Sep 19, 2013

Blk Man Commits Suicide By Cop After FB Post Reveal Beastie Baby Momma K...

This story is crazy. This man kills himself because his baby's mother wouldn't let him see his son. Get this, he wanted to be in his child's life. You have fathers that pump & dump; they pump a woman with his seed, and dump the child on the woman. I'm going to post a few of Rachael's comments from my Facebook page:
Rachael Notyaaveragechick Guelle Unbelievable. Smh! You women don't want a good man to be a father....blah. He laid down with a lowlife piece of shit and now all women are to blame. How was getting himself killed helping the situation? If there's a God? Like really? Smh! I wish people would stop having kids with trifling hoes. She will get her justice. You never turn your child against his or her other parent. Even if the other parent ain't shit. Smh!
Rachael Notyaaveragechick Guelle Killing yourself over anyone is stupid. I could understand if he killed her but that's wrong too. I can't believe he left his child behind with that scum. Smh! Never. I would've made her life a living hell. I would've tracked her every move, recorded every conversation. Smh. All I see is two sorry ass parents. Damn shame!
 Another comment from Rachael: They are both pathetic. You never turn a child against his other parent. It doesn't matter if they are good or bad. Smh! If you don't have anything good to say, shut the fuck up.
My View: Men, be careful who you lay down with because you never know someone's true nature. It's no secret that some women can be very foul. They use their children against the father because of a personal vendetta. I guess if she can't get to him, she'll get him through his child(ren). No matter your problem against your (wo)man, YOU DO NOT use your child against their parent. I can't respect that at all. People say he took the easy way out, but I don't see it that way. This man was tired of fighting; he was going through this situation for 5 years, and each time he got no results. How much more can you fight? Men, do not take your lives over these foul women. They're not going to be at your funeral; they're not going to paint you as a hero. On the contrary, these women are keeping it moving. Going further, the system will allow these single mothers to take days off to go after child support. This is real talk, her justice is coming. She will never sleep at night, because she caused this man to kill himself. She will have his blood on her hands & once the child grows up, that child will want to know the truth, and I hope the guilt eats at her to where she tells the truth. She needs her son taken from her and made to pay child support. There are plenty of stories like this, and each time I come to the same conclusion: Men need to wake up! Stop going by your sausage and use the brain God gave you! If you don't see yourself with her long-term, don't have a child with that woman. You don't know if she's vindictive, and you don't want that in your life. I'm thankful I don't have to go through this because I have too much to accomplish in life to be saddled with child support for 18+ years. Should I decide to get married & produce children, I'm doing it the right way: Get established in my career/education, meet the right woman, we have real talk, then get married. Some of these men are too stupid to realize that many women are playing them. They turn men against each other as part of a master plan to eliminate the male gender. The reason why some men simp so hard for the approval of women is because they think she'll give him sex. 9 times out of 10, that's not the case. Some of these men need to wake up. If this story doesn't cause men to tighten up, I don't know what will. I read about this and it's very very sad! I saw the FB post the young man put the day before he died. If you look on my news feed page, there's a guy Marvin Cease. He shared the entire post of what the young man felt. If what he said about her has truth, I just don't understand why these immature spiteful women prefer their children to be without their father. If they're wanting to be a father, let these men father their children regardless of what he might have done to you, or what happened to your relationship! Grow up! At the same time, it was selfish of him to kill himself, because now his son is going to grow up without a father. I'll never forget this story. My condolences go out to Derrick's immediate family.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.