Sep 23, 2013

Why Can't Men Turn Down Sex?

Women can turn down sex with no problem, but some men have the hardest time rejecting a woman's sexual advances. Why is that? I think it's because women value sex much more than men do. For many women, sex represents that magnetic bond that links a woman and her man for life. Some women have to feel comfortable enough with a man before they sleep with him, which makes sense. Men can bonk this woman and that woman with no connection; thank you, and leave $20 on the table. There isn't a man alive that will turn down cutty, because he doesn't want to be seen as gay. Granted, there are some men that will reject cutty, but they're in the minority. Most men think with the little head instead of the one containing their brain. In high school, young men are pressured to make out with the hottest girl in school or else he gets the third degree of why he didn't hit that, or being asked "Are you gay?" Too many men base their self-esteem on getting some loving from a random woman, not realizing she could be taken or have a STD. Most times, these men have no business going for themselves; all they want to do is chase after some booty. You have a real man who is about his business, and doesn't salivate over a shapely woman wanting to sleep with him. To him, there's more to life than sexing an attractive woman. He turns her down, and she gets upset and proceeds to attack his manhood (he's gay, he doesn't like women, he couldn't handle her anyway, etc.). Some men could care less because that's confirmation he made the right decision. How some men can put their lives on hold just to bonk a woman is beyond me. Do you think women are going crazy over not getting package from a man? No, because some women figure men are going to keep throwing themselves at them, so it's no loss. If women can focus on other things rather than getting it in with some man, men need to do the same: Focus on other things rather than chasing after booty. You know, build your legacy. When a man has his stuff together, the women will automatically come. It's better than worrying about whether this woman or that woman is going to let you hit it.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.