This is an encouraging word for anyone who feels insecure about their calling. No one is 100% confident, everyone has their moments of insecurity and if they say they don't, they're lying.
Sep 30, 2013
Sep 27, 2013
Stand By Your Man
Famed country singer Tammy Wynette dropped this song Stand By Your Man. The premise of the song is that women need to stand by their man, right or wrong. Today's message is based on Tammy Wynette's hit from the early 90's. A newly married couple has big dreams for their marriage, plans that involve financial security. The husband gets word of a business venture, and agrees to invest half his life savings (without consulting his wife) The reason he doesn't consult his wife is because he believes in this venture so much, that he throws caution to the wind. His wife is skeptical, so it's hard to convince her to go along unless she has concrete evidence that the business will succeed. The success rate for this business is 50%, but he believes in this investment so much that he's willing to risk it all. Do you put your fear aside and discourage him, or you believe in him so much that you are willing to support him in this endeavor? Here's the catch, he's already invested and has lost half the life savings, but he's confident with a few adjustments, he can make back what he lost, and then some. He invested without her knowledge because he thought it was a sound investment; he got advice from an investor, and moved forward with the investment decision. At first, you think he didn't make a wise decision, but there's always bumps in the road at first. The true test is sticking with your man so you can reap the reward at the end. You're not going to be successful right off the bat all the time. He's basing his confidence on research. You can have your man's back, and question him. Sometimes, you have to question your man's judgment especially if you think he's going to lead you wrong. If the husband raised any objection, his wife would catch feelings and say how he's not supporting her. Yes, he lost half the life savings in this business venture, but he's determined not to fail. He's going to make adjustments, and the business will prosper. The wife gets upset (and rightfully so) because there goes the children's college fund. The main idea is that sometimes, you have to weather the storm with your mate, even if it means taking losses along the way. When he reaches that light at the end of the tunnel, he will remember his woman who supported him through it all. She will have reason to celebrate in his prosperity, because she didn't quit when the going got tough. Many (wo)men want the shine, but not the grind. They want to celebrate their mate's blessing, but they weren't there during the struggle.
Sep 26, 2013
Dahlia (How To Be A Woman): Protect Your Man
Today's message is from Dahlia, one of the administrators of How To Be A Woman on Facebook. This message shows that men need to be protected just as much as women. Men deal with a lot on a daily, and if his woman doesn't have his back, what does he do? Show your love for Dahlia.
REPOST - Protect Your Man
Ladies, you have the power to protect your man. Men face a lot, more than you think. They face stresses of the world and pressure from their roles. They must be the providers, the guardians, protectors, the kings, the alpha men. They must go out in the world and battle with the elements of society. When he is worn out, defeated and tired, protect him.
Yes, men need protection too and we women have the nurturing spirit to protect them. He is like a sword, you are like his sheathe. A sword can be a dangerous weapon when wielded. A sheathe protects the sword from wear and tear, and weathering from the elements, but it also keeps it enclosed so it won't harm. He is the warrior, you are his shield. You protect him from attacks, ensure that his vital parts are covered and that he is safe. Sometimes, he even needs protection from himself when he's feeling down and needs uplifting. When he's facing war with his job, society, his family; be at his side and soothe him, reassure him and take care of him. Protect him from the outside forces that drain him and drag him down.
Men need for their women to have their backs. Have his back and protect him. Be the ear when he just wants to vent, be his nurse to soothe his wounds, just be there. Protect him always and maintain peace for him, yourself and the foundation you have together. The time is now ladies. Let's protect them!
~ Dahlia
Ladies, you have the power to protect your man. Men face a lot, more than you think. They face stresses of the world and pressure from their roles. They must be the providers, the guardians, protectors, the kings, the alpha men. They must go out in the world and battle with the elements of society. When he is worn out, defeated and tired, protect him.
Yes, men need protection too and we women have the nurturing spirit to protect them. He is like a sword, you are like his sheathe. A sword can be a dangerous weapon when wielded. A sheathe protects the sword from wear and tear, and weathering from the elements, but it also keeps it enclosed so it won't harm. He is the warrior, you are his shield. You protect him from attacks, ensure that his vital parts are covered and that he is safe. Sometimes, he even needs protection from himself when he's feeling down and needs uplifting. When he's facing war with his job, society, his family; be at his side and soothe him, reassure him and take care of him. Protect him from the outside forces that drain him and drag him down.
