Nov 23, 2012

Respecting Your Elders

I prefer hanging around elders because of the wisdom they have. Face it, young people don't know how to be serious. They think life is about having fun when that's not the case. Usually, older people are established and have stopped playing games. They don't see a need to relive their youth because in their eyes, they had all the fun they can stand so they usually settle down. Young people just don't have the life experience of older folks so that's why I gravitate towards them. Elderly people will always tell you that back in their generation, life was more simple. People actually had respect for each other. Elderly people lived through the Civil Rights Era/racial injustice, great depression, riots, etc. These young bucks couldn't last a day in old folks' generation. Don't get me wrong, there are young people that have their stuff together but that's because they were taught well. What young person you know has their stuff together that wasn't schooled well by the elders in their family? *Crickets* That's why even though I'm 32, I'm old-fashioned in my thinking and I'm not sorry for it. You can learn a lot about life from elderly people, which is why I respect them to the fullest. Ask an elderly person anything, and 9 times out of 10, they know what to say because they've been down that road I'm traveling. Many times, they know what does and doesn't work so I take their direction into consideration.

Nov 22, 2012

The End Of Hostess

Normally I don't do twice a day blog commentaries but this one caught my eye. As you guys know, Hostess, the company that makes Twinkies has gone bankrupt so they were forced to shut down. As I read the article further, many bakers were fed up with management forcing them to take pay cuts while management gives themselves enormous raises. That's how the business world usually works, the little guy suffers while the execs pockets are unaffected. That's not right so in a way I can understand the rationale behind the workers stance. Some people haven't had raises in 3 years or more and probably have had their pay cut once and to ask them to take ANOTHER pay cut is ridiculous. This is the type of economy graduates have to look forward to and it breaks my heart. At the same time, it's not smart to quit a job without having another job lined up. I remember a company in bad times telling their workers, you will have to suffer with me, and when our company is doing better, we all benefit from it. The workers worked hard for less pay, no one was laid off and when times got better, workers were given more money for their dedication to the company. Now the attitudes are different, companies don't give a crap about their workers, and workers don't give a crap about the company. No one works together. This is how companies fail. Bring back management working with labor, bring back the good ole work ethic and bring back loyalty between companies and employees, We need to work together or we will all surely fail.

Once Upon A Time

Once Upon A Time, women preferred strong men. Strong Men were seen as ideal because they could provide and protect their family. Nowadays, the tide has turned and now women seek out emotional men; men who cry just as much as, if not more than them. These women don't want strong men because a strong man will not put up with his woman's foolishness. A strong man will lay the law down when necessary and if he won't allow his woman to get her way, she starts pouting like a spoiled 2-year old. Women prefer emotional men so they can henpeck him. If a man is henpecked, he will cater to his woman 24-7 even if it means he bites his tongue when he has reason to speak up. A strong man is quick to tax his woman if she gets out of pocket. Why wouldn't some women want emotional men? He uses well placed tears and boom, he's got her right where he wants her. Men know how to play up to women in order to gain their favor. A man doesn't have to be emotional but if a woman likes an emotional guy, that's what he gives her and she falls for it. Discernment IS NOT women's strong point so that's why men are able to easily get over on women. Men are constantly adapting their strategy to suit women's desires, kind of like how a chameleon changes to suit his environment. If a woman told her weak man to eat dog food, he'd do it because he doesn't want her to go off. SO? Let her flip out! It seems like men have gotten soft over time. By the same token, strong women are rarely, if ever attracted to weak men. I'm not saying a man can't be emotional because if he feels the need to show emotion, go ahead but to be emotional 24-7 is too much. I can't stand to see men jump through hoops for women that aren't checking for them.

Nov 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day Is Upon Us. A time for celebrating friends & family and of course, grubbing on turkey, dressing, macaroni & cheese, cranberry sauce, etc. Every year I watch the parades on TV (Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York, plus other assorted festivals in various cities) and enjoy the fellowship with family and friends. For some people, Thanksgiving isn't so wonderful due to family warfare and personal losses. My  heart goes out to everyone that through no fault of their own, won't be able to enjoy Thanksgiving with their family. I especially want to send a shout out to all our military servicemen & women who are holding it down for our country overseas, those folks deserve the ultimate thanks because if it weren't for them, we wouldn't have the freedoms we do. Aside from that, I want to wish all my FB people a Happy Thanksgiving and eat good, because I plan on doing so, then going extra hard in the gym to burn it all off. Just recently I started helping prepare Thanksgiving dinner because that's part of my self-sufficiency, being able to act the fool in the kitchen like my parents. If I do have a family, they're going to know their dad is a kitchen beast. Because of my intense workout regimen, I have an excuse to eat good for Thanksgiving Day because I know I'll put on solid muscle which allows me to push more weight in the gym. I can't get mad  at the leftovers. I have enough leftovers to last me a couple weeks to a month, which is good because sometimes you don't feel like cooking every day and it's easier if you have leftovers because all you do is reheat and eat.

