Nov 28, 2014


Today's blog message is about being strong enough to lose someone. Most couples get together with the best intentions and they make plans to spend their lives together. They're vibing very well, but as the relationship progresses, something happens to damage the relationship to the point of no return. One party wants the relationship to work, whereas the other could care less. The committed person pleads with their (wo)man to help them make the relationship work. The heartless person shows through their actions that they don't want to be with him/her. What's a person to do when they're the only one who wants the relationship to work? My answer: LET THEM GO! You can't make someone stay with you if they don't want to. The more you force someone to stay with you, the more agitated they become. All that's going to do is drain you and them. If someone wants to exit your life, show them the exit. By showing them the exit, you're freeing yourself for the one who will appreciate you the way you deserve. Going further, the unappreciative person is doing you a favor by leaving your life, because that's less drama for you to deal with. The older someone gets, the lower their tolerance for nonsense. I'll never understand why some people spend so much time trying to keep a person who doesn't want to be kept. LET THEM GO! That's what happens when you're desperate for any (wo)man who shows you interest, you fight so hard to keep what doesn't want to be kept. Exit Stage Left. 

Nov 26, 2014

Ferguson: The Aftermath

When Darren Wilson was acquitted of Michael Brown's murder, Michael Brown's family was irate, and with good reason. A few days, Michael Brown's stepfather shouted "Burn This *&%$# Down" on national media. He made himself look crazy because you don't go on national media screaming burn down a community. Not only are people probably side eyeing Brown's stepfather, but authorities are probably going to indict him for inciting a riot. There's some things you don't do, let alone say on national TV. Make it so bad, Michael Brown's parents pleaded with the protesters for peace, and the protesters disregarded their wishes. These clowns decide to tear up their community, and for what? All that's doing is proving the stereotypes that already exist: Blacks can't peacefully protest without showing their behinds. Now, I understand there are times where action must be taken, and I agree. Look at Malcolm X, he fought for equality by any means necessary and sometimes that included violence. You can't do that today, because law enforcement is looking for any reason to cuff you. Let's think a little further: The protesters looted and burned down their community, now what? Business owners lose their livelihood, and the employees are out of jobs. Ferguson residents start complaining about the lack of investment in their community, but they didn't think about that while they were showing their behinds, burning down business, and causing all kinds of havoc. What broke my heart is a lady who had her own cake shop and looters torched her business. All I could do was shake my head, and I pray she's able to recover and come back stronger than ever.

Nov 25, 2014

No Indictment For Officer Darren Wilson

No one should be surprised that Officer Darren Wilson wasn't indicted for Michael Brown's murder, I wasn't. I saw it coming from a mile away. It's been open season on unarmed black men for a while, and it's only going to get worse. It's blacks who have declared open season on each other with the way some of them shoot each other daily. Black on black murders are the leading cause of death in the black community, and sadly that may not change. When you don't value your own life, you can't expect others to. When George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin, blacks protested for a month or so, then went back to life as usual. The same is going to happen with this Michael Brown situation: Protests for a few weeks (or a few months at the most), followed by rioting (which has already started up), and then it's back to normal. A lot of people are saying the system failed blacks, but like a W.E.B. Du Bois quote reads: A system can't fail those it wasn't designed to protect.
I've been following the Michael Brown saga since Day 1, and looking at the WEB Du Bois quote, I'd say he was spot on. Black people have the right to demand justice, but if they don't get it, remember the quote from WEB Du Bois. I'm not saying lay down for injustice, because there's far too much of that going on and frankly, I'm tired of it. The sad thing about this rioting going on in Ferguson is that blacks played right into their hands. Law enforcement KNEW blacks were going to show their behinds so that's why they were ready. All over social media, and YouTube you can see live footage of rioting in Ferguson. Police being shot at, businesses looted, and even a female CNN reporter was hit in the head with a rock. I'm all for outrage, but people need to be smart about it. If you want to make a change, go for where it hurts: $$$. People have no choice but to feel you if you're attacking their pockets. Money makes the world go around, and if the money is affected, key people are going to take notice and start paying attention to what's going on.
In conclusion, as outraged as protesters are (and they have a right to be), remember one thing: True justice comes from God. Officer Darren Wilson is already in prison because no matter where he goes, or what he does, he will never be able to live peacefully. To me, that's far worse than being behind bars. Everywhere he goes, people are going to talk about him. "That's the guy who shot Michael Brown in Ferguson." I'm not condoning threats on Officer Wilson or his family's lives, but there are some people that aren't going to lay down.

