May 3, 2013

National Prayer Day

Every year, around this time is the National Day Of Prayer. It starts with a week of Bible reading at all Capitol buildings across the nation, followed by prayer day on Thursday. Christians from all across the nation lift America up in prayer. What issues some Christians pray about is on them. I feel this way: Every day should be national Prayer Day for each Christian. Why should a day be set aside for Christians to do what should be done every day? I see the reason behind National Prayer Day, but I feel Christians should pray daily (many Christians, myself included already do). Some of the issues I pray about are unemployment, economic recovery, people suffering with disabilities, black on black genocide, gay agenda, etc. I take authority over this gay agenda in Jesus Name! Perversion and Uncleanness must cease & desist immediately. On the flip side, I see the National Prayer Day as an opportunity for God's children to intercede on behalf of America. Let's keep it 100, America has turned it's back on God. It's going to take prayer warriors interceding on behalf of America, followed by action in order to get America back on track. I don't need to participate in National Day Of Prayer, because I pray daily and read God's word. As long as Christians pray daily & stay rooted in God's word, then National Day Of Prayer is icing on the cake. It's like reading God's word on Sunday and expecting to get through the week; not going to happen. Prayer should be a constant activity, not an annual event.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.