. I've read the book twice and each time, I realize that society is blind to God's ways and in awe of how thorough God's warnings are. The Harbinger is the most precise scriptural revelation of God's American passion. The message is critical: America must heed the warning and turn back to the one who once blessed this nation. The book uncovers the mystery behind 9/11, the Iraq war, Wall Street Crash, America's future, and other events. Looking at the state of society, anyone can see America has turned it's back on God. What was once taboo, has now become acceptable. Christians can't speak out against immorality without being called intolerant, Bible thumper, etc. Prayer was taken out of schools because one woman got in her feelings. Where was the church? The church was sleep because God's people let one woman determine the course of America. As soon as prayer was taken out of all facets of American life, I knew it was a matter of time before America fell apart. 9/11 struck, followed by the Iraq war, the economy collapsed, and the gay & lesbian community is showing their behinds with their lifestyle. Back then, homosexuality was taboo. Gays had to keep their lifestyle on hush status, but as time changed, gays & lesbians have become comfortable with their lifestyle and decided to put it in the open. I guess they forgot what God did to Sodom & Gomorrah: God destroyed Sodom & Gomorrah based on the cities' depravity. An unintended consequence of removing God out of American government is people getting in their feelings about why God allowed this and that to happen.
When you remove God from American government, the devil creeps in and wreaks havoc. I'm tired of hearing people complaining about why God allowed calamity to happen. God didn't intend for society to turn out the way it did, but because America turned its back on God, God took his protective hand off this nation. In doing that, America is vulnerable. Until America turns back to God, more of this nonsense will continue happening: children suffering from disabilities, famine, war, crime & violence, etc.

Mar 20, 2015

Dramacidal Life

What's life without drama? Pretty dull you say? I beg to differ. Look around you, there's drama everywhere: In the media, neighborhood, school, workplace, etc. It seems like everywhere you go, there's some drama going on. Either you're involved in drama, know someone who's into it with somebody or witnessing some drama. The crazy thing is that drama sells: Look at these reality shows; drama is a staple because no one would watch if everyone was getting along. I'm going to be real and say I wouldn't watch a reality show if there was no conflict. Why would I? Everyone's on one accord, and as crazy as it may sound, no one wants to see people get along. People want to see drama. This is MY VIEW on drama, and it's going to offend some folks, but I don't care who's slighted: Excluding myself, people who say they're not about drama are the main ones involved in it. Those who aren't about something don't have to voice it every 5 minutes, it shows in their association. They're very careful of their company because many people realize that you are the company you keep. If you hang around dramacidal folks, what do you think others will label you as? Dramacidal. You can be squeaky-clean, but if you hang around messy people, you're messy by default. People stay in drama because they put themselves in dangerous situations. If you ride solo, you have no worries. You can see drama coming from a mile away, and SWERVE. It's funny how drama free folks are labeled boring because they don't involve themselves in mess. If being drama free is boring, I'll embrace boredom with pride. I'm not about that dramacidal life, I'll let other folks have that. 

Am I Wrong For Filing A Claim Against Him?

Most friends loan each other money with the understanding that they will get their money back, or some friends loan each other money and not expect it back because in the lender's eyes, that's his/her friend so they get a pass. This Strawberry Letter is proof of why if someone decides to loan their "friend" money, they should consider it a grant because odds are, (s)he won't get it back, as is the case with this letter. This woman didn't have to loan her friend money, but she did it because he was in need. Now this jerkoff shows his behind and talks junk to her like "forget you, I'm not giving you nothing" She flipped the script on this joker and decides to take him to court, and now he gets in his feelings. He should've thought about that before he decided to flex on his friend. Newsflash bro: At that time, you needed her more than she needed you. She didn't have to give you the $600, but she did it because y'all were tight. All he had to do was pay her back, and there would be no need for a claim. Or if he couldn't pay at once, he should've agreed to $150 a month for 4 months.
Because she filed a claim for her $600, this COULD damage their friendship. Money usually does that, especially if one friend owes the other. This is why unless you and someone are really close, it's best not to loan money because you may not get it back; I'm just being honest. You want to help your friends (and you should) because by default, you think highly of them and understand they'll appreciate the gesture, but sadly, some so-called friends will react just like this guy did to her. She has every right to be hurt, but she has to reconsider her friendship with him. If he pulled this, there's no telling how he could try her. To go Biblical, don't give the devil any inch in your life because he will go all the way. Stick to your guns ma'am, and get your money by any means necessary. If this damages your friendship with him, tough nuggets. He brought this on himself, so he should be mad at himself for showing his behind. Knowing how I am, I probably would've said: I've been waiting for too long, I'm out of patience. If you don't have my money, I'm gonna mask up and take it.

