May 31, 2013

Getting Checked

From The Facebook page How To Be A Woman:
Ladies, there's nothing wrong with getting checked by your man. Sometimes, you don't see that you're getting irrational with him and you need him to get you back to rationality. There's never a reason to get catty, combative and childish with your man, ever. But if you do, or you're just being disrespectful and argumentative, you need to be put in check. Your man is there to lead and provide, so he will do his best to lead you in the right direction, and provide you with good game for your overall wellbeing. And when he's checking you, he's trying to get you back on point so he can continue to properly lead you and provide for you. No man really wants to check his woman, but he must so you two can prosper and grow together.
 Respect the check ladies.
~ Dahlia
My View: Why do some women equate correction as being controlling? When a man checks his woman, her first response is getting defensive. This is because many women aren't used to having strong men in their lives that will tell them NO. This is the whole premise behind the simping movement; men need to learn how to stand up to domineering women. A woman's job is to stand by her man, even if she doesn't agree or understand the rationale behind his decision(s). Many men lead with good intentions, they make decisions that will benefit them, and their family. You wouldn't know it because women seek out soft men, or as I like to call them simps. A simp will always tell a woman what she wants to hear, instead of what she NEEDS to hear. These same women will complain about not being able to find a real man. Well..real men are around, but most women aren't checking for them because a real man knows when to lower the boom. A man's job as the HEAD is to maintain order by any means necessary. If his queen gets out of order, he checks her in love so she can get back track. A REAL WOMAN will respect her man's leadership, as long as he's leading in the right direction. Of course, no woman is going to/should follow her man if he's not handling business. This boils down to the man. If a man wants a submissive, respectful woman; he must be submissive & respectful. Sometimes, men pursue combative & disrespectful women, and try to mold them into submission specialists that they get frustrated with her rebellion. Well, that's his fault because he should have known how she was when they got together. If a woman has a combative & disrespectful nature, why would a stand-up man take her on as his lady? Many women want free reign to be themselves, and if that means being combative, so be it. When a strong man puts a combative woman in check, she can't handle it because she thinks he's being controlling. Hello, she is a reflection of him. No man wants to be with a woman that will make him look bad; if that means he has to put her in check, so be it.

May 30, 2013


I posed this question in one of my Facebook groups. The responses were varied, with some saying no, and others yes.
Fellas: Would you engage in polygyny (having multiple wives) if all the women were committed to helping you build?
Ladies: Would you be okay with being one of your man's many wives?
Here are the responses:

Richard Hudson Lol. It's hard enough trying to please ONE woman, but to satisfy many? No ma'am, lol.
Amber Traylor Exactly Richard Hudson... just imagine!!!!!!

Sharen D Robinson NOPE! Its hard enough to deal with a man one on one snd folks want to add a few other broads to the mix. NOT!!!

Mary Stieff NO WAY!

Anthony Robinson Hmmm, polygamy? I don't know. I'd have no more than 4. I need time to recover.

Demetra Tinson Yes, I keep telling you I need a sister wife over here to cook, clean, and watch the kids, and she needs to go to work.
Kim Ward Polygamy sounds all cool for men until they realize they realize they can't afford multiple women. If all of the sister wives were entrepreneurial minded and good mothers, it could work. I wouldn't do it.

Deddric Dale Ridley No

Robert Wells I assume he means team players Sharen, not these crazy "independent" types...they would never get recruited anyway...they can't even get drafted for a traditional marriage...

Robert Wells I should say "tradition western"...

Amber Traylor My ex fiance's dad had 2 wives.. they ended up bonding and he got mad and kicked both of them out...

May 29, 2013

Keys To His Place

This came from the How To Be A Woman Facebook page.
Keys to His Place

Ladies, if you're with a great man and you two have been together for a while, do not nag, push and/or irritate him for the key to his apartment or house. It's extremely immature to push him for something insignificant as that. Just because he doesn't give you a key doesn't mean he doesn't trust or love you. It may mean he's not ready to take that step yet, he may just need more time or he doesn't feel you earned it yet. Just don't be so quick to throw a fit, pick a fight, tweet it or badger him about it. And don't just jump to him cheating either.

Give him time. Some men look at giving you the key to their place as something huge. He has to really gauge this situation. Is he ready for this? Him giving you the key may be like you moving in and that just might be something he's not ready for. Some men, whether their in a relationship or not, need time to be by themselves and unwind. You having a key to his place may be unsettling and he may not be used to it. Let him be ready to do that for you. If he doesn't give you the key or offer it, maybe he wants a better place for you to see him in. Maybe he wants to keep his bachelor pad without a feminine touch. Or maybe he's just not ready. But don't push your man.

Respect his decision and rock with it. Continue to treat him as good as you always treat him. And when he finally gives you that key, you'll feel good that you deserved it as his woman, not nagged him for it.
~ Dahlia ♥
My View: Men giving their lady a key to his place? Is that how it's done? Sorry, but even if I'm with a good woman, I WOULD NOT give her a key to my place. She can slide through when I'm home, but that's it. My home is my castle, the one place I need to escape the foolishness of today's world. Think about it, a man giving his woman a key to his place is a major step. He has to be comfortable enough with his woman to trust her with a key to his spot. No man in his right mind gives a woman a key to his place, especially one that hasn't proven herself. If a woman picks a fight with him over it, that's more reason for him to stand his ground. All she's doing is showing her true colors because if she's willing to trip over this, there's no telling what other petty stuff she will get upset about. To my knowledge, men don't ask their woman for a key to her place (at least not that I know of). It's not important to a man whether he has a key to her home. Think about it, a man works all day and wants to come home to peace & quiet. Not many men are used to their woman having a key to his place. I can agree with some of the reasons: He wants a better place for her to see him in, or he just doesn't want her living with him. That's ok. Respect his decision and rock with it. Continue to treat him as good as you always treat him. And when he finally gives you that key, you'll feel good that you deserved it as his woman, not nagged him for it. When a man decides to give his woman a key to his place, he wants her to see him doing good for himself.

May 28, 2013

10 Types Of Simps

Message! See, I thought there was only one type of simp, but after reading this, there are 10 kinds of simps. This was posted on the Stop Simping Movement Facebook page by an anonymous member.
The 10 Types of Simps:
Simping has plagued many men in the past and now in the present. The reason it wasn’t so bad in the past was because simps would stay under the radar. Now with the advances in technology and the messages of certain people in our society, simping is out and about in a major way. While many men simp, not all men do it in the same way. A lot of simps can fall into more than one category. I’m going to give you my rundown and definition of the types of simps out there. They are as follows:

• The Thirsty Guy
• Male Attention Whores
• The Sugar Daddy
• Mr. Fix-It a.k.a The Handyman
• Captain Save-A-Hoe
• The Hollywood Romantic
• The Deep Sea Diver
• The Mangina
• The 6x8 Simp
• The Power Simp

