Mar 10, 2015

Expecting The Most For Least

Those who expect the most, always give the least. We've all met these entitled folks, there's no way around them. You know the ones: They want this, this and that, but are bringing only crumbs to the table. There's two terms for that: Selfish and entitled, both of which are not a good look for anyone. Common sense should say whatever you require, you bring to the table or you work on bringing it to the table. I used to be very generous; I used to help folks without hesitation until I woke up and realize I was being used. Once I realized I was being used, I withdrew my hand, and the folks had the nerve to get upset because I wouldn't let them use me. They must think I'm supposed to care that they're in their feelings because I wouldn't let folks take advantage of me, but I don't. Over time, I learned to put myself first and since I've done that, I've felt so much better. Now, I help those that God lays on my heart to help. Every now & then, I'll feel moved to offer assistance to someone who needs it, but unless I'm led to help someone, I don't help them or I limit the extent of my help. In my opinion, it's ok to expect the most if you're bringing the most. It's a cold world & there are people that are looking for handouts; they prey on generous folks because 9 times out of 10, the generous person is quick to assist them in whatever way possible. There are those who expect the most, who bring the most, and there are those who have great expectations, but bring the least. Which category are you?

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.