Nov 20, 2012

Balancing Work & Family

At times, it's impossible to balance family and work due to conflicting demands. Either your family will demand more of your time or your job will; you cannot have it both ways. One is bound to suffer. If you put your family first, your job will suffer and vice versa. The key is finding a supportive spouse that understands your rationale for putting in extra hours on the job so you can make sure they're straight. A man's job is to provide for his family and part of provision means you have to take advantage of overtime opportunities or extra income opportunities. After all, he's doing it for the family. Women need to stop running guilt trips on their man because if the money wasn't coming in, she would be upset about that but when the money coming in, she doesn't say anything (by right she shouldn't). At least he has a job because most men don't work. If a man works too much, his woman gets pissed and wants him home more; If he's not making enough, she wants him to step his finance game up. Damned if you do and don't with some women. Did it ever occur to some women that the reason why their man may spend more time at work than with her is because she NAGS too much? *Crickets* No man wants to come home to a motormouth. I said all that to say this: You can't always balance work & family because one is bound to suffer. I got the idea from Sweetie Pie's (a show that comes on at 9pm Saturdays on OWN). Tim and Jenae are supposed to get married, but that's on hiatus due to Tim's busy schedule. Jenae gets pissed because she feels Tim doesn't have his priorities straight.

Nov 19, 2012

Arguments Are Counterproductive

 Arguments are counterproductive to a relationship. The reason being is that both sides are trying to prove their case instead of coming to a mutual agreement or at best, agreeing to disagreeing. When you have a man and woman who stands their ground, you're bound to have conflict because neither side wants to admit being wrong because in their eyes, it's weakness. The best remedy is to get someone who is borderline agreeable but has their own mind. They don't have to co-sign everything you say and do but they should understand that you two can have tough conversations without screaming & cussing. When a woman doesn't get her way in a relationship, she gets to acting like a spoiled brat: Throwing verbal tantrums (including but not limited to screaming & cussing, low blows, deflection, belligerence, etc.) and silent treatment. Most men aren't phased by their woman giving them the silent treatment because to him, he doesn't have to hear her mouth and the less he has to hear her whine, the better. Where are the women who DON'T like to argue? There must be a woman that's mature enough to discuss issues in a rational manner. If you have to "argue" in order to have a healthy relationship, that's sad and those women will not receive consideration from me. These women want to be right and refuse to bend, but expect the man to do all the giving & taking. Ladies, a man's word is FINAL. Everything isn't always up for debate. Women are used to dealing in emotions, men are not. Most men will avoid confrontation at all costs; many men will confront when necessary.

Nov 16, 2012

Looking Deeper

A woman's heart should be so deep in God, a man seeks HIM to find her. That would be true if she was worth the pursuit but in today's climate, most women aren't wifeable so there's no incentive for men to give chase. Even if she was worthy, many men don't have the patience because some women make men move heaven & earth to prove himself worthy to her. Here's the problem as I see it: Women who use the aforementioned statement are trying to portray themselves as a great catch when they know deep down, they aren't. Everyone wants to portray themselves in the best possible light so people can look favorably upon us. That may work for a while but eventually the truth will come out and when it does, you're looking crazy and those so-called "fans" you had will start disintegrating. If you're going to quote, at least be able to back up what you quote. If a woman says her heart is so deep in God, a man must seek him to find her, then she better portray herself as a Godly woman.