THE THIRSTY GUY: The most common form of simping that you will see nowadays is that of guys being thirsty. Have you been out in public and seen an attractive female being harassed by a guy or group of guys that you can tell she clearly has no interest in being around or talking to? This is/are thirsty guy(s) in full force. Thirsty men think that just because a female says no the first time doesn’t mean she’ll say no the 25th time. He will constantly badger the female in hopes that she will eventually give in because in his mind he thinks that by chasing her and being aggressive that he’s showing her that he’s a strong man (which clearly isn’t the case). He lives by the mantra, "Women liked to be chased". The problem is that while some females do like being chased to a certain degree, they also appreciate it when a man can get a clue that she’s not interested in him. However, the thirsty guy will keep on coming and coming, refusing to take no for an answer. I’ve seen it on full display with my own eyes, where females are literally running down the street to get away from thirsty guys. Many people feel there’s a difference between being thirsty and being a simp. I was reading an online forum, and a guy on the forum posted this question: "Would you rather be thirsty or be a simp?" Thirsty guys ARE simps, period. The reason that thirsty men are simps is because they’re hard-headed, can’t take no for an answer, and are so desperate for female attention it’s sickening. You see thirsty guys in person, and you definitely see them online, go to or any other search engine and type in "The 25 Thirstiest Comments on Rihanna’s Instagram". I damn near fell out my chair laughing at all the thirsty comments that guys were leaving on her page. There are guys on there begging, pleading, saying they’ll give their right arm for just a minute with her. That’s being thirsty. That’s also simping. Get it? Got it? Good. Tariq Nasheed, who I mentioned earlier, the host of Mack Lessons Radio, came up with the term "Twimpin’", which is guys simping on Twitter. I also believe that the term "Fimpin’" must also be established, which is guys simping on Facebook. Have you been on Facebook or Twitter and a female posts a picture of herself online and a bunch of guys start blowing her up with comments on how good she looks, how he’d love to hit that, etc.? Each and every one of them is a thirsty ass guy giving her a bunch of unnecessary attention (I will go deeper into this in another chapter when I talk about "Attention Whores"). Thirsty guys also believe in the power of numbers. When you usually see a thirsty guy trying to get at a female, it’s usually a group of guys all surrounding one or two females. I really wish they would realize how lame they look with ten guys trying to holler at two women. The good part is, an advanced player or a mack can usually school a thirsty guy (when he’s by himself) and let him know that he’s got the game all fucked up and change his thirsty ways.

MALE ATTENTION WHORES: You see this type of simp all over the place everywhere you go. He’s the guy in the Escalade on 26" rims, system slapping, talking on his cell, wearing glasses even when the sun isn’t out, and trying his hardest to make an impression. He’s the guy with all the latest fashion up to date from the most expensive department stores. He’s the guy who’s still wearing a long, shiny chain and jewelry like it’s still 2005, and making sure he shines like so. He wants everyone, especially females, to give him attention so he can feel important. This gives him a completely false sense of self-confidence. Basing your confidence on the external and not having confidence on the internal is the making of a recipe for disaster. These male attention whores are major simps because of their insecurity and need for attention from females. Macks, advanced players, and real men don’t strive for attention from females, or anybody for that particular matter. They DRAW attention because of the way they carry themselves and their actions. When your presence in general is fly, you will draw attention to yourself regardless of whether you want it or not. The male attention whore doesn’t understand this basic concept and that’s why he goes around trying to get attention instead of letting it come to him. Now, I know that there are some legitimate guys out there who have paper, and can afford to roll an Escalade or another luxury SUV sitting high off the ground and shop at the best stores. The difference between male attention whores and guys that really do have money is that guys with real paper don’t have to show it off. I will go more into detail in the "Attention Whores" chapter. The male attention whore flashes everything he has in order to draw females in. What he doesn’t get is that everyone can see right through him for what he really is, and that he’s full of shit. The only reason females get with a male attention whore is to use them, period. They know all they have to do is stroke his ego and they got him hook, line, and sinker. In order to keep up his front of having paper and his insecurity in himself, he’ll go broke taking her on shopping sprees, eating out at nice restaurants and whatnot. When he has no more money to spend the female will toss him out like old leftovers in the fridge, usually for someone who has more money. In most cases, she’s already been seeing the other guy on the side for quite some time while she uses the male attention whore for money and anything else she can get out of him. Then he’ll complain and whine about how women are just gold diggers who use men for their money when he used his money to get her in the first place. The male attention whore will get his money back up and repeat this vicious cycle of simping over and over again.

THE SUGAR DADDY: This is the old guy who comes at women (usually younger), with his cash out. He tells them as long as they are with him he’ll buy them whatever they like (T.I’s "You Can Have Whateva You Like" is their anthem). He break off tons of paper, he’ll put them in an apartment or house (depending on how much money he has), buy them a car, take them out to fancy restaurants, nice trips, jewelry, etc. There is a catch though, the Sugar Daddy is the only type of simp that can flip the game and put you in a position beneath him. See, the Sugar Daddy’s main objective is to trick off all his paper on a female and put her in a position where she’s dependent on him. If he’s able to accomplish that, then the tables are turned. He’ll be the one with everything and the female will have nothing of value of her own. Since the car, apartment/house, and cell phone are probably in his name, the female becomes powerless to really do anything. This is usually the case when he’s already married. He’ll make sure that there’s no way that the female can get to his wife to expose him or blackmail him. If she decides to go that route and step her boundaries, he’ll just kick the female to the curb and replace her with a new one. Only female players (gold diggers) can keep the Sugar Daddy in a complete simp position.

MR. FIX-IT a.k.a. THE HANDYMAN: This type of simp is the guy who a woman can call to fix things around her spot, mow her lawn, clean the gutters, etc. This guy will skip work for a day to do a bunch of stuff around her house that she asked him to do. The main problem with this simp is that he’s always at a female’s beck and call 24-7. He’ll be out kicking with his people and as soon as the female calls, he’ll drop everything to go help her. He thinks by constantly helping her out, he’s going to get somewhere with this female. This couldn’t be further from the truth; he will get put in the friend zone faster than a NASCAR driver. The only time she’ll reach out to him is unclog her toilet because the condom from the guy who’s beating her pussy up might’ve got stuck in there and needs to get out.

CAPTAIN SAVE-A-HOE: I was born and raised in the Bay Area, California. In 1993, E-40 and The Click, dropped the hip-hop classic "Captain-Save-A-Hoe". The song talks about the simp who goes after ratchet and bad luck females (usually to their own fault), claiming to be their knight in shining armor. This is the guy who will treat a female who is a literal hoe like a queen even with the writing all over the wall. Guys (and girls) who have messed with her will tell him she’s a hoe and other females will tell him about her hoish ways if they have been eyewitnesses to it. The Captain will just call all of them haters and proceed to find out how big of a hoe she is the hard way. The Captain will then go into Super Simp mode just to try and prove everyone wrong. He’ll spend time with her kid(s), (because of her hoish lifestyle she’s almost guaranteed to have at least one child, but it’s usually more with multiple fathers) drive her everywhere if she doesn’t have a car (which there’s a good chance she doesn’t), trick off all his paper on her, take her out to eat and shopping on the regular, and many more bitch-ass moves. Remember Kurupt’s verse on "Xxplosive" on Dr. Dre’s Chronic 2001?:
"Captain Save Em’-All-Day?/Well, save this dick/Bitch nigga/You more of bitch than a bitch/You ain’t into hitting pussy or hitting a switch/You into hitting bitches off with a grip/You punk bitch."
Captain-Save-A-Hoe is also the guy who stays in and watches the kids while she goes out regularly at night (usually the weekend nights) to engage in hoishness. The only reason a guy should get involved with a hoe is for sex, PERIOD. Even then you can do better than a hoe that every guy (or female) in town has been with. The reason a Captain-Save-A-Hoe goes after women like this is because he lacks self confidence, he wants to feel as if he’s needed, won’t search for women out of his local vicinity, and he thinks it’s easy sex. He thinks getting with known local sluts and not treating them like every guy before KNOWS how to treat them, he can get on her good graces. This backfires tremendously on him. See, the hoe knows she’s a hoe, and that guys treat her the way they do because of her actions. In her mind, when she wants to change, she’ll change. Until then she’s going to be a hoe. Captains think that by being sweet to her, he can "save" her from herself and change her. One of the oldest rules of the game (and life in general) is that YOU CAN’T TURN A HOE INTO A HOUSEWIFE. This is why so many men get caught up thinking it can be done. I’m sorry, but it can’t be done, PERIOD. Men need to stop trying and let hoes be hoes. Need further proof? Look at Chad (Ohcocinco) Johnson, the NFL football player. He married Evelyn Lozada of VH1’s Basketball Wives reality TV show. If anyone of you has seen the show, then you know that Evelyn is a hoe who spent her adult life fucking NBA basketball players left and right. Basically, she’s a groupie hoe who’s been ran through by numerous ballers. Chad married this chick, and 38 days into their marriage they get into a huge fight. She has the police called on him claiming that he head-butted her and he gets arrested. Due to the incident and his arrest, in the span of 72 hours, he gets dropped from the Miami Dolphins (the team he was playing for) and Evelyn files for divorce. Because he didn’t follow the golden rule, and became Captain-Save-A-Hoe, he lost everything. You fuck hoes, not wife them. The Captain-Save-A-Hoe’s lack of confidence in himself to pull quality women has him scraping the bottom of the barrel. If the captain got any confidence in himself, he wouldn’t look twice at a hoe. His lack of self-confidence has him looking for acceptance in other people, yet he doesn’t truly
ACCEPT HIMSELF. Because he doesn’t truly accept himself, and wants to be needed he will search out for a partner that he feels can’t do without him, i.e. broke hoes who don’t have shit to their name.

