Sep 18, 2013

Marrying The Game

Marrying The Game chronicles the life of rapper Game (Jayceon Taylor) and Tiffney Cambridge. They have several children together and are trying to sort out their issues. They were supposed to celebrate their 1-year anniversary, but life got in the way. Now, their relationship status is on hiatus until they can figure things out. Honestly, I don't believe they're going to last because they're having too many issues. Tiffney wants Game to settle down, and The Game has no intention of putting away his rapper persona. If music is how he provides for his family, why can't Tiff see that? She knew/should have known what she was getting into before getting involved with a music star. Music stars are desired by loads of women, some of whom don't care if he's married. Women jump out their clothes to get at her man. I remember an episode where Game and Tiffany had a big blowout over him leaving for Paris without her. Was it that serious? He was gone for a couple days, and would've came back home. It wasn't so much him being gone, it was having a female assistant and not telling Tiff. Call me crazy, but if a man hasn't given his woman a reason to mistrust him, she should be cool with him having a female assistant. He has to establish boundaries, and keep business and personal separate. That's too hard for some men to do because if a woman and man are working together, feelings are bound to get caught because they're so used to being around each other, that it takes one spark to set something off. If a woman can't trust her man to go out of town on business, they shouldn't be together. Besides, she would expect Game to trust her if she went out of town on business with another man. If Tiff wanted to keep tabs on Game while out of town, she could've gone to Paris with him, even if he would've disapproved. There's nothing like seeing for yourself. Jayceon Taylor is a good father to his children, so that should be enough. My thing is, Tiff is trying to change Game into a family man, and I don't think that's what Game wants. He (Jayceon) just wants his lady to accept him as is. They want different things, and that's fine. No couple is going to be in sync 24-7; each person has their own mind and should be free to be themselves around their (wo)man. If you can't be yourself around your mate, who can you be yourself around? I think Game & Tiffney should co-parent, and go their separate ways. Think about it, they can't agree on anything, and they're just not compatible. Tiffney wants The Game to turn down his rapper image, and Game just wants Tiff to accept him as he is. If you can't accept the good & bad about your mate, do them a favor and sever ties. They are better suited for someone who closely matches them.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.