Nov 15, 2012

Giving The Benefits=No Commitment

We've all heard the phrase "Why Buy The Cow When You Can Get The Milk For Free?" It means if you're giving it up to someone with no commitment, you can't expect marriage from them. Sad to say, but it's the truth. If someone's giving you husband/wife benefits, why would you want to marry them? If you're like some people, there's no incentive because they're already giving you the benefit without a commitment. Some women don't know their worth so they feel in order to keep a man, they have to give it up. That may work on some men but not stand-up guys like myself and other likeminded men. I like to earn the benefits, not have them handed to me because there's no honor in that. Knowing I earned something makes me appreciate it more because of the work it took for me to achieve it. If a woman is willing to give it up to me without requiring a commitment, I have to pass on her because that tells me she doesn't value herself and is probably willing to give it up for free to other men. Men are just as guilty of this because you have some men who are so thirsty that they'll bonk any woman with a hole. You have women who apply the same logic to men; if he's giving it up to her for free and she doesn't want to commit, why should/would she? She's benefiting without a commitment. Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? If you want the milk, you have to buy the cow. You can't have one without the other.

Nov 14, 2012

Shortage Of Good Black Women: A Brother's Perspective

Black women complain about a shortage of good black men? Well, after reading this letter there's more of a shortage of quality black women as evidenced in this letter. Here's the letter I cut & pasted from a mutual Facebook friend's wall: 
Shortage. Remember that word guys, shortage? As in inadequate, sorry, gay, criminal and unworthy. Black women have been whining about a shortage for almost 20 years now. They have pretty much complained about some of us, and insulted the rest of us, and they have done it with little to no remorse what-so-ever. I'm going to take this time to express the shortage that I and men like myself have to experience when considering black women as mates. I'm not talking to Thugs, those worthless pieces of filth are lucky anyone is dumb enough to give them the time of day. No, I'm talking about serious, strong, responsible hard working black men, who expect the best in women they choose to date. I'm going to take this post to express the "shortage" in marriageable black women that us black men experience.

Children. It is a fact that well over 70% of single black women have children out of wedlock, on average 2 children by 2 different men. In other words, starting your own family from scratch with a black woman, is about as hard as finding a needle in a hay stack. Believe it or not ladies, not all black men are cool with raising other mens' children, especially 2 or more.

Prison. Black women are the fastest growing prison demographic. Not black men, black women. It is a stat that white male dominated media chooses to keep their own little secret. Men like myself don't want convicts and criminal women for mates anymore than you do ladies.

Education. For every educated black woman there's a ton of illiterate hood rats. Should I pursue these tired hood rat women who no doubt exhibit every quality that makes it a shortage of black women in the first place? Should I convince myself that I have some chemistry with them, chemistry that I know I don't have with hood rats? I don't think so, it's a colossal waste of time for me and other black men with standards.

Weight. Yeah, I know this is a sore subject for black women, but it is a real issue. The fact that 80% of black women are either overweight or obese is alarming if you are considering them for dating and marriage. True, weight is a problem for many people, but black women are the only group with 80% of its population being overweight and obese. No matter what these black magazines that are geared toward black women's mentality may tell you, men are visual creatures, and most of us would not choose an overweight female over a woman that takes care of her body, no more than most black women would choose a broke black guy over one with money. Real talk ladies, 80% is just ridiculous, and to believe men (black, white, red, or yellow) who work hard enough to be able to pick and chose women would ignore healthy in shape women and pursue "big girls" instead, is just unrealistic and lazy.

There it is, if your a black woman, and this pisses you off, SO WHAT! Black men have had our collective faults publicly put on blast by black women for decades now.

Nov 13, 2012

Using Your Assets

Women complain that men objectify them; well when you have your T&A out for the world to see, what you expect? Men respect women who respect themselves, period. If a woman portrays herself as a floozy, men will treat her as such. So, if a woman wants to be regarded in high esteem, she needs to conduct herself as such. The reason why women use their booty to catch men is because MEN fall for it. Some men act like they've never seen booty before so that's why they go hog wild over a chick with an ample posterior. I'm not excusing the ladies because they should have enough self-worth to know they don't have to show their butt in order to get a man. Until men learn how to look deeper in getting to know a woman and ladies tighten up on their self-worth, this mess will always be an issue. Men and Women are at fault here because women wouldn't feel a need to dress provocatively if men didn't howl and whistle like horndogs. If you're a man and you ooga booga, catcall or do whatever childish thing men do when they see an attractive woman, you've never seen attractive women before so you react in a juvenile manner. I expect catcalling from 16-year old boys not GROWN MEN. Same applies to the ladies; see a tall, buff man and they lose their minds. There are better ways to find what you're looking for and dressing like a hoochie isn't one of them. If by chance, a loose woman does attract a good man, he's probably going to play up to her to get sex, then leave her. That's the oldest trick in the book; men have been using that strategy for ages and it has yet to fail. Tell her what she wants to hear so she can give up the poontang pie and bam, he's probably long gone. I said all that to say this: Showing up with the booty....DOESNT MAKE U WIFABLE...LADIES...PLEASE LEARN THIS!!!!