THE HOLLYWOOD ROMANTIC: The reason behind his simping is that he wants his own real-life Hollywood romance movie. He’s too influenced by the media and pop culture into becoming the "perfect guy" for women. He’s the biggest pushover and has no backbone whatsoever because society tells not to have one and to be "sensitive" to women and their needs. He tricks excessively, never raises his voice, or states his opinion, or anything else that strong, confident men do when dealing with females. He’ll literally base his whole dating philosophy on mainstream media ideas. What he doesn’t realize that those guys in the movies are ACTORS who are following a set agenda with the roles they play in movies, TV, etc. Real-life women know it’s an act and they take it for what it is. Women are attracted to men that can show strength and power, not overly sensitive men who are weak, in other words, REAL WOMEN WANT A MAN WITH A BACKBONE. I’m not saying that you have to be overtly macho and all that. You do need to show that you can take charge though. Because the Hollywood Romantic thinks that he constantly has to cater to women, he comes across as not having a backbone, thus turning them off completely.

THE DEEP SEA DIVER: Is a simp who tries to pull women by boasting how good he is at eating pussy. He’s usually a teenager, but there are some older ones too. He thinks that by eating a female’s pussy he’s got the gateway to sex and eventually her as a partner. He is so very, very wrong…. When a guy (with good game) encounters a "head doctor" (a female who’s good at oral sex), he usually uses her for one thing: a blowjob. He’ll have her suck his dick until he busts and then he’ll be done until next time he wants some head, he rarely (if ever), gets in the pussy. The Deep Sea Diver is the male equivalent of the female head doctor. Women will have him muff dive until they get off, and then kick him to the curb. She then usually has another guy (a player or mack with tight game) come knock the pussy out while the Deep Sea Diver is beating off wishing he was inside her. Even if you’re exceptional at eating pussy, you don’t let a female know it until it’s time to actually have sex. You can make subtle hints if you two are having freaky sex talk/text and sending each other body pics through your phones. This will build up her intrigue and excitement, and thus, turn her on even more. I pretty much guarantee if you play it this way when you’re through eating the pussy, she’ll be begging for your dick inside her and not calling the next guy to hit it.

THE MANGINA: Is the simp who makes you wonder if he has a pussy between his legs. When it comes to arguments of sexes, this guy will always take the females’ side. He will say things like "It was women who brought us into this world", and other BS that basically lets you know that he’s a female ass-kisser. Many "self-help" and relationship books geared towards females are written by manginas. The mangina kisses a female’s ass simply because he wants to be in her good graces. He wants to be in her good graces for various reasons from sex and affection, to money and attention (as done by manginas who have books, movies, lectures, etc.). This usually works to a tee on females who can’t peep the game from jump, because women with game can see right through the mangina. Most manginas know this, and that’s why they only step to average females who need the attention. The problem with the mangina is that he knows he’s just kissing ass just to get whatever he can out of them. There are some who are really that simpish, but most of them are on that BS just to get something out of whatever females they can. Most manginas are very bitch-made and when a real man asserts himself he will usually cower down because he doesn’t want any part of a physical confrontation. This is another reason manginas use females, so that they can become a shield to hide behind. Have you ever you gotten into a heated argument with a guy who was bitch-made and decided to get bold, and it got to the point where you thought you might have to lay hands on him and a female/group of females stood there and defended him? That man is a mangina. Manginas are also the guys referred to as "dirty macks". A dirty mack is the guy who will get at another’s man woman by stabbing him in the back, or just throw heavy amounts of salt in your game because he’s jealous of how you’re having your way with the females you’re dealing with. This is why you NEVER bring a mangina into your circle. He will try to fuck up your situations with females out of sheer jealously, because he’s a weak, insecure, brown-nosing simp. Besides trying to get at your girl behind your back, he’ll snitch on you if he witnesses you with another female, or he’ll say snide remarks and low-key insults when you’re with your female and all of you are together. Yes, the mangina is basically a female in a man’s body, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re grabbing their ankles at night.

THE 6X8 SIMP: This is the man who is a simp because he’s spent most, if not all, his adult life behind bars in a 6x8 cell. Because he has been in jail/prison his whole life he hasn’t had time to interact with the opposite sex and go through the various stages of involvement with females that he would have had he not been locked up the whole time. Unless he’s gay, (which is VERY questionable considering he’s been in jail most of his adult life) he wants a woman in his life. This is what he spends a lot of time thinking about when he’s doing his bid. So when they get out, they’ll jump on the first female that gives them any attention at all. The problem is, we know which types of females usually give attention to guys who’ve been in and out of jail/prison: chickenheads, hoodrats, white trash, generational welfare recipients and other types of low class/low budget females. These females gravitate towards these men for the simple fact that they know that they’re automatically in a position of power over these guys (a position they know they couldn’t get over the average guy unless he’s a simp) and because they want to feel needed and wanted. They have power over these men because they know that they’re fresh out of jail/prison and there’s a good chance that they’re on parole/probation and any incident will get him sent back to prison faster than a group of broke thirsty guys chasing one lone female leaving the club. They will feel wanted and needed because this guy has been locked up most his adult life and he most likely hasn’t taken the time to find out what he truly wants and needs in a female. He knows that because he’s been locked up most of his life that the majority of women who have their stuff together aren’t checking for a guy like him. This creates a negative mind state for him that he has to scrape the bottom of the barrel to get a female to be with, and this shows in the females that he gets involved with. He knows he’s messing with the throwaways and leftovers, but he will just be glad to have an actual pussy that he can stick his dick inside, and become pussy-whipped (as mentioned earlier). The 6x8 Simp is usually seen around a lot in normal society, he’s the swolled-up, hard-looking guy who’s got the three/four hundred pound chick with him that looks a hot mess, and you’re wondering what a guy that looks like him is doing with a female like that. Now you know why he’s kicking it with her and if/when he gets it together mentally and spiritually he’ll kick her to the curb realizing he can do a hell of a lot better.