Mar 19, 2015

Happiness & Joy: Dr. Ben Tankard

Pastor Tankard's 3/15 sermon was about Happiness & Joy. It's a very practical sermon that all of us can take from. Click on the link below for the streaming sermon.

Mar 18, 2015

Random Thoughts

Today's blog message is titled Random Thoughts. Many of them will come from myself, others come from various tweeters on my timeline. Let's get right to it:

 I hate how some men think their size means that somebody supposed to be shook by them. Big guys get dropped just the same as anyone else.
 I already know a woman will be difficult if she says: What's life without a little drama? Pretty dull, I'd say.
I can't stand these sucker for love folks; the ones that'll take any and everything from someone because they're scared to be alone.
The police should be grateful that the hood gives them job security.
@TheDestinyDome: You can't be afraid to testify because just hearing your story will encourage someone else.You never know who is on the verge of giving up.
@RichardMIATL: "To avoid doing too much, sometimes you must simply do nothing."-Chill Sampras Myrie Ashby
@RichardMIATL: Half of the mess in society wouldn't exist if zero tolerance was enforced across the board.
@RichardMIATL: Don't worry about tomorrow. It will take care of itself. You have enough to worry about today.
@RichardMIATL: Funniest part this season was when the twins (Latisha and Lakisha) asked Marcus who's butt was the biggest. Marcus knew.😂😭 #ThickerThanWater
@RichardMIATL: Some folks got me messed up thinking you can spread God's Word for free. It costs 💵💵💵to deliver the gospel of Jesus Christ, so cut the crap.
@RichardMIATL: Shout out to the Tankards for a wonderful season and a better ending. Looking forward to Season 3. #ThickerThanWater
@RichardMIATL: Nene is full of crap. When she can't dominate a conversation, she runs off. Nobody feel sorry for her.
@PatriceJWill: How people treat others they don't like is how they'll eventually treat you! #RHOA
@RichardMIATL: The way Mama Joyce all up in Kandi's marriage, you'd think Todd is married to Kandi & Mama Joyce. That's why Todd has checked out. #RHOA
@RichardMIATL: You have to crawl before you walk, but after that, you need to be running your own.
Pardon the profanity, but this makes sense:
@ugglyyy: if you don't see yourself having a child with this person why the fuck are you doing an act with them that MAKES BABIES?

Mar 17, 2015

Choices: The Set Up

Many of these Strawberry Letters seem to have the recurring theme: Woman meets her man's father and brother, and she magically ends up on her back in the basement with each of them. She's just nasty because if she's getting down with her husband's father and brother, there's no telling what other men in his family she's doing it with. If she was being tested by Shaun & Harold and the father, she failed miserably because all this was was a test of temptation; would she yield to temptation? Guess what, she did. That alone signals she can't be trusted because what if they get married, and she meets some more handsome men? Chances are, they're going to ask her to come home with them and she's going to end up on her back. Oops, my bad: She's used to being on her back. When I tell you this family is messy, this family is MESSY. Everybody sleeping with everybody, and whenever drama breaks out, the first thing that will be brought up is the (wo)man sleeping with a family member. The minute I heard that my woman sexed a male family member, marriage would go out the window: I don't want no explanation, NOTHING. Foulness of this nature can't be explained. The woman's more at fault because she chose to be a ho. She chose to violate her commitment to Shaun, and he's foolish for considering to still marry her after she pulled this. I guess I got one thing from this Strawberry Letter: It's No Fun If The Family Can't Have None. The family set her up and she fell for the okie doke.

Mar 16, 2015

Spreading The Gospel

Megachurch pastor Creflo Dollar is getting lit up on social media, so much that he took down his Facebook page asking supporters and his parishioners to give him $300 so he can buy a new jet to continue spreading the gospel worldwide. The cost of this jet is $65,000,000. Personally, I knew this was adding fuel to the fire; it gave unsaved folks more of a reason to go in on Christianity. Even some  Christians are going in on Creflo Dollar. Some folks irk me thinking you can spread the gospel for free. It costs to spread God's word, any minister will tell you that. This isn't Biblical times where Jesus spread the Good News on a donkey, so why do some folks feel that ministers shouldn't ask for money from their regular members? It's crazy to me because you're being fed on Sunday and Wednesday (plus reading God's word on your own, which is what Christians should be doing), so the least some members could do is financially support the Man Of God who's speaking into their lives.
I expect backlash from unsaved folks because many of them don't know any better. They're looking for any reason to criticize Christianity, so they don't count. Let those same folks get in a bind, and the first thing they want to do is run to the church for help; yet they have so much to say about ministers asking for financial help from the congregation that they minister to on a weekly basis. I have so much respect for ministers who labor on God's behalf. Ministry is a thankless job, and it takes a selfless person to give of themselves in that manner. I remember when Creflo Dollar first started World Changers Ministries, he paid his & the church expenses out of pocket. He had to because he was getting his ministry off the ground. God multiplied Creflo's ministry to where it's one of the most popular ministries in Atlanta, and worldwide. If anyone thinks the Gospel can be spread for free, they're crazy because in today's technology age, spreading the gospel costs money, and rightfully so. This isn't Biblical times where Jesus rode a donkey and spread his gospel for free.

