Sep 16, 2013

Lay It Down

We all have that song that lifts our spirits, and improves our outlook on life. For some it's rap and/or hip-hop, others it's that old-school soul/R&B music. This song does it for me every time I listen. The song title Lay It Down (get your mind out of the gutter) helps me do just that, Lay It Down. Lay Down my worries, trouble, etc. What's the use of carrying trouble on your back? It's not going to make life easier for you. In many cases, all that worry you carry on your back is just going to wear you down more & more; until you finally decide to lay it down. I feel like this, if something's out of my control, I put it in God's hands because only he can work it out. That doesn't mean I'm not going to do my part in the natural; I am, but trust God to do his part in the supernatural. You know, it bothers me that some people are too prideful to let go of their worries. For them, letting go is too much like relinquishing control. Many people believe if you can prevent troubles, than do so. To an extent, they are correct because if you see danger ahead, why would you move towards the danger zone? No, you're going to detour around it because you don't want no worries. Most challenges we face are of our doing, so because we got ourselves in mess, it's up to us to get ourselves out. For challenges we face that are out of our control, remember one thing: We live in a fallen world, so at times life is going to be unfair. In the times that life is unfair, you have to Lay It Down, and Let It Go (into God's hands).

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.