Mar 4, 2015

Focus On Who Wants You

One of my Facebook friends posted a stat about men's relationship trouble. He stated that men focus on women who don't want them, instead of those that do. When she repeatedly rejects him, some men want to get mad, and call her everything but the child of God. I think I can understand why some men try and go after women who don't want them; they like a challenge. If they're persistent, many men feel she'll let her guard down and say yes. By saying yes, he feels accomplished because he was able to conquer her; meaning, he wore her down enough to where she gave in to his advances. Now, I'm pretty sure when some women say no, that's what they mean. I know for me, no means no. I seldom go back on my answer unless there's strong reasoning stating otherwise. The way I'm set up, I don't have the desire of going after women who don't want me. Why? I don't have the patience to give her 10,000 reasons why she should accept me as her man. I know my worth, and what I'm willing to provide her with, and if she can't see that, it's her loss. For me, it's common sense: I check for those who check for me. It's a win-win situation for me & her. I'm about easy victories, and if I sense drama, I back off from it. Men need to stop that challenge nonsense, and learn how to pursue women who WANT them. That's why you have these Facebook Relationship groups with men and women bashing each other. Both genders wasted time pursuing those who didn't want them, and when they finally got tired of rejection, they become jaded and label all (wo)men as no good.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.