Mar 13, 2015

No Quality Men Left?

This is a message from Lotus (real name withheld for confidentiality reasons) of How To Be A Woman:

How to Be a Woman
March 9 at 3:50pm · 
There are many women that believe that there are no quality men left. That idea is a fallacy by the way. But, to those women I say, if you want to see more quality men, raise some. Let's be clear, it's our belief that a woman can't raise a boy to be a man. We must foster environments that are conducive to healthy co-parenting relationships. In the absence of the child's father, it is your duty and obligation to expose your boys to positive male role models. Do single mothers raise boys that turn into quality men? Sure. But, in the absence of the boy's father, somewhere along his journey to adulthood to becoming a quality man, he got to see another MAN being there and raising his children. He got to see another MAN going to work everyday providing for his family. He got to see another MAN treating his wife like a Queen because she did the same for him. He was privileged enough to witness a man's integrity because that man kept his word. He was privileged enough to observe a man lead and was taught that he should do the same. He was privileged enough to witness positive male role models that made him want to be one for other boys. And, he was privileged enough to be exposed to the soul of a warrior, the mind of a God, and the actions of a King and was privy to the lessons that only a quality man can teach.

Where My Doggs At?

I want to give praise to God for keeping me covered under the blood of Jesus. He's given me hands-on parents that bathe me in prayer, & because of that, I haven't been sucked into the streets. My heart breaks for these young cats who don't have the love & acceptance from their parents, and they look for it in gangs. My question is: You're in the streets head first and you form bonds with your crew; y'all hustle and thug together until both of you get caught up by the police. It's no surprise that black neighborhoods have heavy police presence because unfortunately, inner-city black neighborhoods are violence-plagued. When you're in the streets with your boys and the police catch up to you, what do you think the cops are going to do? They use the Jedi Mind Trick; butter you up by offering you coffee and cigarettes, get you comfortable enough to start telling. Once the suspects get real comfortable with the investigator, someone will start singing.
You don't believe me? Watch First 48. Two people are arrested for a triple murder & neither of them want life with no parole or the death penalty. Friendships go out the window because both of these dudes want to get back out to one of these women, riding your chevys and bentleys, etc. Some of the nation's most notorious gangsters will tell you the same thing: The streets don't love you, they take you away from those that do. That's why I couldn't be into the streets, because the way I see it is that I've got too much to lose. I've got success out there with my name on it and if I'm jammed up, that messes up my plans. I also wouldn't be able to trust those I'm hustling with because when it comes down to it, if the cops arrest us for major felonies, I don't know if my partner in crime will have my back. He's fighting for his life, which is what he's supposed to do.
The way the streets are now, it's not like it was back in the 60's and before. You had loyalty among notorious gangsters & criminals. There was a strict code of ethics among gangsters that if you're doing dirt and you get caught, you face your time like a man. If a man was doing life, he had his friends look out for his family. You don't take your partners down with you because for whatever reason, you want to get back out there. Fast forward to 2015, you have young brothers telling on each other because they don't want to do that 50 to life bid, yet they knew what they were getting into when they were in the game. Where My Doggs At? Your "doggs" won't be there for you when the cops are asking you what happened the night of the murder, and if they are, they're looking out for themselves. They're not taking a first-degree murder charge for you.

Mar 12, 2015

Me Or Her?