Men need for their women to have their backs. Have his back and protect him. Be the ear when he just wants to vent, be his nurse to soothe his wounds, just be there. Protect him always and maintain peace for him, yourself and the foundation you have together. The time is now ladies. Let's protect them!
~ Dahlia
Sep 25, 2013
Cheating & Lying=Caring About Someone?
Some women will actually believe this crap that men speak. First off, a true man would never cheat & lie to his woman because he considers how it makes her feel. Second, once she finds out the truth, she doubts everything he tells her from that point on, even if later on down the line he is honest about other things. I cannot support this statement because it promotes dishonesty. If you can't be real with your mate, who can you be real with? That's crazy to me. Unfortunately, many women believe this because deep down, the truth hurts (and usually it does). If the truth hurts, why wouldn't you want it watered down? It's like medicine: Good for you long-term, but bitter in the short-term. When I think of a woman who accepts this statement, I think of someone who can't handle the truth. She has no one in her life to keep it real with her out of love. Her circle is full of yes-(wo)men, those who butter her up with cutie-pie talk instead of that which will help her grow into the best woman possible. Sadly, not many people can handle true talk; that shouldn't stop anyone from telling the truth, as long as it's done with tact. Nobody's going to respond to tough love like "you did such & such wrong, you did this, that and the third incorrectly". A woman should be able to handle truth however it comes. I have a hard time understanding how you can cheat & lie to your mate, and claim to love them. If you care for someone, you wouldn't intentionally hurt them. You care enough about your spouse to tell them the truth. If they get upset, that's their issue. They may not see it now, but give them time. Later, they'll come around and appreciate your candor.
Sep 24, 2013
If I'm Not Happy, No One Is Happy
"If Mom Ain't Happy, Nobody's Happy" & "If she ain't happy, you (the man) won't be happy" are two phrases some women love to utter. Think about it, a man can be handling business when his lady comes out of the blue & starts nagging. Many times, some women don't know why they're nagging, they just do it out of habit. I get that women want quality time with their man, and I'm all for that. There's a different way to go about it. Nagging is a turn-off for any man, and makes many men tune her out completely. Nobody has time to hear someone run their lip 24-7. Look, a woman is more likely to get what she wants if she approaches me in a respectful tone. If some women master this, they will always get what they want from their spouses. Men don't like being talked at, and if a man feels like his woman is talking at him, he won't only ignore her, but he will not go out of his way for her. Some women have been misled into thinking that nagging will get a man to acquiesce. It may work on some men, but he'll do it to shut her up. I'm thankful that my happiness isn't dependent on a woman, or anyone else for that matter. If someone's unhappy, that's their problem. It's not going to stop me from being happy. When I hear those two phrases come out of a man's mouth, I think simp. A simp goes out of his way to please a woman who's not interested in him, so he's going to use the aforementioned statements if it's going to put him in good standing with her. It comes as no surprise that some women who utter these statements are being manipulative, because a real woman would allow her man to make her happy in his own way. A real woman doesn't have to nag to get what she wants out of her man. As long as she's submissive, a man will move heaven & earth to please her.
Sep 23, 2013
Why Can't Men Turn Down Sex?