Nov 24, 2014

Mind Your Business

Anytime someone is meddling in someone's affairs, if they do it enough then that person will tell them to mind their business. None of us is above getting some business of our own, but that's what I plan on doing. Why worry about someone's business when YOU have your own affairs to deal with? That doesn't make sense because the more time you spend in someone else's business, the less time you have to take care of yours. From time to time, a quote circles around Facebook that reads: There are 365 days a year. If you spend 187 days minding your business, and the other 187 focusing on yourself, you won't have time to worry about what someone else is doing. Personally, I could care less how others live their lives because that's not my concern. I've got issues of my own to deal with that the last thing on my mind is compounding interest, meaning I add someone's issues onto my own. If someone's where I want to be, I will read up on them & ask questions if need be. Many people don't mind someone being in their business, if it's for the right reasons. If you're meddling just because you have too much time on your hands, then that's not a good look, and you run the risk of being told. If I have a choice between minding my business and someone else's, I'm going to pick my business all the time because as stated before, I'm trying to get to where I want to be in life, and I can't get sidetracked by meddling in other people's nonsense.

Nov 21, 2014

Positive Friday

Something for the ladies:

Nov 20, 2014

Bill Cosby Scandal

Unless you've been under a rock, you've heard of Bill Cosby. He had his own animated cartoon show called Fat Albert & The Cosby Kids that did pretty well, then the show ran its course. Then Bill moved onto his own sitcom called The Cosby Show, which was one of the longest-running sitcoms in television history. The Cosby Show still comes on in syndication, and you can catch all the syndicated shows if you have On Demand from your cable provider. Anyway, Bill has been hit with ANOTHER accusation from another woman of being raped. I hope Bill didn't rape any of those women, but you can't put anything past anyone today. Bill Cosby is a stand-up guy, so I'm pretty sure he didn't rape those women, and those women are just looking for a come-up at his expense. Of all Bill Cosby's years in show business, he's stayed out of drama for the most part, so why all of a sudden are these supposed scandals coming to light?
As stated before, some women are looking for a come-up at the celebrity's expense. Bill Cosby isn't the only celebrity to be a victim of sex scandals, other celebrities have caught it too. What bothers me about these women's accusations is that they make it hard for real rape victims to get justice. Many women don't come forward with being raped, because they feel no one will believe them. In a way, I can't blame them because there are some women who lie about being raped, just to make a man's life hell. Some women can be very nasty, and the best way to get a man jammed up is scream rape, and he's scarred. If you don't believe me, google false rape reports. False rape allegations occur at the rate of 2%, but that 2% can cast a negative light on the other 98% because you don't know who's telling the truth. Raven-Symone, who got her start on The Cosby Show cleared her name. In short, she stood up for Bill when she said: "I was pretty much a baby when I was on The Cosby Show, so Bill would never do that."
Celebrities need to watch their back, because there are some women who are looking for a come-up, and they don't care at whose expense. Most instances involve men, because men are suckers for shapely, attractive women. 