THE POWER SIMP: The simp that should be feared by women (and all of society in general). He’s the simp that has absolutely no control over his emotions and is capable of doing ANYTHING as a result of that. This is what all the simps described above become when a female decides to kick him to the curb (Except the Sugar Daddy, who only acts like this on rare occasions. This is because of his age and he knows there are many more young women that can replace the one who just dropped him). Simps don’t know how to handle breakups at all. When the simp gets cut off by a female he goes off the deep end because he feels so hurt by her. SIMPS CANNOT HANDLE REJECTION AT ALL. Remember when I mentioned the YouTube videos and the guy in New Mexico? Those are perfect examples of a power simp. The power simp will be out on Saturday night, at a poppin’ nightclub, with wall-to-wall single females, see the female he used to mess with there with another guy, get into a huge fight with him, get the club shutdown, and ruin everyone’s night. The main thing the power simp will do is blow up a female’s phone repeatedly with calls and text messages trying to get her to reply back to him. When she doesn’t reply, he’ll either text or leave a voicemail telling what a bitch, slut, hoe, whore, gold-digger, etc. that she is and tell her that he’s through with her…. Then he’ll hit her a few hours or days later, whining, crying, begging her, telling her how much he misses her, how he can’t get her off his mind, and other lame stuff trying to get a reply from her again. Because he’s hard-headed, he doesn’t see how pathetic and bitch-made that he looks. The power simp is NEVER over a female no matter what he says. Just when you think he’s gone for good….He pops back up like the crazed killer who can never be killed in a horror movie. The power simp can put a female in a real life horror movie. Especially with these actions that power simps will/may do once a female cuts them off:
• Stalking (either in real life, on the Internet, or both)
• File a law suit in civil court to try and make the female pay for money and gifts that he gave willingly (you see this on court TV shows all the time, and the judge always tells them because there was no contract or agreement she doesn’t have to pay back anything)
• Write/sing/perform a song/poem about how wrong the female did him (if you listen to a lot of break up songs by male artists, you’ll hear a lot of simping in their lyrics. Or go a poetry reading and at least one guy will have a poem about a bad break up with a girl. After hearing him read it, you ask him how long they dated for and he tells you two months.)
• Get the female’s name or face tattooed on themselves (THE ULTIMATE SIMP MOVE)
• Commit suicide (in extreme cases)
90% of victim-related crimes against women are done by an power simp who couldn’t handle being kicked to the curb, you hear about it all the time from stalking to cold-blooded murder. Good examples of guys who are power simps are guys who are emo. The term "emo" is short for emotional, and a guy who can't control his emotions is a simp. It doesn’t matter whether they’re Goth or not, when you hear somebody call a guy emo, just call it like it is and say he’s a major simp. The power simp is the guy throughout history that has blown shit out of proportion that didn’t need to be over a female. Think about the Trojan War for example, it all started because Helen of Troy ran off with Paris and her husband, Menelaus, was so upset about it that he started a war between the Trojans and Greeks that lasted for ten years. If Menelaus had of dealt with the situation like an advanced player or mack, he would’ve let her go and focused on the thousands (or millions) of women that could’ve easily taken her place. Thousands of lives would’ve been saved and there would’ve been peace instead of constant war and bloodshed. All forms of simping are dangerous, but being a power simp is the most dangerous form of simping there is. Because of his inability to control his emotions, he’s dangerous to anyone he’s involved with (male or female), but most of all he’s dangerous to himself. – Anonymous

May 24, 2013

No To Bitterness: Sister Nojma

Let me tell you what type of woman I am. You can not and will not be successful trying to get me to hate my Brothers. You can't make me hate him, by talking about the rapes that take place in our community, because I was raped. You can't make me hate him by talking about fatherless homes, because my father wasn't present in my life. You can't make me hate him by talking about the domestic abuse that takes place, because I was in an abusive relationship. You can't make me hate or group all black men in a category based on the action of SOME.

I REFUSE to lace both my mental or physical womb with BITTERNESS and I hope many others will follow suit. I don't want my son to be the recipient of a young woman raised, formed and fashioned in her mother's bitterness. I don't want my son already labeled and packaged before he has a chance to even introduce himself.

My View: If you don't know, Sister Nojma is a very intelligent woman who posts intellectual statements on her page, Nojma Reflects (If you have a Facebook account, look up Nojma Reflects and like her page.) If it were up to me, I would take her genetic makeup and clone her 100 times over. This way, every man that's looking for a good woman would have no problem landing someone like Sister Nojma. She's telling women to stop making good men pay for the mistakes of their ex. It's not his fault she was done wrong in the past by the men in her life. No man wants to deal with a bitter woman, and by right he shouldn't. Sad to say, the majority dictates the whole (in some women's eyes.) If the majority of men in a woman's life are doggish, then that's all she knows so in a way, she can't be expected to cherish a good man who wants to do right by her.

May 23, 2013

What You Marry Is What You're Into

Everyone has their laundry list of what they want in a potential husband/wife, which is great. We SHOULD have non-negotiable standards for a potential spouse. What happens if someone comes into our lives that doesn't meet ALL of our requirements, but they meet half of them? That depends. Some people will accept their spouse with all their flaws, others will keep it moving. Should one decide to keep it moving because their desired man/woman isn't 100%, that's their decision; they need to realize that they are setting themselves up for a lifetime of loneliness. Now, some people will say "It's better to be alone, than with someone who doesn't bring 100 percent to the relationship." True, for the most part. No one wants to be with someone they aren't compatible with, by right they shouldn't. If I'm bringing 100% to the relationship, then I'm within my right to require the same. My pastor talked about this during Wed. Night Bible study, so that's where this commentary comes from. The meaning of this topic simply means that whatever you marry, that's what you're attracted to. Fellas, if you marry a respectful, educated woman, that's what you're into. The inverse is also true, if a man marries a ratchet woman, that's what he likes. Ladies, if you marry a 6'2 man with an 8-pack, that's what you're into. He's content with his job, and doesn't want to move up. She saw past his shortcomings, and realized he treats her like a queen, so she marries him. She has his children, so she loses her figure-eight shape. He's an upstanding man, so he doesn't have eyes for another woman even though his wife has gained weight over the years. People can have physical preferences in a man/woman, and that's fine. Just realize that over time, she's going to lose her hourglass shape, and he's going to lose his 8 to 12-pack. Very few people keep their figure past high school & college, but if they offer you companionship, loyalty & respect, then you'd be a FOOL to reject him/her. You can always work with them on their shortcomings.

May 22, 2013

Follow The Leader: By Nojma Reflects

Ummm yeah...I'm not that bitch, your bitch, to my female friends even if we tight like glue, I can't be a bitch, even if you're playing. I'm not gonna be your side chick, your jump off, your throw back, your side piece, your mistress,your silly hoe, your side hoe, any type of hoe, I'm not gonna be a 1, 2, 3, or however many years girlfriend, I'm not gonna give you the access code to my womb "just because" want the benefits of a wife....then you have to WIFE me. I don't mean calling me your wifey, telling your homeboys ay yo this is wifey right here, if you want your future reproduced and secured through ME, then you're gonna officially make me your wife. I'm not bending nor compromising on that. In another words "I aint taking no shorts!". See how easy it is when you set requirements. I keep trying to tell you, there is NO ONE that can teach you how to respect me, love me and treat me LIKE ME.