Women can turn down sex with no problem, but some men have the hardest time rejecting a woman's sexual advances. Why is that? I think it's because women value sex much more than men do. For many women, sex represents that magnetic bond that links a woman and her man for life. Some women have to feel comfortable enough with a man before they sleep with him, which makes sense. Men can bonk this woman and that woman with no connection; thank you, and leave $20 on the table. There isn't a man alive that will turn down cutty, because he doesn't want to be seen as gay. Granted, there are some men that will reject cutty, but they're in the minority. Most men think with the little head instead of the one containing their brain. In high school, young men are pressured to make out with the hottest girl in school or else he gets the third degree of why he didn't hit that, or being asked "Are you gay?" Too many men base their self-esteem on getting some loving from a random woman, not realizing she could be taken or have a STD. Most times, these men have no business going for themselves; all they want to do is chase after some booty. You have a real man who is about his business, and doesn't salivate over a shapely woman wanting to sleep with him. To him, there's more to life than sexing an attractive woman. He turns her down, and she gets upset and proceeds to attack his manhood (he's gay, he doesn't like women, he couldn't handle her anyway, etc.). Some men could care less because that's confirmation he made the right decision. How some men can put their lives on hold just to bonk a woman is beyond me. Do you think women are going crazy over not getting package from a man? No, because some women figure men are going to keep throwing themselves at them, so it's no loss. If women can focus on other things rather than getting it in with some man, men need to do the same: Focus on other things rather than chasing after booty. You know, build your legacy. When a man has his stuff together, the women will automatically come. It's better than worrying about whether this woman or that woman is going to let you hit it.
Sep 20, 2013
Acting Brand New
It's funny how some people forget their struggle, once they get on top. You know what I'm talking about: A person gets their breakthrough, and they start acting brand new. Their demeanor changes from their clothes to self-esteem. There's an old-saying that goes "Never forget where you come from". Simply put, don't let success change you. So many people forget they weren't always on top, so why are you going to act like you're all that? It's stupid. It's shameful that some people don't know how to handle success. They forget who supported them when no one would give them a shot. Like the Bible says, pride goes before a fall. Be careful how you treat people because on your way down, you'll need some of those same people. Life has a way of flipping the script where you struggle, and others prosper. Some of these celebrities are good for this. Many of them came from nothing, and had to work hard for their success. Once they got big, here come the big mansion, luxury car(s), fine dining, etc. I'm not saying you should be ashamed of being blessed; quite the contrary. You're supposed to look like God did something for you. If someone has a problem with you being blessed, they can take it up with the Lord. At the same time, remain humble. When you're humble, God can bless you with more because he knows you can handle it. He knows you won't act brand new. If you're wondering why God doesn't bless you any more than he has, maybe it's because you can't handle the blessing. God doesn't bless someone if he knows they can't handle it.
Sep 19, 2013
Blk Man Commits Suicide By Cop After FB Post Reveal Beastie Baby Momma K...
This story is crazy. This man kills himself because his baby's mother wouldn't let him see his son. Get this, he wanted to be in his child's life. You have fathers that pump & dump; they pump a woman with his seed, and dump the child on the woman. I'm going to post a few of Rachael's comments from my Facebook page:
Rachael Notyaaveragechick Guelle Unbelievable. Smh! You women don't want a good man to be a father....blah. He laid down with a lowlife piece of shit and now all women are to blame. How was getting himself killed helping the situation? If there's a God? Like really? Smh! I wish people would stop having kids with trifling hoes. She will get her justice. You never turn your child against his or her other parent. Even if the other parent ain't shit. Smh!
Rachael Notyaaveragechick Guelle Killing yourself over anyone is stupid. I could understand if he killed her but that's wrong too. I can't believe he left his child behind with that scum. Smh! Never. I would've made her life a living hell. I would've tracked her every move, recorded every conversation. Smh. All I see is two sorry ass parents. Damn shame!
Another comment from Rachael: They are both pathetic. You never turn a child against his other parent. It doesn't matter if they are good or bad. Smh! If you don't have anything good to say, shut the fuck up.