Nov 18, 2014

Prospering From Ignorance

This tweet caught my eye because it's on target. If someone's ignorant, all you have to do is cater to their ignorance and you can go higher than you ever dreamed. I'm not talking about ignorance as in not knowing, I mean general ignorance. You know better, but you choose not to do better; that's what I mean by ignorance. Watching RHOA (Real Housewives Of Atlanta) and Love & Hip Hop has me thoroughly convinced of that. Everywhere you turn, someone has a so-called "reality show". Most of these reality shows are nothing more than regulars trying to get their break in the entertainment industry. I'm not knocking anyone's dream, I'm proud of those who are stepping out on faith and trying to make it in the business. If you're going to prosper, prosper for the right reasons. Prosper because of your ability, not your ratchet mentality. It seems like it's easier to be ratchet and make $$$, than to have talent and make it the right way.
Why would you need talent to be ratchet? You don't. All you have to do is act like a fool, and networks will come beating down your door to give you your own reality show. If it's that easy to prosper from people's ignorance, maybe I need to jump on that cash cow. Then again, I couldn't sleep good knowing I'm profiting off someone's ignorance; that's not me, and it never will be. I've been raised right, so I care more about my good name than profiting off someone's ignorance. As I look around, all I can do is shake my head. It's not so much people profitting off ignorance, it's the ignorant who don't realize they're being used for financial gain. A little research and asking the right questions is all it takes to prevent yourself from being taken. I guess I shouldn't be too upset, because the way society is rigged, it's not difficult to prosper off someone's ignorance. If you can twerk, be ratchet and act loud, you're an instant star.

Nov 17, 2014

When I Shine, You Shine

@iDespiseJobz: Keep close the friends who were broke right alongside you, then take them with you on the come 👆 #EatWithWhoYouStarvedWith 💯📝 #fb

The above tweet came from Norm J. Blunt, a Facebook friend as well as someone I follow on Twitter.  My Twitter and Facebook pages are nothing but positivity, because there's too much ratchetness on social media, and I won't cloud my mind with that nonsense. Anyway, people have their nerve wanting to eat at your table when they weren't starving with you. Where do they do that at? It's that entitlement mentality of some people that irks me, and is exactly why I'm cautious of who I let in. Why eat off someone's plate when you can get your own food? What I mean by that is that there's more than enough success to go around, so instead of riding someone's coattails, get yours for yourself. Success differs for everyone, so what one person considers successful, may not be what another considers successful and that's ok. If I'm building a dynasty & it finally blows up, I'm remembering those who helped me build. THEY are the ones that will eat at my table, not the leeches. There aren't too many people you can call a friend because you don't know their agenda. Even your closest friend(s) have an agenda, they just haven't told you about it because they don't want you to think they're your friend just because you're doing well for yourself. In closing, only your loved ones should be able to share in your blessing because they've stood by you all the way. Your loved ones knew you before you blew up, and it's foul to forget about those who supported you from Day 1. I hate to see people become rich & famous and then that fame & fortune changes them. They forget about those who encouraged them to keep hustling when they wanted to quit.

Nov 14, 2014

Positive Friday

It's been a while since I did Positive Friday, but I'm back.

Nov 13, 2014

Strawberry Letter | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS

Today's blog message is Ready For Committment. We have a 30-year old woman who seems to have a good head on her shoulders. She meets a man who she thinks the world of, but there's one problem: He's not ready for a relationship. Either he's turned off by her being a single mother, or he may not be THAT into her. Usually, a man will let a woman know early on how into her he is by several factors: Frequency of communication, his eagerness in getting to know her, they schedule outings together, etc. If a man is into a woman, he will move heaven & earth to show it. He's not about playing games because he knows she's got other potential suitors on stand-by. She may feel that he's the one, but does he feel the same way? From the lack of reciprocation he's giving her, it's safe to say he's not into her as much as she's into him. The question remains is does she want to waste her time trying to force what may not be meant to happen?
When I read these Strawberry Letters, I always look for answers to the question. 9 times out of 10, the letter writer seeking advice has already answered their own question(s). This letter is no different because she states "I don't want to feel like I'm wasting my time." There you have it, she already answered her question. Any further anguish that happens from this moment forward is her fault, because she can either give him an ultimatum or continue raising her children. Right now, her main focus should be on raising her children. Age has a lot to do with this letter as well, because sometimes, younger men like to play games with women. They teeter back & forth with their feelings on a woman. One minute he wants her, and the next minute, he doesn't. An older man doesn't have time for that mess. He either wants her or doesn't, and he moves forward. I don't think he's ready for a relationship, so she might want to move onto the man who is. Time is too short for play play.