Nov 12, 2012

Why Have A President?

Do most people realize that the approval rating for Congress generally ranges from only 10-20%??
I want to make a formal apology to George W. Bush. NOT because I support him -- never that! But I truly realize now that he couldn't screw up the country without the help of the Congress. NO PRESIDENT - INCLUDING BUSH - has enough power to fix, screw up, or approve much in this country BY THEMSELVES. It's not a One-Man Show folks!! Bush was being used as a puppet by folks like Karl Rove and Dick Cheney. Although probably a good man (which I hadn't always believed), Bush was just one man who surrendered his backbone to special interests. And America's prosperity was sacrificed in the end because of that. He didn't mess up alone, is my point. So ALL of the blame cannot go on him. ALL of the blame cannot NOW go onto President Obama either. The republicans in Congress vowed to make this man a "one-term President" before he even spent ONE DAY in office and vowed to say "Hell No" to pretty much EVERYTHING he wanted to do no matter how good it might be for our Nation. Putting your Politics before your People is the biggest reason why this country is going backwards, is broke, and is bitterly divided. Congress is absolutely horrible. Useless. No matter the party! And again, I sincerely hope that BOTH SIDES are going to work to actually FIX things this time. Or we are doomed. What's the point of electing a president if the PRESIDENT doesn't really have any power? I mean, Congress is calling the shots telling him what & what not to do so when you think about it, there's no need for a President of the US.

Nov 10, 2012

Stereotypes In Politics

This was inspired by Jeannine Carswell, an intelligent Facebook friend of mine: (courtesy of Jeannine Carswell): I don't agree with everything the Democrats do. They can stand to make some improvements of their own. But I've got to tell you...

My Biggest Issue with the Republican Party is this false (and long-held) belief many of them have that most Black People are on welfare or stay getting Food Stamps. They aren't saying that a PORTION of us are doing this, they think that MOST of us are doing that! A disgusting LIE that Fox News and the like keep spewing to their gullible followers. I mean this UPSETS me. 
Just to give an example: Let's just say that 2 in 10 Blacks are on Welfare. The other 8 people work and do NOT receive Assistance. WHY would you stereotype and mistreat the other 8 in 10 Black People and lump them in with the "welfare queens"? How are the 8 being lazy leaches if they are working??? If a young black female works at McDonald's full-time she is NO MORE of a bum than the white lady who works full-time as a WAITRESS at the Waffle House. But the white lady at the Waffle House has convinced herself that she should vote Republican because BLACK & LATINO PEOPLE ARE HER BIGGEST ENEMY and THEY are why she isn't better off in life. That is an insane mindset!! If anything, you have a lot more IN COMMON with that black lady you are hating on! Rich white republicans don't care about the poor white republicans who support them in elections. That's why it's quite laughable to see you two joining forces. If you are a beer-drinking, jean-wearing, no-healthcare-having, working-class white dude....YOU have NOTHING in common with Mitt Romney but your white skin!!! This is why Blacks & Latinos sit back in utter confusion looking at this! 
There are more white people on Welfare than ANY other group. Get your facts right! And MANY people of all backgrounds have had no choice but to get Food Stamps in the past decade -- not because of their RACE but because of the RECESSION. Not every Black Person that has received Food Stamps in their life is an "abuser" of the system! Until you can stop allowing yourself to be a Hateful Puppet for a party that doesn't care about either YOU OR will ALWAYS be misled and you will always be labeled racist for those views that you are holding because they are based on LIES. 
Do a lot of black dudes rob banks? Well...that depends on if you're willing to admit that many white dudes are pedophiles. Guess we all can stereotype huh?

This is what I think: A few people can & will mess it up for everyone. Is it right? No, because there are people that truly need the help and will use public assistance to get back on their feet, which is what public assistance was intended for. Yes, you have leeches that make it a lifestyle but to make it hard on everyone is foul.