My View: Men, be careful who you lay down with because you never know someone's true nature. It's no secret that some women can be very foul. They use their children against the father because of a personal vendetta. I guess if she can't get to him, she'll get him through his child(ren). No matter your problem against your (wo)man, YOU DO NOT use your child against their parent. I can't respect that at all. People say he took the easy way out, but I don't see it that way. This man was tired of fighting; he was going through this situation for 5 years, and each time he got no results. How much more can you fight? Men, do not take your lives over these foul women. They're not going to be at your funeral; they're not going to paint you as a hero. On the contrary, these women are keeping it moving. Going further, the system will allow these single mothers to take days off to go after child support. This is real talk, her justice is coming. She will never sleep at night, because she caused this man to kill himself. She will have his blood on her hands & once the child grows up, that child will want to know the truth, and I hope the guilt eats at her to where she tells the truth. She needs her son taken from her and made to pay child support. There are plenty of stories like this, and each time I come to the same conclusion: Men need to wake up! Stop going by your sausage and use the brain God gave you! If you don't see yourself with her long-term, don't have a child with that woman. You don't know if she's vindictive, and you don't want that in your life. I'm thankful I don't have to go through this because I have too much to accomplish in life to be saddled with child support for 18+ years. Should I decide to get married & produce children, I'm doing it the right way: Get established in my career/education, meet the right woman, we have real talk, then get married. Some of these men are too stupid to realize that many women are playing them. They turn men against each other as part of a master plan to eliminate the male gender. The reason why some men simp so hard for the approval of women is because they think she'll give him sex. 9 times out of 10, that's not the case. Some of these men need to wake up. If this story doesn't cause men to tighten up, I don't know what will. I read about this and it's very very sad! I saw the FB post the young man put the day before he died. If you look on my news feed page, there's a guy Marvin Cease. He shared the entire post of what the young man felt. If what he said about her has truth, I just don't understand why these immature spiteful women prefer their children to be without their father. If they're wanting to be a father, let these men father their children regardless of what he might have done to you, or what happened to your relationship! Grow up! At the same time, it was selfish of him to kill himself, because now his son is going to grow up without a father. I'll never forget this story. My condolences go out to Derrick's immediate family.
Sep 18, 2013
Marrying The Game
Marrying The Game chronicles the life of rapper Game (Jayceon Taylor) and Tiffney Cambridge. They have several children together and are trying to sort out their issues. They were supposed to celebrate their 1-year anniversary, but life got in the way. Now, their relationship status is on hiatus until they can figure things out. Honestly, I don't believe they're going to last because they're having too many issues. Tiffney wants Game to settle down, and The Game has no intention of putting away his rapper persona. If music is how he provides for his family, why can't Tiff see that? She knew/should have known what she was getting into before getting involved with a music star. Music stars are desired by loads of women, some of whom don't care if he's married. Women jump out their clothes to get at her man. I remember an episode where Game and Tiffany had a big blowout over him leaving for Paris without her. Was it that serious? He was gone for a couple days, and would've came back home. It wasn't so much him being gone, it was having a female assistant and not telling Tiff. Call me crazy, but if a man hasn't given his woman a reason to mistrust him, she should be cool with him having a female assistant. He has to establish boundaries, and keep business and personal separate. That's too hard for some men to do because if a woman and man are working together, feelings are bound to get caught because they're so used to being around each other, that it takes one spark to set something off. If a woman can't trust her man to go out of town on business, they shouldn't be together. Besides, she would expect Game to trust her if she went out of town on business with another man. If Tiff wanted to keep tabs on Game while out of town, she could've gone to Paris with him, even if he would've disapproved. There's nothing like seeing for yourself. Jayceon Taylor is a good father to his children, so that should be enough. My thing is, Tiff is trying to change Game into a family man, and I don't think that's what Game wants. He (Jayceon) just wants his lady to accept him as is. They want different things, and that's fine. No couple is going to be in sync 24-7; each person has their own mind and should be free to be themselves around their (wo)man. If you can't be yourself around your mate, who can you be yourself around? I think Game & Tiffney should co-parent, and go their separate ways. Think about it, they can't agree on anything, and they're just not compatible. Tiffney wants The Game to turn down his rapper image, and Game just wants Tiff to accept him as he is. If you can't accept the good & bad about your mate, do them a favor and sever ties. They are better suited for someone who closely matches them.
Sep 17, 2013
I'm Blessed=I'm Cocky?
