Nov 26, 2014

Ferguson: The Aftermath

When Darren Wilson was acquitted of Michael Brown's murder, Michael Brown's family was irate, and with good reason. A few days, Michael Brown's stepfather shouted "Burn This *&%$# Down" on national media. He made himself look crazy because you don't go on national media screaming burn down a community. Not only are people probably side eyeing Brown's stepfather, but authorities are probably going to indict him for inciting a riot. There's some things you don't do, let alone say on national TV. Make it so bad, Michael Brown's parents pleaded with the protesters for peace, and the protesters disregarded their wishes. These clowns decide to tear up their community, and for what? All that's doing is proving the stereotypes that already exist: Blacks can't peacefully protest without showing their behinds. Now, I understand there are times where action must be taken, and I agree. Look at Malcolm X, he fought for equality by any means necessary and sometimes that included violence. You can't do that today, because law enforcement is looking for any reason to cuff you. Let's think a little further: The protesters looted and burned down their community, now what? Business owners lose their livelihood, and the employees are out of jobs. Ferguson residents start complaining about the lack of investment in their community, but they didn't think about that while they were showing their behinds, burning down business, and causing all kinds of havoc. What broke my heart is a lady who had her own cake shop and looters torched her business. All I could do was shake my head, and I pray she's able to recover and come back stronger than ever.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.