Once upon a time, a man broke up with his woman and that was that. Sometimes, he had good reason to leave, other times he left out of haste. It was seldom a man left his woman out of haste because he wanted to make sure he had good reason to leave her. Fast forward to 2015, and you have (wo)men breaking up with their mates and getting back together. When I hear someone say they've been together with such & such person for 8 years on and off, I shake my head in silence because that's bonkers. You break up with someone, then you get back together; rinse and repeat. At some point, you have to make up your mind. If you're going to be with a person, be with them. If you decide to break up with them, do it and stick to your decision. The woman has every right to question her man's feelings for her because he doesn't know who he wants. The first time he and her split, all contact should've been ceased: No e-mail, text, call, NOTHING. Whenever a person decides to leave their mate, unless they have children together, all contact is to cease and desist. 
He needs to make a solid decision on who he wants: His current wife, or his ex. Once he makes a firm decision, he needs to stick to it. If he decides to stay with his current wife, he is to have NO contact with his ex whatsoever. There's nothing wrong with a divorced couple remaining friends, that shows that even though they didn't work out as a couple, they can still be cordial. I can tell by the tone of this letter that he regrets his decision to marry this woman because he wouldn't be keeping tabs on his ex. He married the other woman out of convenience because he doesn't want to be alone. Studies have shown that men are more likely to remarry than women because they need that companionship. It's crazy how a man can get a divorce and 6 months later, he's with another woman. This man is married to his current wife, but he's using the other woman as a rebound in case his current marriage fails; that's why he doesn't want to sever ties with his ex. He wants to know that she'll be there if things don't work out with this woman he's with now.


It's time for another installment of Zing! I got the idea of doing blog zings from my newspaper. As stated before, Zings are like tweets where you speak your mind in 140 characters or less. Here we go with some of my favorite Zings from random Twitter folks.

This is my favorite:

Mar 11, 2015

Why Does This Woman Hate Me So Much?

I don't blame many women for not getting involved with single fathers because of baby mama drama. Anytime someone is involved with a single mother or father, the other parent will always be in the picture due to the child(ren). Some people can overlook that, some people can't. That's why I can't fault men for overlooking single mothers, just like I don't fault women for overlooking single fathers. Who wants a ready-made family? I will admit, it takes a special (wo)man to raise someone else's child(ren) as their own, and not too many (wo)men are up for that task. Anyway, this letter is crazy for the simple fact that these two have been warring since grade school. This lady goes out of her way to help this single mother who was a victim of Katrina, and the lady gives her (the letter writer) her butt to kiss. It's actions like hers that give people a reason NOT to want to do for others because some people are very ungrateful. Not only that, this lady went so far as to have the other woman fired from her job, all because she doesn't like her? If logic serves me correctly, disliking someone means you don't give them any power over you. You don't spend energy trying to bring them down to your pathetic level because all that's doing is making you look stupid. Chances are, the other person is keeping it moving while you're envious of him/her for whatever reason. There's not many people I dislike because to be honest, I don't value people enough to dislike them. If I haven't done anything to warrant that person disliking me, that's their problem. I'm going on with my life; I'm not going out of my way to slander their name or bring them down because how does that make me look? I rest my case.
The reason why the baby's mother hates this woman so much is because the man found a better woman than her, and she doesn't like that. She can't stand to see her baby's father happy so she's going to do whatever it takes to destroy someone else's relationship. She wants him back, but he doesn't want her back. Nothing she can do to change his mind because for whatever reason, their relationship soured. If someone doesn't want you, that's their decision. Before she gets into another relationship, I suggest she gets over her hurt or she's going to project her pain onto the next man based on her failed relationship. 

All In The Family Pt. 2

Are people trying to expedite God's return with this foolishness? They must be since incest is the ultimate form of sexual perversion. Watch some clowns say "You can't tell consenting adults how to live their lives." Anyone who says that crap is condoning incest, so they are just as wrong. I have to tell it like it is, and I don't care who's slighted: Wrong Is Wrong, period. This foursome mess right here is just sick, but we are living in the last days and the Bible speaks of perversion running amok. I don't care how beautiful his fiancee's twin sister is, as a man there are some things you just don't do, and sexing your fiancee's sister is one of them. She's considered family, and that's a major violation in my book. The fiancee is obviously in on the foursome because she condones it. Oh yeah, that's her twin sister and she gave him the green light, but now look what happened; the fiancee is now pregnant. From a medical standpoint, incest is foul because of the high probability of genetic disorders. It would be heartbreaking for the child to suffer because of the adults' foolishness, but we live in a fallen world so unfortunately, kids have to pay for their parents' mistakes. The thought will NEVER...EVER cross my mind to sex one of my female family members because my moral compass won't allow it. This Strawberry Letter gets better because the mother comes over from the DR and plants a wet one right on his lips. That leads me to believe that the mother is in on this family orgy, and if the mom is in on this, you know feelings will be caught. I just don't see this ending well, AT ALL. This Strawberry Letter has trouble, trouble, trouble written all over it. Jesus Take The Wheel? Nah, Jesus Take The Car.