Let's be real, many people don't like hearing how others are being blessed. Why? Because of jealousy. If THEY aren't on the receiving end of God's blessings, they don't care about others being blessed. I'm being honest. By nature, some people are envious of others good fortune. Some people struggle for their breakthroughs, and others it seems like everything they touch prospers. It boils down to faithfulness & obedience. The Bible says that obedience brings blessing. When I think of blessing, I think of the entire scope of blessing: Physical health, material wealth, etc. When a person speaks of their blessing(s), my first thought is they're cocky. Why? Because they tell everyone how they have this and that. God did this, that, and the third for me. Personally, I enjoy seeing & hearing others get blessed because it gives me hope that I can get mine too, if I stay faithful and obedient. When people receive their blessing, usually they flaunt it as to say "Look at me, I have this, this, and this" Remember show & tell back in school? That's what I get when I see people constantly showing off their blessing. I'm not against sharing what God is doing in people's lives, but many times people do it to show off. You can share what God is doing in your life, but remain humble. Humility is the key. The reason why I say be humble in your blessing is because just like God blesses you, he can retract that blessing if you get beside yourself. Oftentimes, Christians (and others in general) can become enamored with the blessing instead of the giver. Not everyone will celebrate in your blessing. Some people will front like they're happy for your blessing, but get them alone and the hate flies. "Why did (s)he get blessed, why couldn't have it been me, why why why? I can't stand sister so & so, she think she all that, etc." You folks know what I'm talking about. To protect yourself from being a target of jealousy, it's best to remain humble in your blessing because no one likes an arrogant person. In closing, If all a person can talk about is the material aspect of God's glory (that is part of it), then they're showing off. These are people that aren't used to having nothing in life.
At the same time, I do enjoy hearing testimonials of God taking someone from the Pit to the Palace.
At the same time, I do enjoy hearing testimonials of God taking someone from the Pit to the Palace.
Sep 16, 2013
Lay It Down
We all have that song that lifts our spirits, and improves our outlook on life. For some it's rap and/or hip-hop, others it's that old-school soul/R&B music. This song does it for me every time I listen. The song title Lay It Down (get your mind out of the gutter) helps me do just that, Lay It Down. Lay Down my worries, trouble, etc. What's the use of carrying trouble on your back? It's not going to make life easier for you. In many cases, all that worry you carry on your back is just going to wear you down more & more; until you finally decide to lay it down. I feel like this, if something's out of my control, I put it in God's hands because only he can work it out. That doesn't mean I'm not going to do my part in the natural; I am, but trust God to do his part in the supernatural. You know, it bothers me that some people are too prideful to let go of their worries. For them, letting go is too much like relinquishing control. Many people believe if you can prevent troubles, than do so. To an extent, they are correct because if you see danger ahead, why would you move towards the danger zone? No, you're going to detour around it because you don't want no worries. Most challenges we face are of our doing, so because we got ourselves in mess, it's up to us to get ourselves out. For challenges we face that are out of our control, remember one thing: We live in a fallen world, so at times life is going to be unfair. In the times that life is unfair, you have to Lay It Down, and Let It Go (into God's hands).
Sep 13, 2013
Keep Your Head Up
For everyone who's feeling discouraged, because they believe they won't accomplish their dream(s), read this amazing encouraging word from Tanya Ware (Facebook friend):
Have you ever wanted to do something really great? Maybe you had a big dream; maybe you believed you could start a business. Maybe you wanted to lose some weight or go back to school. Now, it’s been so long. You tried and it didn’t work out. The loan didn’t go through. The medical report wasn’t good. Now, the “never” lies are playing in your mind... “I’ll never get well.” “I’ll never get married.”... “I’ll never accomplish my dreams.”
Today is the day to get your fire back. Today is the day to get a new perspective. The Creator of the universe has already set the completion date for the dream He’s placed in your heart. And, just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean that it’s not going to happen. God has already lined up the right people, the right breaks, the right answers. Everything you need is already in your future. Now you’ve got to shake off the doubt; shake off the discouragement. Whether it’s been a year, five years or fifty years, what God promised you He still has every intention of bringing it to pass. Keep standing, keep believing, keep hoping and keep moving forward. Get your fire back and let Him fulfill every dream He has placed in your heart!