Nov 9, 2012


I'm starting to believe that division is a part of life. Think about it, you have Rich vs. Poor, Christian vs. Atheist, Healthy vs. Sick, Black vs. White and the list goes on and on. Read what a good friend posted on her Facebook page: (courtesy of Jeannine Carswell): All this talk going on about the President & the Congress "finally coming together". I pray that they actually do join forces to get more done. The People come First, NOT your politics!! 
Not only are we divided into Red & Blue -- we are divided young VS. old...Black VS. White VS. Latino VS. Other....Women VS. Men...Compassionate Christian VS. Greedy Christian VS. Atheist. 
Well is this nonsense going to stop or what?! If not, I seriously fear a SECOND Civil War to come for the good old USA pretty soon.

My $.02: Now is the time for everyone to come together and stop all this foolishness. Obama won twice, get over it. Join up with the Commander In Chief so we can make this the best nation in the world.

Nov 8, 2012

Vegas Employer: Obama Won–So I Fired 22 Employees « CBS Las Vegas

It's important to have a Plan B because life throws detours your way. Some detours will help you reach your goal faster and others may temporary delay you onto your desired path. I read an article that said a business owner fired 22 employees due to Obama's re-election and I was pissed because that's a form of extortion. The owner's rationale was that he spent years looking out for his employees and with Obama being re-elected, he was going to raise taxes causing him to take drastic measures to keep his business afloat. Whether these employees were slackers or top performers remains to be seen but the bottom line is that employees are the lifeblood of ANY business. Employees make the company succeed and especially if you have top-tier talent, why would you lay off your best employees? That's dumb. Always, ALWAYS have a Plan B even if you think you don't or won't need it. Better to have Plan B and not need it then not have it and need it. Nowadays, job security is non-existent. You can't guarantee your job as your sole income source. Even more ridiculous that some states are right to work, meaning you can be fired for any or no reason. If an employer doesn't like you,'re fired. Shakes Head. It's sad that the business world has degenerated into dog-eat-dog. The sad thing is like my dude Norm said, so many people walk around thinking they're going to keep the same job 20, 30+years and when they get that pink slip, it hits them like a ton of bricks. To these people I say: Where Was Your Plan B? Did you have other income streams lined up just in case that job went under?

To Be Continued...

Nov 7, 2012

Where Do We Go From Here?

The Election Is Over, FINALLY. This election season has been ugly based on the craziness and hateful rhetoric spewed by the Rethuglicans. From Romney catering to the rich to Richard Murdock's comment about abortion, I shook my head at the lengths some people will go to gain presidency. Where Do We Go From Here? Now that Obama has a 2nd term, he's able to enact his strategy for America. Every elected president has spent his first 4 years cleaning up the previous administration's mess. When Obama first got in office, his first 4 years were spent trying to clean up Bush's mess and with a 2nd term, Obama can focus on doing what HE wants. I hope the Democrats and Republicans can come together and stop the bickering. It's time for both parties to come together for the good of America. I do believe Clinton played a major role in Obama's re-election because he was schooling Obama on what to say/not say, do/not do, etc. Clinton endorsing Obama was one of the factors that put him over with citizens. I have to be real, Romney slit his throat too many times. First, the 47% comment. Second, he was talking about cutting Obamacare, the Pell Grant, Social Security, Medicare, etc. Third, Romney put his foot in his mouth too many times and Fourth, his policies were designed for the 1% to benefit. As a candidate, you have to reach out to ALL PEOPLE, not just the 1%. Obama is not only the first black US president, but the first black US president to be elected TWICE. Obama and Romney need to work together from this day forward because after all, they are passionate about the United States. Obama let people know where he stood from Day 1, he never changed his stance on important issues. Romney flip-flopped too much and if you're trying to become President, you cannot waiver in your stance.

Nov 6, 2012

Act Like A Ho, Go To Church On Sunday

Every pastor has touched on this topic in some form. No matter what church you go to, sometimes the pastor will call out wayward believers about their conduct outside the church. Pastors' favorite issue is Christians in the club. Biblically, Christians are forbidden from nightclubs because that environment arouses sinful desires (Ephesians 4:17-24, 1 Thessalonians 5:22,"Abstain from all appearance of evil."). So why do some women feel that going to church makes them a good catch? They figure since they're getting close to God, it gives them a pass to say and do whatever. I 100% agree that no one's perfect (myself included), but just because women outnumber men in church doesn't give them a pass to act loose the other 5 days. I went to a number of churches that featured women who acted & dressed like floozies but are the first ones to correct someone else about their shortcomings. If you're going to call someone out, make sure you have no skeletons in your closet. I feel that church women should be held to a higher standard than worldly women, especially if they are seeking a man who also loves God. If God sends the right man in a woman's life and he notices she's more worldly than secular women, he's turned off from her and go the other way; rightfully so. You never know who's watching so it's important for Christian women to conduct themselves accordingly. I said all that to say this: Ladies, just because you outnumber men in church doesn't make you a great catch. Hoes go to church too, especially since they need forgiveness for doing God knows what in the club Friday and Saturday Night.