Mar 10, 2015

Expecting The Most For Least

Those who expect the most, always give the least. We've all met these entitled folks, there's no way around them. You know the ones: They want this, this and that, but are bringing only crumbs to the table. There's two terms for that: Selfish and entitled, both of which are not a good look for anyone. Common sense should say whatever you require, you bring to the table or you work on bringing it to the table. I used to be very generous; I used to help folks without hesitation until I woke up and realize I was being used. Once I realized I was being used, I withdrew my hand, and the folks had the nerve to get upset because I wouldn't let them use me. They must think I'm supposed to care that they're in their feelings because I wouldn't let folks take advantage of me, but I don't. Over time, I learned to put myself first and since I've done that, I've felt so much better. Now, I help those that God lays on my heart to help. Every now & then, I'll feel moved to offer assistance to someone who needs it, but unless I'm led to help someone, I don't help them or I limit the extent of my help. In my opinion, it's ok to expect the most if you're bringing the most. It's a cold world & there are people that are looking for handouts; they prey on generous folks because 9 times out of 10, the generous person is quick to assist them in whatever way possible. There are those who expect the most, who bring the most, and there are those who have great expectations, but bring the least. Which category are you?

Mar 9, 2015

I Smell A Rat

Saturday's Sweetie Pie's episode was titled I Smell A Rat. Ms. Robbie wasn't too keen on Tim hiring Ma'ri as District Manager of Sweetie Pie's, and she let him know it. First off, Ma'ri has a banking background so her corporate background doesn't mesh well with Sweetie Pie's down to earth, family atmosphere. Ma'ri comes in and tries to throw her weight around, and the employees let her know she doesn't run nothing here. Tim comes up with an idea to bring the staff together, so he has the staff and management learn each other's jobs. He figures if the staff and management learn each other's jobs, that will bring them together, and it blew up in his face because both sides were at each other's heads. Staff feels that management should know the ins & outs of the company, and I agree. If you're going to be a manager, you're supposed to know the ins & outs of your company: How to do each employee's jobs, operations, accounting/payroll, etc. Ma'ri's the kind of boss that doesn't lead by example. The employees know she has attitude so they respond in kind. Danielle & Ma'ri haven't liked each other since Day 1, so they clashed the most.
When you own your own business, your trust level is zero to none. This is your livelihood you're talking about, and you can't take chances on hiring the wrong person. $200 comes up missing and Tim confronts Ma'ri on the missing money. She denies she took it, so Tim suspends her for 2 weeks until he gets to the bottom of it. Personally, I believe Ma'ri took the money because she brings negative energy to Sweetie Pie's. If someone brings negative energy, it's a matter of time before they try to bring your business down. Ma'ri thought Tim wasn't checking behind her, but she learned today. When Ms.Robbie is absent, Tim is in place making sure business affairs are straight. Tim won't let anything or anyone destroy the business. Even when employees think management isn't watching, they are. Most times, management is watching via surveillance. Video footage tells them all they need to know about who's doing slimy stuff. Because Danielle and Ma'ri are battling, I also think Danielle set Ma'ri up to get fired. Danielle could've taken the $200 and framed Ma'ri so she can get Ma'ri out of Sweetie Pie's.
If Ma'ri is let go, Danielle will earn major points with her colleagues because she stopped at nothing to rid Sweetie Pie's of the cancer that is Ma'ri. Then again, as much as I dislike Ma'ri, I don't condone framing people. It's tough to find a job in today's economy, and the last thing anyone needs is someone setting them up because they don't like them. Ms. Robbie was spot on about Ma'ri, and it was a matter of time before the truth came to light. One thing about Ms.Robbie: You can't play her because she knows the game. Her discernment was on point from Day 1. Hopefully, Tim will do what's best for business and can Ma'ri. The reason Tim hired Ma'ri was because they're friends. Most people mean well by hiring their friends, but in business, you're trying to make profits and sometimes your friends can be detrimental.

Mar 8, 2015

Newton's Law Of Thermodynamics: Energy Transfer

One of Sir Isaac Newton's Laws Of Thermodynamics is about the transfer of negative energy. The transference of energy states, "Energy is not lost or destroyed, it is transferred from one party to the next." I heard this quote in Two Can Play That Game starring Vivica Fox, Anthony Anderson and Morris Chestnut. The concept of the movie is about the battles of being in a relationship. When two people come together in a relationship, each person has a vision for how they want the relationship to work. Anytime you're involved with someone, you're going to clash because of different mindsets; one person wants the relationship to work this way, the other wants the relationship to work their way. Unless some people want cookie cutters of themselves in the opposite sex, it's foolish to think that couples are going to be on the same page all the time. Keith & Shante' (Morris Chestnut & Vivica A. Fox) were going through a rough patch in their relationship, and they decided to separate. The separation was to allow them time to be apart, to think about whether the relationship was worth saving. One scene showed them having a horrible fight, and Keith showed up to Shante's home. They were all over each other at first until something happened: Keith started a fight with his woman for no reason, and once he won the argument, he left with a smile on his face because he drew Shante' into his world. Keith's negative energy rubbed off on Shante, and she had no comeback. From a relationship standpoint, that's what the transfer of negative energy is about; drawing someone into your world. The problem with that is if you're not careful, their negative energy can rub off on you if you allow it.