Nov 12, 2014

Strawberry Letter | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS

This man and his girlfriend get into a fight, and she gets a black eye. Her mom isn't having that so she wants her daughter home with her, which is understandable. The daughter goes behind her mom's back and continues seeing the man who beat her. I will NEVER understand why some women allow themselves to be beaten like slaves by their husbands. It starts off with arguing, then the voices intensify, and before you know it, someone's getting in someone's faces. The shouting match continues where the (wo)man dares their spouse to hit them. Depending on how angry the spouse is, (s)he may(not) lay a hand on them. Personally, I'm not giving any woman the chance to hit me. I'll simply walk off and let her act stupid by herself. These men know the laws are slighted in favor of the woman, so why would any man willingly put himself in jeopardy? Makes no sense to me. The man has no right to be slighted at her mom for not wanting her to see him; He hit her for goodness sake.
The daughter must have low self-esteem to continue seeing the man who gave her a black eye. Her mom is trying to protect her from him, and she's hardheaded to go behind her mom's back, and see her. Do I agree with her mother threatening to disown her? No. No matter what your child(ren) do, you never disown them under any circumstances. Sometimes, you gotta give your child(ren) tough love, and as much as I hate to say this: The daughter may have to learn the hard way.

Nov 11, 2014

Florida Politics

All Of Florida's past governors, and our current Governor Rick Scott is from South Florida. South Florida makes up the bulk of Florida's population (along with the Tampa Bay Area and Metro Orlando) so that's who voted him in. Because South Florida voted for Rick Scott, of course he's going to do more for them because they voted him in. Tallahassee decided to go with Charlie Crist, and he lost by 70,000 votes. Because Tallahassee doesn't like Rick Scott, you can bet that he's going to continue NOT doing anything for Tallahassee. The bulk of the jobs created are going where? Central & South Florida. The irony of what I said is that Tallahassee is Florida's capital, yet Tallahassee gets the short end of the stick economically. Maybe if Tallahassee supported Rick Scott, he would probably do more for Tallahassee, but as long as some people continually vote against Rick Scott, Rick Scott will continue doing more for Central & South Florida. I follow Florida politics and notice a trend: During Rick Scott's campaign trail, most of his stops have been in Central and South Florida. 
Tallahassee is lucky, if ever, to see him campaign here. In short, Tallahassee is like that kid who gets picked last to be on the team. If I'm Florida's Governor, and Tallahassee didn't help me get elected, why would I make moves to benefit Tallahassee? That doesn't make sense. The Governor is supposed to make moves that benefit the entire state, not just the portions that helped him get into office. At the same time, if a certain group helped you get into office, wouldn't common sense say that you cater to them moreso than others? Throughout this election season, Rick Scott has campaigned in Central and South Florida because that's where he knows his support is coming from. Yes, Tallahassee is Florida's capital and you'd think with us being the seat of state government, Tallahassee would get first dibs on economic development & prosperity, but that's not the truth. If anything, Tallahassee gets the leftovers. We're the last to see any sort of economic development because again, many Tallahassee folks didn't help Rick Scott get elected. 

