Nov 24, 2014

Mind Your Business

Anytime someone is meddling in someone's affairs, if they do it enough then that person will tell them to mind their business. None of us is above getting some business of our own, but that's what I plan on doing. Why worry about someone's business when YOU have your own affairs to deal with? That doesn't make sense because the more time you spend in someone else's business, the less time you have to take care of yours. From time to time, a quote circles around Facebook that reads: There are 365 days a year. If you spend 187 days minding your business, and the other 187 focusing on yourself, you won't have time to worry about what someone else is doing. Personally, I could care less how others live their lives because that's not my concern. I've got issues of my own to deal with that the last thing on my mind is compounding interest, meaning I add someone's issues onto my own. If someone's where I want to be, I will read up on them & ask questions if need be. Many people don't mind someone being in their business, if it's for the right reasons. If you're meddling just because you have too much time on your hands, then that's not a good look, and you run the risk of being told. If I have a choice between minding my business and someone else's, I'm going to pick my business all the time because as stated before, I'm trying to get to where I want to be in life, and I can't get sidetracked by meddling in other people's nonsense.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.