Mar 6, 2015

Frustrated In The Church

He's feeling some kind of way about her breaking up with him, so he reacts in a childish manner. The last time I checked, women outnumber men 15 to 1 (or something like that) so why is he sweating her? Seriously, it makes him look foolish because he keeps carrying on with his juvenile antics and so far, she's not giving him life. A person can only take so much juvenile banter from someone until the person hauls off and hurts their feelings. Then some people want to feel offended because they got told something. It's like this: No one is obligated to remain with you if they're not happy. If they're not happy being with you, let them go. For me, no one can make me happy like I can, so I probably wouldn't have this issue. My suggestion for this woman is to keep rising above his childish antics, but if push comes to shove, check this clown and move on. Outside of church, do they work together on a professional level? If not, then they should go their separate ways. Unless absolutely necessary, she should minimize her contact with him because he's not pleased with her breaking up with him, and he's intent on letting her know. Making petty comments, criticizing her decisions, hanging up after she answers her phone; I would expect that from a child or teenager, but not a supposed man. Just like she moved on, he needs to do the same because all he's doing is confirming she made the right decision. Some people aren't compatible, and that's ok. It's better they broke up now, because at least they won't have no shoulda, coulda, woulda moments.

Digging Deep

Today's Strawberry Letter is a good example of why you should go to the source for the truth, because people will lie to make themselves look good; it's crazy & sad at the same time. This man makes his daughter's mom to be the worst parent in the world: She doesn't do nothing for the daughter, she's trifling and this, that, and the third. My question is: If she's so trifling, why did he lay down with her? He didn't think she was trifling when he was hitting it, so all of a sudden she's trifling because she put him on child support. Some of these men irk me with this mess; She's good enough to lay down with, but not good enough to raise a child with. Yeah, ok...that makes sense. After meeting his family, the stepmother to this 8-year old girl decides to ride with one of his cousins to the baby mama's home. Needless to say, his story didn't match hers. From what I read, the 34-year old mom has herself together and encourages her daughter to have a relationship with her father. That's good because girls need their dads just as much as sons do. A father is the first example of manhood for a young lady. 
If a father does right by his wife, that daughter won't settle for anything less in her romantic involvement with a young man because she saw an example of a healthy relationship between her parents. I salute this mother because she could be nasty and keep her daughter from seeing her dad, but from what I read, she doesn't flow like that. As for him, I can't co-sign his behavior because a man owns up to his responsibility. A thorough man would have no problem with child support if he created the baby. What he doesn't realize is that the longer he dodges child support, the greater his arrears and the longer it'll take him to pay off that balance. $32,000+ in back child support? That's crazy. That's a new car, entry-level salary, a down payment on a home; a lot of things. She had no way of knowing he was shaking his responsibility because he told her what he wanted her to know upon first meeting him. At least she followed her instinct and dug deeper for the truth. Now that she knows, is she going to stay with him or leave? If he kept this from her, there's no telling what else he may be hiding from her.

Mar 5, 2015

Realness In 140 Characters Or Less Cont'd

This is a continuation of my previous blog where I post some of the best tweets from myself and others on my timeline.

Realness In 140 Characters Or Less

Mar 4, 2015

Thicker Than Water Season 2 Episode 6 | The Ben Honors

Since it's debut, Thicker Than Water has grown into the highest-rated family show on Thicker Than Water. It chronicles the blended Tankard family: Ben & Jewel, the Tankard daughters (Brooklyn, Brittney & Cyrene), Benji, Marcus. This is my favorite episode because it discusses Ben's rags to riches story as well as the tribute to 25 years in the music industry. One thing that stuck out to me was when Ben Tankard said: The death of my basketball career, created the birth of my music career. Sometimes, Christians have their trajectory planned out from Day 1 of what they're going to do, and most of the time God blesses our trajectory. What happens when unfortunate circumstances derail our trajectory? Some Christians get in their feelings and get upset at God because our plans didn't work out how we wanted. When Ben said "I can't read a lick of music, and I've had a successful music career", that had to be God's anointing. Take a look at this recent Thicker Than Water episode.