Nov 10, 2014

RHOA: For Better Or Worse

Last night's Season 7 premiere of Real Housewives Of Atlanta started off strong, so I know this season is going to be good. If you've followed the Apollo situation, you know he was facing 30 years for racketeering. The judge gave him 8 years, so I know he was glad for that. Still, that's 8 years of not seeing your children: Missing out on crucial milestones, the mother having to explain why Daddy isn't coming home for a while; no parent should have to go through that. Here's my beef: Phaedra, Apollo's wife didn't go to his trial with him. Yes, Apollo did wrong, but a wife still stands by her man. That was a time where Apollo needed his wife the most, and she wasn't there. Apollo went in on Phaedra and with good reason. Regardless of what your spouse did, you still have their back. You're going to be serving their sentence with them, so it behooves you to give as much support as possible. If Phaedra got caught up, and Apollo wasn't there, people would want his head.
Watching last night's episode taught me two things: 1. It's easy to say you'll have your (wo)man's back, but when it's time to go down, your loyalty is tested. 2. Phaedra is so worried about her image. Question: Was Phaedra concerned with her image when she married Apollo, who was a known criminal (according to some circles)? I'll wait. Last time I checked, she represented Bobby Brown during his legal issues, so she needs to stop putting on airs. I'm a rare breed of man because if my woman was caught up, I'd ride for her to the end. She's who I married, so I will honor the "For Better Or Worse" part of marriage. It's sad that most people have no loyalty. Oh wait, people are loyal when it benefits them. Then again, I do understand where Phaedra is coming from.
When Apollo made his bed, he had to know that he would have to lie in it at some point. You can do dirt for so long until it catches up with you. Apollo wasn't thinking about his family when he did that fraud, so he can't expect Phaedra to make his issues hers. She's got a career and children to think of, and it wouldn't be a good look for Apollo to drag Phaedra down with him. Somebody's got to raise those kids, so it might as well be her. When you've gotten to where Phaedra is, you're not gonna let anything or anyone mess up your good standing, and by right you shouldn't. A good name is hard to earn, but easy to mess up. In conclusion, I see where Apollo and Phaedra are coming from. Yes, you have your (wo)man's back, but as a man and the head of household, your decisions affect the rest of your family, so tread carefully with everything you do.

Nov 7, 2014

Strawberry Letter | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS

Today's blog message is titled Hollering At The Boss. We have a 30-something woman who's involved with her boss. They work at the same company, but the catch is: The boss is married. I wonder how his wife would feel if she knew he was carrying on with one of his subordinates. Sadly, women having relations with their male bosses isn't anything new. My thing is, she could have any man she wanted, but she goes for a man in authority. I can't be mad because women are attracted to men in power, so maybe she linked up with him because he can help her move up. If that's the case, more power to her. If not already, I suggest she keeps her professional and personal life separate, because there's nothing worse than your company finding out you have a relationship with your superior. Make it so bad, he's married and he's this reckless? Shameful. He doesn't know who his wife knows at the company, and he's carrying on like the mess isn't wrong. 
He better cover his tracks and hope his wife doesn't find out, because he's going to be a homicide case on First 48. Women don't play that infidelity mess, especially if they've been faithful. Depending on how deep their relationship is, breaking up could be detrimental to her professional life. People can be very nasty when you don't want to be with them anymore, and it's worse when that person is your boss. Giving assignments with unreasonable deadlines, just trying to discredit you at every turn. Besides, most companies have strict policies against romantic involvement between superiors and subordinates. I don't see this ending well at all, because someone's going to slip up and that's when the mess will hit the fan. While she has the chance, she better cut the relationship loose because if not, she's going to find herself in a world of mess, largely from the boss's wife. Shakes head at how sorry some women can be; she can't get a man of her own so she has to go for her boss. Some people DO NOT respect their relationship.

Nov 6, 2014

Strawberry Letter | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS

Scenarios like this are all too familiar. Best friend gets pregnant by her friend's man, they try and cover it up not knowing that women are investigative by nature. They can sense when something's wrong, and will go to great lengths to find the truth. There's a code that best friends are supposed to follow, and sleeping with one's man is a major violation. I see what people mean by saying that good friends are hard to find, and they are. The letter writer did right by sending her man to live with the cheating witch. Let the other woman deal with the headache, she doesn't need that nonsense in her life. Besides, by sending her man to live with the other woman, that's less drama she has to deal with because it's not like SHE (the letter writer) is going to be a baby mama. Get rid of all toxicity, and move on with a clean slate. Life is too short to deal with foolishness like this. This woman sees the writing on the wall, now it's on her what to do next. I think she should move forward and focus on living her life like it's golden. She doesn't have to deal with baby mama issues, and from her age, she has a lot to look forward to in the future. As for the man, well...he better stack his money as high as possible, because he's going to be taking care of that baby for the next 18 years. He could write another future Strawberry Letter about having baby mama issues, and want Steve's advice as to what he should do. Not much he'll be able to do except man up to what he did, and take care of that child.

