Sep 6, 2013

Simp Or Die

Like the murder rate in Chicago, simping has risen to epic proportions. I've never seen so many men sell their soul for the approval of women. Men doing this & that for women that aren't interested in him, just so he can change her mind. Listen men, no matter how much you do for a woman, if she's not checking for you, SHE'S NOT CHECKING FOR YOU. It makes zero sense to give your best to a woman that won't reciprocate. That time is better spent on a woman who will reciprocate. The largest progenitor of simping is men who co-sign women's foolishness just to retain her favor. Have men lost their fortitude when it comes to women? See, back in the day, if a man's woman acted out of pocket, he would check her on the spot. She understood that she's a reflection of him, so the woman had extra pressure to represent him well. When a man is raised by a single mother, he doesn't have a strong man to teach him about manhood, so he grows up thinking it's okay to simp for women's approval, because that's all he's ever known growing up. Some women love simps, because they will advocate for their foolishness instead of checking & charging them. If a simp grows a pair and calls a spade, a spade, here comes the woman with the following rhetoric: You hate women, you have mother issues, some woman must have hurt you, you're gay, etc. So what does the simp do to avoid that? Tell her what she wants to hear. I've never seen so many men with no backbone in my life. I wish the stand-up black women would speak out along with black men, when it comes to calling out bad behavior instead of setting quiet, and letting brothers take the amount of the heat. The simps don't know how to roar because they have been neutered, and have fallen to the wishes of today's jezebels. I've noticed that the majority of men (simps) who co-sign women's foolishness are the main ones who have women friends. These men don't hang with fellow men because a man is quick to check another man if that guy is getting beside himself. Think about it, a simp wouldn't last 5 minutes with a thorough group of men that would chin-check him about his simp behavior. Today's man has no backbone when it comes to handling women. He will say any & everything just to gain her approval. With all this simping going on, it's Simp Or Die with some of these men.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.