Mar 9, 2015

I Smell A Rat

Saturday's Sweetie Pie's episode was titled I Smell A Rat. Ms. Robbie wasn't too keen on Tim hiring Ma'ri as District Manager of Sweetie Pie's, and she let him know it. First off, Ma'ri has a banking background so her corporate background doesn't mesh well with Sweetie Pie's down to earth, family atmosphere. Ma'ri comes in and tries to throw her weight around, and the employees let her know she doesn't run nothing here. Tim comes up with an idea to bring the staff together, so he has the staff and management learn each other's jobs. He figures if the staff and management learn each other's jobs, that will bring them together, and it blew up in his face because both sides were at each other's heads. Staff feels that management should know the ins & outs of the company, and I agree. If you're going to be a manager, you're supposed to know the ins & outs of your company: How to do each employee's jobs, operations, accounting/payroll, etc. Ma'ri's the kind of boss that doesn't lead by example. The employees know she has attitude so they respond in kind. Danielle & Ma'ri haven't liked each other since Day 1, so they clashed the most.
When you own your own business, your trust level is zero to none. This is your livelihood you're talking about, and you can't take chances on hiring the wrong person. $200 comes up missing and Tim confronts Ma'ri on the missing money. She denies she took it, so Tim suspends her for 2 weeks until he gets to the bottom of it. Personally, I believe Ma'ri took the money because she brings negative energy to Sweetie Pie's. If someone brings negative energy, it's a matter of time before they try to bring your business down. Ma'ri thought Tim wasn't checking behind her, but she learned today. When Ms.Robbie is absent, Tim is in place making sure business affairs are straight. Tim won't let anything or anyone destroy the business. Even when employees think management isn't watching, they are. Most times, management is watching via surveillance. Video footage tells them all they need to know about who's doing slimy stuff. Because Danielle and Ma'ri are battling, I also think Danielle set Ma'ri up to get fired. Danielle could've taken the $200 and framed Ma'ri so she can get Ma'ri out of Sweetie Pie's.
If Ma'ri is let go, Danielle will earn major points with her colleagues because she stopped at nothing to rid Sweetie Pie's of the cancer that is Ma'ri. Then again, as much as I dislike Ma'ri, I don't condone framing people. It's tough to find a job in today's economy, and the last thing anyone needs is someone setting them up because they don't like them. Ms. Robbie was spot on about Ma'ri, and it was a matter of time before the truth came to light. One thing about Ms.Robbie: You can't play her because she knows the game. Her discernment was on point from Day 1. Hopefully, Tim will do what's best for business and can Ma'ri. The reason Tim hired Ma'ri was because they're friends. Most people mean well by hiring their friends, but in business, you're trying to make profits and sometimes your friends can be detrimental.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.