Focus On Who Wants You

One of my Facebook friends posted a stat about men's relationship trouble. He stated that men focus on women who don't want them, instead of those that do. When she repeatedly rejects him, some men want to get mad, and call her everything but the child of God. I think I can understand why some men try and go after women who don't want them; they like a challenge. If they're persistent, many men feel she'll let her guard down and say yes. By saying yes, he feels accomplished because he was able to conquer her; meaning, he wore her down enough to where she gave in to his advances. Now, I'm pretty sure when some women say no, that's what they mean. I know for me, no means no. I seldom go back on my answer unless there's strong reasoning stating otherwise. The way I'm set up, I don't have the desire of going after women who don't want me. Why? I don't have the patience to give her 10,000 reasons why she should accept me as her man. I know my worth, and what I'm willing to provide her with, and if she can't see that, it's her loss. For me, it's common sense: I check for those who check for me. It's a win-win situation for me & her. I'm about easy victories, and if I sense drama, I back off from it. Men need to stop that challenge nonsense, and learn how to pursue women who WANT them. That's why you have these Facebook Relationship groups with men and women bashing each other. Both genders wasted time pursuing those who didn't want them, and when they finally got tired of rejection, they become jaded and label all (wo)men as no good.

Mar 3, 2015

Purpose: By Khrystle Nichole

Had to share something from one of my Facebook friends.

Khrystle Nichole
3 hrs · 
Each of us come here for a purpose. Sometimes we often wonder what our purpose is. Whether we know it or not, we are all teachers and students. Many times, our experiences are lessons for others as well as ourselves. We are also comforters and servers. We have the power to comfort and serve others with kindness, generosity, and selflessness. Teaching and learning, comforting and serving is not always easy. Sometimes these come as the hardest challenges in our lives. Yet this is our purpose. Teaching does not come without learning and comforting does not come without serving. We will never figure out all the answers to the questions of why. It is when we recognize and accept the teacher, the student, the comforter and the server within ourselves that we find some purpose and joy while we are on this journey called life.

You Want To Know My Business? Become An Investor

 At what age do you stay out of others' business? I'm just asking because everywhere you turn, some folks have to know your every move: What you're doing, how you're doing it, are you ok, this, that & the other. There are two kinds of people who do this: 1. Those who mean well, and 2. Those who are fishing for information to use against you at a later date. If you're meeting someone for the first time, and their energy is right, those are the people you don't mind sharing your affairs with because you know they'll keep your business between you and them. Whatever issues you and them may have, you two immediately squash your beef and get back on good terms. You seldom have skirmishes with people who mean well because deep down, they want the best for you, and vice versa. You have to watch those in Group #2 because they slide in like a snake. Nobody's gonna come into your life just to cause drama. They're gonna play a wolf even though they're wearing sheep's clothing.
Those who are fishing for information to use against you at a later date, you have to keep an eye on them because you never know when they're going to strike. They act friendly, and want to keke with some tea. So far, things are going good between you until they start showing their true colors. What starts off as little skirmishes turns into epic confrontations. What you told them in confidence starts spreading like wildifre, and they start becoming besties with former enemies. Weren't you just battling with this & that person a week ago, and now you're besties? Get on with that nonsense. I pride myself on being a very private person, which is why I don't lead a drama-filled life. I don't keke with some tea with everybody because although some people may mean well, people are great actors. For those who want to know your business, tell them to become an investor. That's how you stop nosy folks in their tracks.

Mar 2, 2015

Cynthia Spills The Tea

Kenya and Phaedra FINALLY have it out. For 2 years, Phaedra has thrown so much shade at Kenya for flirting with Apollo, and Kenya's name was cleared because Apollo confessed to making up those accusations. Last night when all the Atlanta housewives sat down to a nice dinner, Phaedra had some choice words for Kenya (as usual). What Phaedra didn't realize is that Kenya had dirt on Phaedra from Day 1, and Kenya was looking for a reason to go in on Phaedra. According to texts sent to Cynthia and Peter, Mr. Chocolate and Phaedra were sleeping together. Being that Kenya and Cynthia are good friends, you knew Cynthia was going to tell Kenya. Telling Kenya how Phaedra was sleeping with Mr. Chocolate was extra ammo for Kenya to use against Phaedra at the dinner. Never mind that Kenya and Phaedra were battling for 2 years over Kenya's alleged affair with Apollo, never mind that Phaedra treated Kenya like a dog. Going further, a while back, Phaedra said something hurtful about Cynthia previously, so Cynthia used this moment to make herself look good. She gave Peter some tea, then she spills more tea to Kenya and she Kenya sips. Kenya was sitting in the cut chilling because in her mind, she knew Phaedra was creeping with another man before Phaedra and Kenya did battle. I called this from the beginning: I've been saying that Phaedra better tread lightly when it comes to Kenya because after she accused Kenya of sleeping with Apollo, Kenya didn't let that go and last night, she went in on Phaedra. I can't say I blame Kenya because a person can only take so much disrespect until they get you together. Phaedra was trying to get gangster by saying how she would blow Apollo away with a .357 & embalm him, slap Kenya, etc. Phaedra isn't about that life, so she needs to stop with the gangster rhetoric.