My View: I've gotten away from sharing Sister Nojma's Facebook messages, but this one was too good NOT to share. She's serving a wake-up call to men who would come at her sideways, and think they're being affectionate. If you're going to approach a woman, do it RIGHT or not at all. Too often, women give wife benefits to undeserving men, then want to get upset when he doesn't stay around. As much as I feel bad for these women who have been played by no-good men, I believe people do what one allows. Simply put, if a man disrespects a woman, she allowed it. No questions asked. I liked her perspective on being a wife. If you want wife benefits, make her your wife. I mean, you have couples checking in like husband & wife, washing each other's clothes, sexing each other, cooking for each other, doing everything a married couple does, EXCEPT that couple is unmarried. In today's world, that's called shacking up. Shacking up is not just co-habitation between an umarried couple, it can also mean unmarried couples who live together THAT give each other husband & wife benefits. In order for a woman to garner respect from her man, SHE has to show him how to respect her. If he's not willing to wife her, she needs to cancel his butt. The level of love and respect you have for yourself, is the level that will be given to you (man and/or woman). Some of these men do need to tighten up, calling women wifey when they aren't married to these women.

May 21, 2013

Remove The Speck From Your Eye

Everywhere you go, you get people who dole out correction, but can't take their own medicine. Many times, those doling out correction are no better than the person they're chastising. How can you correct someone, and you don't have your stuff together? That's nonsensical. Facebook is a good example of this: Everyone has a Facebook account, which means they receive invites to groups based on common interest(s). Relationship groups often have men & women who are passionate about relationship affairs. Men give their ideal woman, women give their ideal man. Where things get heated between the sexes is when you have some men who chastise women because she's not acting like a woman is supposed to. True, you're supposed to check someone if they're making your gender look bad. At the same time, people are grown; they are going to do what they want. If someone wants to make a fool of themselves, let them. Sad to say, many people have no shame in acting any kind of way. If you're going to check someone, make sure you're on point yourself. Otherwise, you look crazy pointing out someone's flaws, but you have 'em yourself. I try not to judge people, because I remember I'm not perfect myself. We're all a work in progress, myself included. Show me a perfect person, and I'll show you a liar. The only perfect person was Jesus. Back to my relationship example: Relationships are breeding grounds for people to give their $.02 on how a man/woman should conduct themself, so they are attractive to another person. Let's be honest, first impressions are everything. Someone's view of you is determined in the first 5-10 minutes of conversation. Women have a penchant for telling a man how he thinks, when her perspective of a man is flawed (even if she grew up with stand-up men in her life: father, brother, uncle, etc). When a man is imparting manly wisdom to a woman, his perspective is far more valid because HE'S A MAN. Just like women understand each other, men understand each other. If you're a flawed man, and you're chastising a woman on her behavior, make sure you're not guilty of the very thing you get on her about. The same goes for women. Some women like to say men are dogs; well, she laid down with that "dog" so what does that make her?

May 20, 2013

Public Service Announcement

At first glance, thirsty men are going to think "I'd love to drink her bathwater, or ask her to call them (knowing that will never happen). Here's my favorite: I want to get next to her". These men kill me with their thirst. For those of you who don't know her, her name is Tiara Harris. She's from San Francisco and has her own photo website. I'm not going to lie, she is very shapely & attractive. Unlike a lot of men, I don't go goo goo ga ga over attractive women. At most, I'll think to myself "she's attractive", and go about my business. Attractive women like Tiara get hundreds of compliments everyday, so she's used to it. I'm going somewhere with this, so wait for it...wait for it...ACTION: Many black men describe her as the ideal woman; she's curvy and has a nice smile. Bel Biv Devoe made a song for women like this, and it's called Poison. Never trust a big butt & smile. It baffles me that some men find this kind of woman hot, but catch feelings when she plays them. Going further, these men have the audacity to label all black women as not being about nothing. Well, nobody told you to check for her curves & cute face. When people want the ideal black woman, they look her up. These dudes admire this woman with pictures of her cooch all over the internet. This is the woman they would kill to be with, then she plays them like the fools they are, because every man will want her, and there will always be someone with deeper pockets. Then they get on FB talking about black women ain't crap. I'm convinced that men don't know how to look past a woman's curves & cute face, and focus on her character.

May 17, 2013

Quick Trigger

Everyone has a quick trigger when it comes to dealing with certain people. No matter who you meet, you're going to have triggers that will cause you not to deal with certain people. There's nothing wrong with that because not everyone is meant to be in your life permanently. If you see an early sign of something you can't deal with, you bounce them out of your life. I call this, One Strike & You're Out. In baseball, you have 3 strikes before you're out. You're given 3 chances to hit a homerun, and after the 3rd strike, if you haven't hit the ball, you're going back to the dugout. Is it bad to cancel people out after the first offense? That depends. Life experiences cause us to view the world differently. If someone has been hurt a lot by so-called loved ones, then it behooves them to be cautious about who they let into their life. Most likely, if you see the signs, it could mean a lot later in life. What I mean is that if there are habitual negatives without improvement, write them off. Nobody wants dead weight in their life. You can only work with those who want help. I say, give people a shot to prove themselves. Let them have 3 shots to prove themselves. The first transgression, reprimad; Second screw up, warning followed up by probation. The third time, termination. This process ensures you have given the person 3 times to correct the behavior. Sometimes, it's good to have a quick trigger for foolishness, but ask yourself: How many have stuck by you in your mess? *Crickets* When you flip the script, you'll get silence. While you should believe someone when they show you their true colors, you also don't want to be too cautious that you leave no room for new experiences.

May 16, 2013

Peace In Your Home

Home should be the ONE PLACE where you have peace. If you can't or don't have peace in your home, something is wrong. Let me explain: When you leave your home, you don't know what you're up against. You could have a good or bad day, you just don't know. Much of life is external, meaning that whatever happens is out of our control. One way you can keep peace in your home is by pleading yourself under the blood of Jesus, that he will shield you from the societal crap around you and your loved ones. Once you do that, everything will be alright. People do enough battle outside their home, but when they get home from a rough day, the LAST thing they want is more warfare. Nobody has time for that. Look at your spouse, is (s)he welcoming you with opening arms after you come home frustrated? A man has had a bad day, and when he comes home, the last thing he wants to deal with is his woman adding more foolishness; nobody has time for that. The same applies for a woman. When she's had a rough day, she wants to come home to peace & quiet. It's on her man to put her at ease by rubbing her feet, pampering her how she wants, etc. You can have peace in your home, and have disagreements. Peace comes from how you two handle the issues after it happens. My home is peaceful, but sometimes disagreements come with situations. I believe most people have poor communication skills, which explains why some couples are trying to be right, instead of understand the other person's Point Of View. I said all of that to say this: Evaluate the people who come into your home. If they're coming to your home to start mess, x them out immediately. Your home is your castle, only YOU determine what goes on there.

