May 31, 2013

Getting Checked

From The Facebook page How To Be A Woman:
Ladies, there's nothing wrong with getting checked by your man. Sometimes, you don't see that you're getting irrational with him and you need him to get you back to rationality. There's never a reason to get catty, combative and childish with your man, ever. But if you do, or you're just being disrespectful and argumentative, you need to be put in check. Your man is there to lead and provide, so he will do his best to lead you in the right direction, and provide you with good game for your overall wellbeing. And when he's checking you, he's trying to get you back on point so he can continue to properly lead you and provide for you. No man really wants to check his woman, but he must so you two can prosper and grow together.
 Respect the check ladies.
~ Dahlia
My View: Why do some women equate correction as being controlling? When a man checks his woman, her first response is getting defensive. This is because many women aren't used to having strong men in their lives that will tell them NO. This is the whole premise behind the simping movement; men need to learn how to stand up to domineering women. A woman's job is to stand by her man, even if she doesn't agree or understand the rationale behind his decision(s). Many men lead with good intentions, they make decisions that will benefit them, and their family. You wouldn't know it because women seek out soft men, or as I like to call them simps. A simp will always tell a woman what she wants to hear, instead of what she NEEDS to hear. These same women will complain about not being able to find a real man. Well..real men are around, but most women aren't checking for them because a real man knows when to lower the boom. A man's job as the HEAD is to maintain order by any means necessary. If his queen gets out of order, he checks her in love so she can get back track. A REAL WOMAN will respect her man's leadership, as long as he's leading in the right direction. Of course, no woman is going to/should follow her man if he's not handling business. This boils down to the man. If a man wants a submissive, respectful woman; he must be submissive & respectful. Sometimes, men pursue combative & disrespectful women, and try to mold them into submission specialists that they get frustrated with her rebellion. Well, that's his fault because he should have known how she was when they got together. If a woman has a combative & disrespectful nature, why would a stand-up man take her on as his lady? Many women want free reign to be themselves, and if that means being combative, so be it. When a strong man puts a combative woman in check, she can't handle it because she thinks he's being controlling. Hello, she is a reflection of him. No man wants to be with a woman that will make him look bad; if that means he has to put her in check, so be it.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.