Mar 18, 2015

Random Thoughts

Today's blog message is titled Random Thoughts. Many of them will come from myself, others come from various tweeters on my timeline. Let's get right to it:

 I hate how some men think their size means that somebody supposed to be shook by them. Big guys get dropped just the same as anyone else.
 I already know a woman will be difficult if she says: What's life without a little drama? Pretty dull, I'd say.
I can't stand these sucker for love folks; the ones that'll take any and everything from someone because they're scared to be alone.
The police should be grateful that the hood gives them job security.
@TheDestinyDome: You can't be afraid to testify because just hearing your story will encourage someone else.You never know who is on the verge of giving up.
@RichardMIATL: "To avoid doing too much, sometimes you must simply do nothing."-Chill Sampras Myrie Ashby
@RichardMIATL: Half of the mess in society wouldn't exist if zero tolerance was enforced across the board.
@RichardMIATL: Don't worry about tomorrow. It will take care of itself. You have enough to worry about today.
@RichardMIATL: Funniest part this season was when the twins (Latisha and Lakisha) asked Marcus who's butt was the biggest. Marcus knew.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­ #ThickerThanWater
@RichardMIATL: Some folks got me messed up thinking you can spread God's Word for free. It costs πŸ’΅πŸ’΅πŸ’΅to deliver the gospel of Jesus Christ, so cut the crap.
@RichardMIATL: Shout out to the Tankards for a wonderful season and a better ending. Looking forward to Season 3. #ThickerThanWater
@RichardMIATL: Nene is full of crap. When she can't dominate a conversation, she runs off. Nobody feel sorry for her.
@PatriceJWill: How people treat others they don't like is how they'll eventually treat you! #RHOA
@RichardMIATL: The way Mama Joyce all up in Kandi's marriage, you'd think Todd is married to Kandi & Mama Joyce. That's why Todd has checked out. #RHOA
@RichardMIATL: You have to crawl before you walk, but after that, you need to be running your own.
Pardon the profanity, but this makes sense:
@ugglyyy: if you don't see yourself having a child with this person why the fuck are you doing an act with them that MAKES BABIES?

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.