Mar 6, 2015

Frustrated In The Church

He's feeling some kind of way about her breaking up with him, so he reacts in a childish manner. The last time I checked, women outnumber men 15 to 1 (or something like that) so why is he sweating her? Seriously, it makes him look foolish because he keeps carrying on with his juvenile antics and so far, she's not giving him life. A person can only take so much juvenile banter from someone until the person hauls off and hurts their feelings. Then some people want to feel offended because they got told something. It's like this: No one is obligated to remain with you if they're not happy. If they're not happy being with you, let them go. For me, no one can make me happy like I can, so I probably wouldn't have this issue. My suggestion for this woman is to keep rising above his childish antics, but if push comes to shove, check this clown and move on. Outside of church, do they work together on a professional level? If not, then they should go their separate ways. Unless absolutely necessary, she should minimize her contact with him because he's not pleased with her breaking up with him, and he's intent on letting her know. Making petty comments, criticizing her decisions, hanging up after she answers her phone; I would expect that from a child or teenager, but not a supposed man. Just like she moved on, he needs to do the same because all he's doing is confirming she made the right decision. Some people aren't compatible, and that's ok. It's better they broke up now, because at least they won't have no shoulda, coulda, woulda moments.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.