Today is the day to get your fire back. Today is the day to get a new perspective. The Creator of the universe has already set the completion date for the dream He’s placed in your heart. And, just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean that it’s not going to happen. God has already lined up the right people, the right breaks, the right answers. Everything you need is already in your future. Now you’ve got to shake off the doubt; shake off the discouragement. Whether it’s been a year, five years or fifty years, what God promised you He still has every intention of bringing it to pass. Keep standing, keep believing, keep hoping and keep moving forward. Get your fire back and let Him fulfill every dream He has placed in your heart!
Sep 12, 2013
Some years ago, Jadakiss dropped a song called Why. He touched on a lot of social issues. This is MY version of Jadakiss' hit song, Why?
Why are some children born with the odds stacked against them?
Why is your family the main ones to hurt you?
Why get married, if you're going to cheat on your spouse?
Why do people smile in your face, then talk smack behind your back?
Why does it seem like the wicked are prospering, whereas upstanding people are struggling to get by?
Why can't black men and women get along?
Why do some people suffer with disabilities?
Why are prisoners treated better than homeless folks on the street?
Why does it seem like the black community leads in negativity, rather than positivity?
People are quick to quote Jesus, but don't live what he preaches about
Why do some women have an entitlement complex?
Why do men and women badmouth each other, then expect to be treated like Kings & Queens?
Why do people complain about one bad break, when they overall had a good start in life?
Why is a man considered a simp if he's respectful to women?
Why do people catch feelings if you give back what they dish out to you?
Why do deadbeat fathers abandon their child(ren)?
Then come back once the child is prospering?
Why do some men concern themselves with a woman's approval?
Why do people sell out for fame & fortune?
You post your drama online, then get upset when people judge you
Why are some of the best TV shows cancelled, and replaced with garbage?
Why do people get caught up, then expect others to bail them out?
The End.
Sep 11, 2013
No Woman=No Life?
Today's message is going to be titled "No Woman, No Life". Few things I dislike more than a man that bases his whole existence on woman companionship. He can't eat, sleep, or breathe without a woman. Every move a man makes, he gauges how it will garner a woman's approval. That's flaw to me, because a woman isn't centering her life around some random man. I would expect this behavior from clingy women; they don't know any better so that's why they hang on their man's every word. Wherever he goes, she's beside him. She has to ask for permission to even have a life. Most women wouldn't go for that, so by default a man should keep it moving. Men should be indifferent towards a woman noticing him; good if she does, good if she doesn't. A man that's secure with himself does not need a woman's validation. He knows who he is, and what he stands for, and won't settle for less. The quote "Having a woman in your life is worth it. A real man will accept her moods regardless." First, having the right woman in your life is worth it, because she will bring out the best in you, and vice versa. Second, a real man will check his woman if she's getting beside herself. If a man allows his woman to use her moods as an excuse to be disrespectful, that signals doormat. People do what you allow, so if someone mistreats you, it's because you let them. People will respect you if you lay down the law immediately; that way, they'll know where you stand. When a man is secure with being single, he doesn't see a need to chase after women. His life goes on with(out) a woman in his life. A woman will compliment a good man, and will be able to multiply what he brings into her life. Under no circumstances, should a man sell his soul just for women's approval.
Sep 10, 2013
Simping For Acceptance
Last weekend, I discussed Simp Or Die. The concept of that topic was how some men will simp so hard for a woman's approval, that it's a life or death situation. If a woman doesn't approve of him, his life is over as a man. Today's subject is Simping For Acceptance. What is Simping For Acceptance? A man is anti-simp around men, but pro-simp around women. Let me explain: A group of men are discussing how some men have become so indocrinated with feminist ideology, that a man will go against his fellow man for the approval of women. One man is rah-rah around the fellas, but if you get him alone with a group of attractive women, he changes his song. One minute he's speaking out against simping, the next minute he's going hard for a woman that's not checking for him. That's what I mean by simping for acceptance. It's a matter of time before his true colors show, because men know when another man is a simp; it shows in his speech and conduct. I feel like this: If a man is going to be a simp, own that. Don't be anti-simp around men, then pro-simp around women. It's comical for a man to fight against another man for the approval of a woman. Who does that? There was a time where men stood together for a common cause (that's true to an extent), but that's long gone. Today, you have men buttering up to women for her approval (which I understand if he's courting her, but even that comes with limits). That's clown mess. A real man doesn't fight for a woman's approval, she approves of him or not. That's part of a man's security with himself. He doesn't have to simp for acceptance, he knows who he is and what he stands for. If people don't accept him, that has no bearing on how he lives his life. I've heard it said that a man who fights another man for a woman's approval is a real man. This is what I mean by simping for acceptance; going to bat for a woman that most likely wouldn't pour hot water on you, if you were on fire. These men don't realize how they're being used, and if they do, they probably don't care because a woman's approval means EVERYTHING to him. Stop it men, seriously. Go hard for what and who's important to you. The interesting thing is women will co-sign each other, but men can not/will not unify on important matters.
