Mar 16, 2015

Spreading The Gospel

Megachurch pastor Creflo Dollar is getting lit up on social media, so much that he took down his Facebook page asking supporters and his parishioners to give him $300 so he can buy a new jet to continue spreading the gospel worldwide. The cost of this jet is $65,000,000. Personally, I knew this was adding fuel to the fire; it gave unsaved folks more of a reason to go in on Christianity. Even some  Christians are going in on Creflo Dollar. Some folks irk me thinking you can spread the gospel for free. It costs to spread God's word, any minister will tell you that. This isn't Biblical times where Jesus spread the Good News on a donkey, so why do some folks feel that ministers shouldn't ask for money from their regular members? It's crazy to me because you're being fed on Sunday and Wednesday (plus reading God's word on your own, which is what Christians should be doing), so the least some members could do is financially support the Man Of God who's speaking into their lives.
I expect backlash from unsaved folks because many of them don't know any better. They're looking for any reason to criticize Christianity, so they don't count. Let those same folks get in a bind, and the first thing they want to do is run to the church for help; yet they have so much to say about ministers asking for financial help from the congregation that they minister to on a weekly basis. I have so much respect for ministers who labor on God's behalf. Ministry is a thankless job, and it takes a selfless person to give of themselves in that manner. I remember when Creflo Dollar first started World Changers Ministries, he paid his & the church expenses out of pocket. He had to because he was getting his ministry off the ground. God multiplied Creflo's ministry to where it's one of the most popular ministries in Atlanta, and worldwide. If anyone thinks the Gospel can be spread for free, they're crazy because in today's technology age, spreading the gospel costs money, and rightfully so. This isn't Biblical times where Jesus rode a donkey and spread his gospel for free.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.