Short & Sweet

One thing I like about Twitter is you can make your point in 140 characters or less. I have a gift for making succinct points, and people remember them. I'm going to post some of my famous tweets that have been retweeted and favorited. Here we go:

@RichardMIATL: All of them would be sitting on the side of the road since they want to be slick-mouthed. Marcus handled that! Salute. #ThickerThanWater

@RichardMIATL: @Epitomeoflady WTH Nene talking about? This witch invented the word messy.

@RichardMIATL: After all the mess Phaedra said about Kenya, Kenya has sooooo much dirt on Phaedra.  #RHOA

In response to a Sweetie Pie's episode: @RichardMIATL: @itsKENDRA_xo She forgets that she's not the only one who has a strong personality. She tries to be hard, and those employees push back.
@RichardMIATL: @itsKENDRA_xo @TONYADEAN1967 That's how some people are; they mess up and have an attitude when you call them on it. screwed up.

@RichardMIATL: That's God's anointing when you can't read a lick of music and still have a successful music career. #ThickerThanWater

@RichardMIATL: There's nothing like starting your day off with a 5am workout followed by a shower, then a good breakfast. Energy stay on point all day.

@RichardMIATL: Not too many artists have that longevity in the music business. Salute to Ben Tankard for his accomplishments. #ThickerThanWater

Mar 1, 2015

Sweetie Pie's: Ma'ri Has To Go

Ever since Tim hired Ma'ri as District Manager of Sweetie Pie's, Ma'ri has gotten into it with the ENTIRE staff, and no one likes her. Honestly, I can't say I blame the staff for disliking Ma'ri because of her attitude. She rolls her eyes, which is unprofessional, tries to throw her weight around, and has a horrible attitude, which is why the employees push back. You can't talk crazy to anyone without them pushing back. I've been watching Sweetie Pie's since Day 1, and the atmosphere is real down-to-earth & family-oriented. The employees clown, but they work well together. Here comes Hurricane Ma'ri bringing destruction, and the employees don't like it. Two things are going to happen: 1. The employees are going to quit en masse or 2. Ma'ri is going to be terminated for creating a hostile work environment. When a new boss comes to a company, (s)he can't bring her old style to a new company; it doesn't work that way.
What does Ma'ri know about the restaurant business anyway? Her background is banking, so that's an issue already. Her corporate background doesn't mesh well with the family atmosphere at Sweetie Pie's, which is why she's getting so much resistance from the employees. Tim should've hired a District Manager with a restaurant background. The crazy thing is that there are bosses just like Ma'ri: Horrible attitudes, unprofessional, etc. and as much as employees may not like it, they have to deal with it UNTIL...they can find another job. At the same time, if a boss or employee is creating a hostile environment, it's only a matter of time before management drops the hammer on him/her. Senior management will NOT let anyone get in the way of their money train, even if it's lower or middle management. Maybe if Ma'ri came correct, the employees would be more receptive to her. She's gotten into it with the managers, Danielle, but she didn't try Ms. Robbie because Ms.Robbie's like: There's only ONE manager, and that's me. Ms. Robbie don't play that. 

You Weren't With Me Shooting In The Gym

 I hate when people say "Success Means Nothing If You Have No One To Share It With". That's the problem, nobody was with her or him when they were trying to come up, but all of a sudden some people feel entitled to share in someone's victory. Most successful people keep their circle small and with good reason: They don't trust everyone that comes into their inner circle. The people that successful folks have with them are their childhood friends; those who were with them when they were struggling.. The reality is that people have agendas for coming into your life. Some people come into your life because they're opportunists; those who see something you have and want it, then they leave without warning; other people come into your life because they genuinely care about you. I'm working on becoming successful, and when I get to where I want to be in life, my humility will remain intact; I'll never get too high & mighty because I know where I've came from. I look at former football star Terrell Owens. Owens was doing very well for himself financially until those around him started taking advantage of him & cleaned him out. Now, Terrell Owens is struggling to get back to where he was financially & professionally. I feel bad for Terrell because he should've done a better job of watching the company he keeps. Everyone that's in your corner, is NOT in your corner. Some people see you doing well in life, and want to come along for the ride. You find out who's really got your back when you're low.  

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.