Nov 12, 2014

Strawberry Letter | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS

This man and his girlfriend get into a fight, and she gets a black eye. Her mom isn't having that so she wants her daughter home with her, which is understandable. The daughter goes behind her mom's back and continues seeing the man who beat her. I will NEVER understand why some women allow themselves to be beaten like slaves by their husbands. It starts off with arguing, then the voices intensify, and before you know it, someone's getting in someone's faces. The shouting match continues where the (wo)man dares their spouse to hit them. Depending on how angry the spouse is, (s)he may(not) lay a hand on them. Personally, I'm not giving any woman the chance to hit me. I'll simply walk off and let her act stupid by herself. These men know the laws are slighted in favor of the woman, so why would any man willingly put himself in jeopardy? Makes no sense to me. The man has no right to be slighted at her mom for not wanting her to see him; He hit her for goodness sake.
The daughter must have low self-esteem to continue seeing the man who gave her a black eye. Her mom is trying to protect her from him, and she's hardheaded to go behind her mom's back, and see her. Do I agree with her mother threatening to disown her? No. No matter what your child(ren) do, you never disown them under any circumstances. Sometimes, you gotta give your child(ren) tough love, and as much as I hate to say this: The daughter may have to learn the hard way.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.