Nov 5, 2014

Strawberry Letter | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS

The title of today's Strawberry Letter is Doing What I Want, When I Want. This lady has been married 4 times & really wants THIS marriage to work, but her man is showing his behind. He told her straight up that it's ok if he converses with other women, and he does it in her face. I don't know if he's asking for a death wish or he's bold, but if a man is dogging his woman like this man is to her, he must not love her too much. Going further, he cares nothing about her feelings because if he did, he wouldn't be doing what he's doing. Here are the hints: She confronts him when he talks to other women, and he tells her he can lie if he wants to, let alone talk with other woman. He calls her insecure for feeling some kind of way. She has every right to feel some kind of way because she made a decision to marry his sorry butt, and he's going to play her like this. Why did she marry him anyway? Is it because she was so desperate for any man that showed her interest, that she didn't do her due diligence? I'm thinking that's it. It's better to be alone than in bad company. She's already got her bags packed, and ready to leave; I hope she follows through on leaving and never looks back. He disrespects her feelings, he's blatantly cheating on her to her face, and doesn't want to go to counseling. What more clues does she need that he doesn't care about her? I understand her trying to honor her vows before God, but God doesn't want his children abused & mistreated in the name of love. There comes a time where you have to just LEAVE, and don't look back. The longer she stays, the more hurt he's going to inflict on her. She doesn't need that.

Nov 4, 2014

Be Yourself

 We've all heard the advice, Be Yourself. That advice is given for good intentions. It's to help us be confident in how we were created, and that the RIGHT people will take notice and want to be in our lives. What happens when being ourselves isn't good enough? We want to be liked by people, and there's nothing wrong with that. What's wrong is compromising your core values to be accepted by people who probably could care less about us. Think about it, people change their views on us like they change clothes. One minute, they think highly of us, and the next minute they dislike us. You can't put too much stock in people, even those who you know well enough that they won't dislike you without a good reason. If you have a bubbly personality with good reason, own that. Don't let anyone stop you from being yourself because they may feel slighted. They don't know your storm; they don't know what you went through to get that bubbly personality on your face. If you're a serious person, own that. Life isn't all roses and sunshine, sometimes you need to buckle down and get stuff done. Like this tweet reads, don't be afraid to show your true self, because as long as you're happy with yourself, no one else's opinion matters. Everybody has a story as to what made them who they are. If you're not feeding, clothing or financing someone, you have little to no say in how someone chooses to show their personality.

Nov 3, 2014

Envy: By Joel Osteen

When someone gets a word from God about their destiny, what's the first thing they do? They tell everyone they know in hopes of garnering support for God's favor & blessing on their lives. The problem is that most people are envious at their core, some people won't tell you because they don't want to hurt your feelings. I can respect that because if you have nothing good to say, don't say anything at all. Nobody has time to be fighting haters, there's more than enough of them to last an eternity. The problem with telling everyone you know about what God showed you is you don't know who's for you or who's against you. Remember, the devil was once an angel so he knows how to entice people into doing his bidding. You may get a few genuine supporters because those are the ones who are real. They want you walking in God's favor and blessing and they will keep you focused. Then you have the snakes, those who slither their way inside, and at your weakest point, they bite. These snakes pretend like they have your back, but they really want what you have, so they feel if they take you out, that blessing & favor is theirs. There are those who will celebrate God's favor & blessing on your life, and there are those who are jealous because they don't have what you as a believer have. Never apologize for being blessed, let alone favored by God. There's plenty to go around, so why be jealous? How God dispenses his blessing & favor is his business, and no one else's.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.