Sep 9, 2013
Sep 6, 2013
Simp Or Die
Like the murder rate in Chicago, simping has risen to epic proportions. I've never seen so many men sell their soul for the approval of women. Men doing this & that for women that aren't interested in him, just so he can change her mind. Listen men, no matter how much you do for a woman, if she's not checking for you, SHE'S NOT CHECKING FOR YOU. It makes zero sense to give your best to a woman that won't reciprocate. That time is better spent on a woman who will reciprocate. The largest progenitor of simping is men who co-sign women's foolishness just to retain her favor. Have men lost their fortitude when it comes to women? See, back in the day, if a man's woman acted out of pocket, he would check her on the spot. She understood that she's a reflection of him, so the woman had extra pressure to represent him well. When a man is raised by a single mother, he doesn't have a strong man to teach him about manhood, so he grows up thinking it's okay to simp for women's approval, because that's all he's ever known growing up. Some women love simps, because they will advocate for their foolishness instead of checking & charging them. If a simp grows a pair and calls a spade, a spade, here comes the woman with the following rhetoric: You hate women, you have mother issues, some woman must have hurt you, you're gay, etc. So what does the simp do to avoid that? Tell her what she wants to hear. I've never seen so many men with no backbone in my life. I wish the stand-up black women would speak out along with black men, when it comes to calling out bad behavior instead of setting quiet, and letting brothers take the amount of the heat. The simps don't know how to roar because they have been neutered, and have fallen to the wishes of today's jezebels. I've noticed that the majority of men (simps) who co-sign women's foolishness are the main ones who have women friends. These men don't hang with fellow men because a man is quick to check another man if that guy is getting beside himself. Think about it, a simp wouldn't last 5 minutes with a thorough group of men that would chin-check him about his simp behavior. Today's man has no backbone when it comes to handling women. He will say any & everything just to gain her approval. With all this simping going on, it's Simp Or Die with some of these men.
Sep 5, 2013
Most single women have heard the adage "men are like buses, one comes every 5 minutes". The same argument can be made against women: Women are like buses, if one doesn't work out, there's another one around the corner. This analogy makes a lot of sense because there's much truth in both statements. Not every (wo)man is the same, so if one relationship doesn't work out, big deal. Oftentimes, a failed relationship is a blessing because God is preparing you for the RIGHT person: (S)he will compliment you and vice versa. I'll never understand why some (wo)men focus on THAT one person. True, you thought (s)he may have been "the one", but you should've prescreened them after a couple dates to figure out if (s)he's right for you. If not, the option remains to be friends or part ways. Additionally, a bus comes along quite often, you can choose to ride or to walk. If you choose to walk, you become weary because you're wondering when the next bus is going to come along. Then again, all buses are not meant for boarding because you don't know what you may board. You could board a bus of confusion, or you board a bus of Love & Happiness (you like the Al Green reference). The important thing to remember is use discernment when deciding on what bus to board. There's a time to get involved with a person the minute they present themselves, and there's a minute to wait for the next bus. It can be difficult at times, but the wait is worth it. Most times, the best things in life are worth waiting for.
Sep 4, 2013
Minimum Wage Protests
Let me say this, how much skill does it require to flip burgers, and make fries? Most of us worked a minimum wage job in high school and college. These jobs were seen as stepping stones to a better position. Some people make a career out of fast-food, and I'm not knocking them. I do believe the minimum wage should be raised to $9.50 an hour, $10 at the most; but raising the minimum wage to $15 is out of the question. Does anyone think the minimum wage is going to double to $15 an hour? I doubt that. You're talking $31,200 a year, which is more than what some people with college degrees make.