May 15, 2013

A Tragic Situation

This is today's Strawberry Letter from the Steve Harvey Morning Show:
Letter: Hi Steve and the Morning Show: I am in a tragic situation, and I don't know what to do about it. I am engaged to be married in a few months, and I am sleeping with a married man. I love my fiance with all my heart, but I'm falling in love with this married man. Granted, I do tell my fiance what bothers me and what makes me unhappy, but he's so busy it goes through one ear and out the other. When I am with this man, he makes me feel like I am the only person in the world. Something my fiance is lacking because he is busy all the time. I am realistic though because I don't want him to leave his wife, nor am i going to leave my fiance. I know that what I am doing is dead wrong, but it feels so right. Honestly, I want to tell him so we can work through our issues, because I don't want to go into my marriage with this lie. One lie leads to many more. I suggest that we go to counseling, and put God in our relationship. It kills me everyday to look at him and know what I am doing. The worst part is he has no clue because I always keep it cool. The big question is will he be able to forgive me for what I have done. It's a big mess. I have always asked God for a good man, then I finally get one and this is what I do. Believe me, I know if the roles were switched, there would not be anything he could say for me to forgive him so I know how he is going to feel. I just don't want my fiance to be hurt. I am willing to do anything to fix this, and make this right but I don't know where to start.
My Response: She doesn't want her fiance to be hurt? Really? Too late for that, because he already is. For her sake, she better hope he doesn't find out because if so, she might wind up on First 48. Just because he's busy gives her no right to be a loose heifer and sleep with another man, A MARRIED MAN at that. Unfortunately, sorry women like her usually end up with good men, and the good men become jaded from being done wrong, so they take it out on good women. This chick kills me calling this a tragic situation. Leave the married man alone, and seek counseling anyway, then tell your fiance how you feel. I can't tell his investment because she was too busy trying to justify what she was doing. Also, God should have been in this relationship from the beginning, not just months away from getting married. He could be busy all the time because he's trying to make extra money to pay for the wedding. Did she think about that? Probably not. Most women are focused on their man not being there for her, when there's a good reason why. Between work & extracurricular activities, most couples are lucky to get a few hours to themselves. She wants a pass for her transgression, but if he cheated on her behind her back, she would dump him and not turn back. It's going to be a tragic situation for her if he finds out; there's no telling what he will do. Some women DO NOT deserve a good man, because it's obvious many of them don't know what to do with a good one.

May 14, 2013

ABSENTEE FATHER: "Dead Beat Dad or Sorry Mother"

The following commentary from Jai Duval is brutally honest & contains profanity, so excuse the cuss words. This needs to be told straight, no chaser.
I am just about TIRED of the EXCUSES that WEAK, NO BACKBONE, PATHETIC single and married males ALLOW females to use due to THEIR irresponsible and inappropriate SEXUAL behavior. Why is the MAJORITY afraid to simply tell it like it is?

By the way, THE LOVING MOTHER posted her child's face on the internet and I decided to hide the identity. As usual, here is ANOTHER FEMALE that will even USE HER CHILD to get back at a man for HER irresponsible actions.


This DOES NOT APPLY to mentally retarded females that are incapable of making rational decisions.

This DOES NOT APPLY to females who have been forcibly ABDUCTED, continuously RAPED until she conceives and gets pregnant, KEPT CAPTIVE until child birth and then the male simply ABANDONS her and the child or children.

This DOES NOT APPLY to females with a child or children who's father is not present due to unfortunate and uncontrollable circumstances (criminals incarcerated or died due to their activity does not count)

This DOES APPLY to every other female regardless of race, color, creed, religion, education or economic status that the above does not apply to.


Anyone that knows me know that I have a GENUINE concern for decent people be it adult or child. I am especially concerned about a child's development such that they grow up with a positive attitude thus becoming a respectful and productive member of society.


Oprah Winfrey’s recent series, "Life Class - Fatherless Sons".

Sadly, the United States leads the world in fatherless families, with one-third of American children growing up without their biological father. Nearly 40 percent of children in father-absent homes have not seen their dad during the past year, and more than half of all fatherless children have never been in their dad's presence or home.

If you had the opportunity to view Oprah’s "Fatherless Sons" episode, you would have witnessed the deep anger, hurt and emptiness that was so evident on the faces of the 150 men in her audience.


1. ARE WE GOING TO SIMPLY SAY THAT FEMALES ARE INCAPABLE OF MAKING MATURE and RESPONSIBLE DECISIONS? I can go along with that IF she publicly states, "I am incapable of making responsible decisions when it comes to sexual behavior and therefore I can't be blamed for getting knocked up by some dead beat that just want some pussy".

2. WHY ARE THESE SONS FATHERLESS? Has anyone bothered to examine HER behavior and just maybe it was LEAVE or GET ARRESTED FOR BEATING HER TRIFLING and VIOLENT ASS?

3. WHY ISN'T HER POOR CHOICE IN A MAN THE REASON? The dead beat male (which there are many) seems to be the perfect EXCUSE to divert from her choice in him.

4. WHY ISN'T SHE BEING QUESTIONED REGARDING RESPONSIBLE SEXUAL BEHAVIOR? There are more than enough methods available to prevent pregnancy and there is the "Plan-B" pill to increase her chances of preventing conception.


I do EXPECT mature, responsible women (that are concerned about children) to realize that THEY DO have CONTROL over the types of males THEY WILLINGLY CHOOSE to engage in responsible or irresponsible sexual behavior with.

I do EXPECT scandalous, immature, irresponsible Ho's and Bitches (that don't give a shit about anyone but themselves) to argue with me therefore it would be a waste of time trying to make my point with them.

I do EXPECT the RETARDED females to MAYBE argue with me but I understand their lack of ability to comprehend fully therefore it would be a waste of time trying to make my point with them.
 My $.02: I co-sign & pay the full note with interest on this! It's funny how men are crucified for being deadbeats, but if some women don't take responsibility for their child(ren), she gets sympathy: She doesn't have the funds, where is the father, etc. It must be great to be a woman in today's society: You get immunity, and special treatment. You know something, getting some women to take responsibility for their poor choice in men is too much like right, and we all know women are Daddy's Little Girls, raised to feel as though they can do no wrong. Many women don't object to the favor shown them because they benefit. Why would you object to special treatment? That would be silly. In the end, it's the child who suffers because in cases with boys, a mother CANNOT teach a boy how to be a man. She can teach him aspects of manhood: Responsibility, loyalty, respect, and independence, but she will never be able to impart manly wisdom. Only a man can teach a boy about manhood, just like mothers can only teach daughters how to become women. Sadly, the United States leads the world in fatherless families, with one-third of American children growing up without their biological father. Nearly 40 percent of children in father-absent homes have not seen their dad during the past year, and more than half of all fatherless children have never been in their dad's presence or home. I feel like this: Just like men are expected to take responsibility for getting a woman pregnant, women should be held accountable the same way for letting him get up in her cooch.

May 13, 2013

Enough Is Enough

The following commentary is from Tee Wallbanger, who happens to be on my FB friend list. It was too good NOT to share. Here we go:
Please stop with all this king and queen nonsense! If you are not holding down the land that you own without paying government taxes on it, are not taking over ownership of other areas ( barren or occupied), if you have no riches of your own without relying on the government to pay you and not having the government's hand in your cash to take taxes out of it before or after it reaches your hands, if you have no respect, power or dominion over your own area or even within your own household or estate; if you have no legacy or estate to hand down to someone while your here or after your gone, you cannot be considered regal nor royalty.

Regalia must be "earned", not boastfully self-proclaimed without proof to back it up. Royalty does not have to be self-proclaimed. It is highly visible for all to see and open to everyone's respect and admiration.
If you wanna be regarded as KINGS and QUEENS, then PROVE IT WITH YOUR WORDS AND ACTIONS!
My $.02: If someone refers to themselves as King/Queen, it must be true, right? I don't know of any other race that does this more than some blacks. Yes, some blacks may come from a line of kings & queens, but today's blacks act nothing like kings/queens. Last I checked, a king has his affairs together, and a queen carries herself with such grace. Today's black people have NO JUSTIFICATION to call themselves kings/queens, because if you look around, you'll see various instances of conduct contrary to being a king or queen. Whatever to make people feel good about themselves, that's what they'll adopt. You don't have to be a king/queen, but you can refer to yourself as one, and it's all good. If I'm going to refer to myself as royalty or a king, best believe I have something to show for it. THE END.

