Nov 28, 2014


Today's blog message is about being strong enough to lose someone. Most couples get together with the best intentions and they make plans to spend their lives together. They're vibing very well, but as the relationship progresses, something happens to damage the relationship to the point of no return. One party wants the relationship to work, whereas the other could care less. The committed person pleads with their (wo)man to help them make the relationship work. The heartless person shows through their actions that they don't want to be with him/her. What's a person to do when they're the only one who wants the relationship to work? My answer: LET THEM GO! You can't make someone stay with you if they don't want to. The more you force someone to stay with you, the more agitated they become. All that's going to do is drain you and them. If someone wants to exit your life, show them the exit. By showing them the exit, you're freeing yourself for the one who will appreciate you the way you deserve. Going further, the unappreciative person is doing you a favor by leaving your life, because that's less drama for you to deal with. The older someone gets, the lower their tolerance for nonsense. I'll never understand why some people spend so much time trying to keep a person who doesn't want to be kept. LET THEM GO! That's what happens when you're desperate for any (wo)man who shows you interest, you fight so hard to keep what doesn't want to be kept. Exit Stage Left. 

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.