Sep 3, 2013
Stop This Nonsense
Mention men's issues, you get Amens and Hallelujahs; mention women's issues, and what do you get? Deflection, attitude, and the classic "you have mother issues, you hate women, some woman hurt you, you're gay, etc." rhetoric. It never fails. If you have a Facebook account, you can get real-time evidence of this by going into any group where men and women are having a heated discussion about the sexes. The problem is that women (I know I'm generalizing, but hear me out) aren't used to being held accountable for their transgressions. They get passes for any & everything, whereas it falls harder on the man. Look at the legal system; the legal system favors women because if a woman falls behind in child support, the judge shows mercy. If a man falls behind in child support, he's still expected to pay. He loses his license(s), certification(s), wages garnished, etc. When a man makes a valid point about the opposite gender, you'll get a few women who identify with a man's plight, but you'll get the majority of women opposing him in the form of deflection: Men do it too. Men may "do it too", but not to the degree of some women. To me, if a woman has to resort to ad hominems in order to shame a man, she already lost the argument. Deflection is her way of saving face because she knows she has no argument. She thinks that by shifting the focus off her, she's scot free. Little do some women realize that even if they deflect, the flaws are still there. This is one of the few times I hate that some women get special privileges. You have simps who co-sign these women's deflective behavior, all for her approval. No wonder women will continue using deflection, because they know a simp will be her Knight In Shining Armor. A woman's at fault? Here comes Captain Save 'Em to the rescue. They don't want to be held accountable for their mistake(s)? That's ok, deflect your way out of the situation. Some women aren't used to having their behinds checked, but it's a new day. You have men who aren't afraid to check a woman on her foolery, and care nothing about her being slighted. These deflective women are no match for strong men, because he's going to hold her accountable for her transgression(s). In closing, a woman would rather have her behind powdered, than being told like it is. Why? Because something a man says about her may be true.
Sep 2, 2013
Women Aren't Letting You Do What?
I was having a conversation with a Facebook friend, and we got to discussing relationships. One of the topics was why men tend to shift blame onto women when the relationship goes sour. Both points were made from my end and hers, and it was a good convo. One thing I can't stand is a man who blames women for his downfall. Most challenges we face in life, are of our own accord. When someone tells us to go left, we go right & vice versa. The only exception is the Adam & Eve story in the Bible, where Adam and Eve were given dominion over the entire Garden. They could eat from any tree except the Knowledge of Good & Evil. Eve allowed the serpent to deceive her into eating the apple. They tried to play it off, but God knew what they did. Adam tried to blame Eve for making him eat the forbidden fruit. I'm paraphrasing what Adam told God, when he asked why did you eat the fruit. Adam: God, that woman you gave to me, she took the first bite, and I did too. Eve got the worst of the punishment. Adam wasn't off the hook either, because God came down on him. This story is testament to how some men act like they're powerless when it comes to women. They can't do such & such because of a woman, they need a woman's permission to be the man in a relationship. That's hilarious to me, because if I'm involved with a woman, I'm going to be the man with(out) her. I refuse to ask for my lady's permission to "be the man"; what do I look like? Last time I checked, I'm grown. I would hope she doesn't ask for my permission to be the woman. The next one is a gray area: Women say they want a man who's honest, but when he keeps it real with her, she can't accept it. He has a valid point when he tells her "Don't ask for the real, if you can't accept it". Their relationship is built on a lie, and it's nothing but turmoil. Ok...the smart person would tell the truth regardless of whether their mate accepts or not. It's no sweat off his/her back, because (s)he knows the truth, (s)he's just trying to help you out, by trying to enlighten you. If you don't want the truth, that's on you. A man who keeps it real with his woman would tell her: I'm going to be honest, regardless of whether you accept the truth or not. If you want to bounce, go right ahead. I refuse to lie to you to spare your feelings (you can do this without being a jerk). I just can't stand men who feel like they can't do/be anything without a woman's permission. You don't see women looking to men for approval. I rest my case.
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