May 12, 2013

Question From A Friend

Do you think it's un-natural or abnormal for a man or woman, but ESP a man, to be alone when God says He made a helpmate suitable for him? So, if he hasn't found that helpmate, doesn't that mean he (the man) is disconnected from God in some way or is controlled by his own ego?
This was my response: Good question. Yes & No. Most men, like women want to spend the rest of their lives with that special person, so why would a man or woman reject the person God sends in their life? Especially if they help him/her be the best person possible. Then again, some people don't want a relationship & that's fine. Depending on their calling, it may be best if (s)he stays single, so they can devote their life to their calling. I don't think God will punish someone if they choose to stay single. Many men (like women) make a conscious decision to remain single, because most men have low tolerance for BS (same as women). Depending on the woman, some men will work with a woman to help her be her best. Most times, if she's not on point like he is (being on point varies for each person), it's game over.
 Follow-Up Question: That's ego though, isn't it? In other words when God presents the person, and our EGO says, he's not perfect, she's not perfect, aren't we using our selfish desires and thwarting our blessing? Aren't people making mate selection too hard?
My Response:
It is ego, but most men won't admit it. People require of others what they lack in themselves. If your man or woman was perfect, how would that work out?
I think some people make mate selection harder than necessary. Ask God for discernment in choosing the right mate, and he won't let you get jammed up with the wrong person.
Looking at today's world with divorce, domestic abuse, etc., many folks are like "forget this, if this is what relationships are like, I want no part of it."

May 10, 2013

Complain About Your Boss? You're Fired.

Stories like this seem to be more commonplace: Man complains about his boss, and he gets fired. When will people learn? You cannot complain about your company and/or manager without repercussions. He complained on FACEBOOK, one of the top social networking sites on the web. He should've known there were spies. His so-called "friend" snitched to his boss, and this guy was terminated. Every company has a social networking presence: Company employees to senior executives all have Facebook accounts, so it behooves employees to watch what they post. Never post anything that could come back to haunt you. Don't people realize that many co-workers strategically send friend requests to co-workers in order to jam them up? A co-worker adds a few colleagues to their Facebook friend list, these "friends" rarely, if ever post on their wall, but they are sitting on the low waiting for you to slip up, so they can run to their manager about what you said about the company. Next thing you know, you're in the big boss's office looking crazy trying to explain yourself. I'm sorry, but I won't give anyone information to use against me. That's why I'm VERY CAREFUL about what I post online. If I can't stand behind what I say offline, I don't say it on the book. Matter of fact, co-workers SHOULD NOT be Facebook friends because you can't trust anybody. Co-workers who have each other on their friend lists get my goat. In my head, I'm thinking: How lame is that? You guys can't meet anyone outside of work so you resort to friending each other on Facebook.

May 9, 2013

Doing Right With No Compensation

The man in the picture is Charles Ramsey. He was in the news for rescuing 3 women who were kidnapped and forced into sexual exploitation for 10 YEARS. These women were raped multiple times and forced to do God knows what. I'm just glad these women made it out alive, although they may need psychological therapy to heal from this ordeal. I don't know of any woman who has gone through what these women did, and NOT underwent therapy. He was offered a reward and turned it down, because he wanted the reward money to go to the rescued women. His heart was in the right place, but here's a comment from Katina Person (Facebook friend) who, told it like it was:
"Everyone is praising this dude because he said to give the reward money to the girls. WHATEVER! If there is reward money and if he doesn't take it for himself, he's a fool. Those girls are going to get paid. Period. Look at that Dugard girl or whatever her name is. They found her. She was on People, giving interviews day and night. She got paid for ALL of that. They are going to get book deals, maybe a reality show, who knows? Depending on the agent they get, and how they play it. But what is he going to get? Talking about he has a job. That's for NOW. In this economy, we all know jobs are guaranteed. He's in OH too? I hope he has someone like me in his life, talking sense to him, lol."
I share her sentiment, because if you're offered reward money for a noble deed, YOU TAKE IT. Say thank you, and move on. His heart was in the right place, and I can respect that, but sometimes you need compensation for the good you do. I believe he just wanted to make sure that after all they had been through him getting a reward shouldn't be the focus. Often, our hearts are in the right place but our brain needs to get in the right place too!

May 8, 2013

Ride Or Die Woman By Kim Ward

Kim Ward (a Facebook friend) wrote a very powerful post in the No More Nonsense Facebook Group. It was so well-written, I had to share! Here It Is.
Men tell us that they want a ride-or-die chick. They want a woman that is committed and one that won't head for the hills when times get rough. We are critical of a woman that don't stand by their man- even after he has lost the third job in as many months or after he has been unemployed for the past 2...3...4 years. We tell her that times are hard. "Things are rough for a Black man." We guilt trip her and tell her that a lot of it is her fault and we tell her that men need a woman that is ride-or-die.
As a woman, you don't want to be one of "those" women. You know the type. The woman who talks too much. The nag. The type of woman your man hears his friends talk about in the barbershop. You have a "good" thing and you proudly ride shotgun as your man steers your relationship... over a cliff. You are ride-or-die.
At what point is it okay for your "ride" to end? Is it after you find out that he got Shanekanaynay pregnant? Or is it after you are tagged in a picture that shows your man "getting it in" at a party full of twerking women when you thought he was watching the game over his boy's house? Do you ride-or-die your way to the clinic for the third time this year because stuff down there is just not right?
Some women feel that ride-or-die means turning in their drivers license and giving up the right to plat their own course. That couldn't be any further from the truth. You should only be ride-or-die for a man that is willing to ride-or-die with you.

May 7, 2013

Hondo Solomon's Proverbs

These are a list of quotes from a Facebook friend of mine named Hondo Solomon. This brother is very intelligent. Here We Go:

"Side chicks always want to be upgraded at some point because the man is focused on his real family."
~ Hondo Solomon
"Housewives and concubines over side chicks."
~ Hondo Solomon
"The time a man spends absorbing NBA League Pass is the same time he could be spending learning to pass his wealth to his future generations."
~ Hondo Solomon
"The energy a woman spends on being a side chick could be spent learning how to be a proper housewife."
~ Hondo Solomon
Men have a prime growth range from 18 until they are near 60. This highlights one reason older men want younger women (who only have a prime range of 16 to their late 20s) so their family line may continue in earnest. There's no point in having one woman of the same age who only gave you two children and you wanted 20.
Men, go polygynous.
Ladies, hypergamy is in order.
Ladies, if you believe it's attractive to be opinionated because you are "grown" and "have a mind of your own," why do men first notice the quiet, demure, and dainty women standing next to you and want to wife them ASAP?
A man must keep his own private study area and sleeping quarters in the home. This is important for his mental maintenance and periodic solitude. When time is needed with the wives, he may go in unto them and/or vice versa.
This one is really good:
Side chick psychology is backward and upended, makes no sense and has no relation to reality. Thus, side chicks believe because a man has sex with them and gives them money, that he will eventually marry them.

Two important facts are overlooked by side chicks:

(1) You are a side chick and are there for sex and possible arm candy status.
(2) The man in question will never marry you...Because you are there for sex and possible arm candy status.
Shouts out to all the side chicks.
Stay in your lane.
Side chicks always want to be upgraded at some point because the man is focused on his real family.
The women who rail against polygyny the most, boasting they will never be a man's other woman, are the same ones who are presently a man's other woman.

