May 17, 2013

Quick Trigger

Everyone has a quick trigger when it comes to dealing with certain people. No matter who you meet, you're going to have triggers that will cause you not to deal with certain people. There's nothing wrong with that because not everyone is meant to be in your life permanently. If you see an early sign of something you can't deal with, you bounce them out of your life. I call this, One Strike & You're Out. In baseball, you have 3 strikes before you're out. You're given 3 chances to hit a homerun, and after the 3rd strike, if you haven't hit the ball, you're going back to the dugout. Is it bad to cancel people out after the first offense? That depends. Life experiences cause us to view the world differently. If someone has been hurt a lot by so-called loved ones, then it behooves them to be cautious about who they let into their life. Most likely, if you see the signs, it could mean a lot later in life. What I mean is that if there are habitual negatives without improvement, write them off. Nobody wants dead weight in their life. You can only work with those who want help. I say, give people a shot to prove themselves. Let them have 3 shots to prove themselves. The first transgression, reprimad; Second screw up, warning followed up by probation. The third time, termination. This process ensures you have given the person 3 times to correct the behavior. Sometimes, it's good to have a quick trigger for foolishness, but ask yourself: How many have stuck by you in your mess? *Crickets* When you flip the script, you'll get silence. While you should believe someone when they show you their true colors, you also don't want to be too cautious that you leave no room for new experiences.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.