May 6, 2013

I'm Coming Out

Diana Ross dropped this very song the year I was born, in 1980. It was to signal gays & lesbians coming out to the world. When I hear this song, I think of Jason Collins, the NBA player who announced he was gay to the entire nation. He got congratulatory calls from President Obama & his wife, and other influential people. The irony is Tim Tebow announcing his Christianity, and Tebow gets criticized. When Jason Collins came out, amens & hallelujahs. A picture is going around Facebook showing a picture of Tebow and Jason Collins. Jason Collins has a choir backing him singing praises, and Tebow has duct tape over his mouth, as the world is saying: Big deal. My issue is gays have no problem coming out, so why are some Christians shook? I touched on this in a previous blog, and it bears repeating: Some Christians are cowards. They keep their Christianity on the low to keep from being persecuted. Jesus was persecuted, so what makes you think Christians won't face the same? Today's world is living proof. The Bible does say if you deny me in front of man, he (God) will deny us (Christians) in front of his father. If you ask me, it's bonkers. If homosexuals can come out, what's Christians' excuse? One of my church's pastors delivered a powerful message on this very subject. To paraphrase yesterday's sermon, he said: Homosexuals have more guts than Christians because they have no shame in announcing their sexuality to the world, but some Christians don't come out because they don't want that persecution. I will admit, it's shameful that you can discuss everything but Jesus is the ONE thing you can't mention. Why? Because that name is powerful. One utterance of Jesus and people are shook. The world is threatened by the powerful name of Jesus so that's why they do everything in their power to stamp God out of every societal realm. You would think that Christians (God's chosen people) would represent for him, which many do. When it comes to taking a stand for Christianity, some Christians miss the mark because they co-sign foolery instead of checking it. There's an old adage and it rings true: If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

May 4, 2013

First 48 Making Miami Look Bad? Negative.

I've been watching First 48 since it's inception. Each week, a different city is profiled. The show is about detectives working to solve a murder within the First 48 hours, hence the show title. Miami has been regularly featured on the murder series for a while now, and the episodes always take place in these neighborhoods: Overtown, Liberty City, and Little Haiti. Seldom will you have a First 48 episode take place in Miami Gardens (although there has been one show where a murder was profiled there). The bulk of Miami's violence can be traced to those 3 areas, so it makes sense to profile murders in those 3 neighborhoods. Let's be honest, do Overtown, Liberty City and Little Haiti residents object to their neighborhood being profiled? Negative. Having your city featured on First 48 is attaining superstardom, because outsiders know how hardcore your city is. The show does feature residents cooperating with the police to catch the murderer(s), so it must have a purpose. Luke makes good points, especially about the show doing nothing to show why inner-city blacks are shooting each other. It's not hard to figure out: Little or no education, poverty and hopelessness all contribute to black on black murder. Think about it, how many successful blacks go out and commit crimes? None, because there's too much to lose. Black Miami has been in trouble since the late 80's/early 90's, with drug gangs like Boobie Boys, Thomas Family and John Doe that wreaked havoc on the Miami streets. In closing, The First 48 does not make black Miami look bad. The show does a good job of showing what life is like for inner-city Miami residents.

May 3, 2013

National Prayer Day

Every year, around this time is the National Day Of Prayer. It starts with a week of Bible reading at all Capitol buildings across the nation, followed by prayer day on Thursday. Christians from all across the nation lift America up in prayer. What issues some Christians pray about is on them. I feel this way: Every day should be national Prayer Day for each Christian. Why should a day be set aside for Christians to do what should be done every day? I see the reason behind National Prayer Day, but I feel Christians should pray daily (many Christians, myself included already do). Some of the issues I pray about are unemployment, economic recovery, people suffering with disabilities, black on black genocide, gay agenda, etc. I take authority over this gay agenda in Jesus Name! Perversion and Uncleanness must cease & desist immediately. On the flip side, I see the National Prayer Day as an opportunity for God's children to intercede on behalf of America. Let's keep it 100, America has turned it's back on God. It's going to take prayer warriors interceding on behalf of America, followed by action in order to get America back on track. I don't need to participate in National Day Of Prayer, because I pray daily and read God's word. As long as Christians pray daily & stay rooted in God's word, then National Day Of Prayer is icing on the cake. It's like reading God's word on Sunday and expecting to get through the week; not going to happen. Prayer should be a constant activity, not an annual event.

May 2, 2013

Should You Date Outside Your Race To Find Happiness?

I hear all this talk about brothers going outside of their race to find happiness. Black women aren't this, that and the third. How many times can you play the same song before it gets tired? If some black men feel like they'll be happy with a woman of another race/ethnicity, more power to them. Do what makes you happy. I'm tired of some black men and women complaining about each other. BOTH BLACK MEN & WOMEN need to cut this foolishness out, because both are in the same boat as far as the difficulty of finding a suitable mate. There's not much, if any, that I disagree with in Tommy's video. Many times, the same arguments are recycled: Black women are too mean, too needy, argumentative, ghetto. Black men are jailbirds, can't keep a job, too immature, mama's boys, etc. There are no original arguments for black men/women dating outside of their race. One difference I notice is when black women date outside the race, THEY DO IT with no public service announcement. Some black men make a spectacle of their decision to date outside the race. Let's use a sports analogy: When Lebron James was drafted to Miami Heat from Cleveland, he made a big media spectacle about it. This angered Cleveland fans because they felt like Lebron turned his back on the team. Lebron wouldn't have gotten the flak he did if he would have kept his decision on the low. I said that to say this: Too many people don't want to do soul-searching to figure out why THEY keep having failed relationships. Wherever you go, YOU are the common denominator.

May 1, 2013

Men & Women: TIGHTEN UP

The following is from the Grown Man Logic Facebook page. It puts MEN & WOMEN on blast for their promiscuity, and goes into detail how some women have themselves to blame if they choose not to see the writing on the wall.
I’m really sick of all the men saying women are hoes, sluts and/or tramps. Newsflash, someone has to be sexing them and guess what, it’s us men. Then after doing so and finding out your homeboy or crew already hit, all of a sudden she is a hoe or slut. She wasn't that when you were calling her whenever you wanted some. Oh yea men, when you're being selfish and simply about getting yours, more times than not you didn’t satisfy her, but yet you think you're the man in bed. I’m willing to bet the biggest hoe you know or think you know has slept with less people than you, so what does that make you exactly? You men are so tired of hoes, well, blame your fellow males for continuing the trend giving attention, buying things, boosting egos and sexing these so called hoes, so don’t look for change because it’s not happening! MEN: DO BETTER!

I'm really sick of all the women saying men are dogs, players and no good. Newsflash, for each and every female that allows poor treatment, disrespectful behavior, any type of abuse, taking him back when cheating, etc, it is you who continues this cycle because you all are the ones allowing this to happen staying with a man who should be kicked to the curb. Quit telling yourself ‘but I love him’ and using it as a excuse or justification for his ignorant ways, poor treatment and inconsistent behavior. Have more love for yourself and lose the loser. If you don’t get rid of him, then blame yourself and all the other women unable to do so for not reading the writing on the wall when the signs are always there, thinking he is going to change or somehow you’re the one who he will change for because it’s not happening! WOMEN: DO BETTER!
My $.02: Why someone would sleep with a person that others have ran up in & through is silly. Sloppy seconds, thirds, or fourths are not the move.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.