Nov 5, 2012

I Want You All To Myself

It never ceases to amaze me that when people get married, they're automatically supposed to stop hanging with their friends. Newsflash, your friends were there before that man or woman so to give them up for your man or woman is sorry. Where was your so-called man/woman when you needed someone to talk to? NOWHERE TO BE FOUND. If a man is spending more time with his friends than his woman, the problem is HER because a woman is supposed to give her man a reason to rush home after a long day at work. A man's castle is supposed to be his place of peace. Men face enough outside the home but to come home and deal with more craziness from his so-called "helpmate" is foul. Flipping the script, if a woman dreads going home to her man, he failed as a mate. If your mate expects you to cut off your friend base and devote every hour to him or her, that's a red flag. I wouldn't expect my lady to spend every minute with me (unless that's her choice and even then, I'd need some ME time) nor should she expect me to spend all my time with her. The two just aren't possible in today's world. Having outlets is healthy.

Nov 2, 2012

Richard's Gospel

Sermon 1: You can't expect someone to give you the world when you don't have a passport.
Sermon 2: I'm sick & tired of women saying all men are dogs. If she lays down with him & has his children, what does that make her? That's like saying you don't like ice cream but you eating it.
Sermon 3: Marriage is going to be extinct due to cohabitation. Very few people get married nowadays and why should they? About half of marriages end in divorce and of that percentage, the Christian divorce rate is about the same or higher than the secular world. You have couples shacking up and enjoying the benefits of husband & wife without the committment. Shacking Up is the new marriage.
Sermon 4: Ladies, if you're going to pose in the bathroom, PLEASE make sure it's clean. Nothing worse than looking at a lady posing in front of the mirror in the bathroom and the place is filthy. SMH!
Sermon 5: Shout Out to all the so-called independent women who don't need a man but they get public assistance or try to put their deadbeat dad up for child support. You independent, make it happen for yourself.
Sermon 6: Men need to stop being Superman to damaged women. It's not his responsibility to heal a woman's hurts. She should've taken time out for herself before getting into another relationship. I can't stand to see brothers play superhero to damaged women. The thing is, these women are playing these guys by having him do this, that and the third for her so he can gain her approval. Being a superhero to a damaged woman is the ultimate form of simping.
Sermon 7: Truth & Facts don't cater to us, we cater to truth & facts. However the truth comes, it's on us to accept it or we will look crazy.
Sermon 8: Beware of women who say "If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best" These women want the green light to talk crazy to a man and he not check her. A real man isn't going to let his woman talk crazy to him, not unless he's weak.
Sermon 9: Most men don't care about a woman's education. All many men care about is whether she's wife material, can cook, hold intelligent conversation and have good moral character.
Sermon 10: Mention Men's Issues, you get Amens and Hallelujahs. Mention women's issues, you get deflection, combativeness and the classic "he hates his mother, he's gay, etc." That's soooo tired. Please Cut This Out.
Sermon 11: Only God Can Judge Me. When we continue in our ratchet ways, that's what he's doing/will do.
Sermon 12: Asking about finances on the first date is a no-no. Get to know the person and not their pockets (or lack thereof).
Sermon 13: There Is No Such Thing as Unconditional Love Because Too Many People Are Out For Self.
Sermon 14: A man should be ashamed of himself for allowing another man to raise HIS children. The child(ren) will hold their stepfather in higher regard than their own father, and that's sad. That's what happens when men decide to be deadbeats.
Sermon 15: A woman of poor moral character is not deserving of a good man and a man of poor character isn't deserving of a good woman. Be the person you want to attract.
Sermon 16: People should look out for #1 because the way companies are laying off folks left and right, better do like I and many others did and jump on the self employment train. You can't get laid off from a good internet income program.
Sermon 17 (Last Sermon Of The Day): A MAN does whatever it takes to provide for his family.

Nov 1, 2012

Some Things I Will Never Understand Pt. 2

Life is tough enough but to have a debilitating condition makes life 10x harder because you didn't ask for a disability. Most disabilities are genetic/hereditary so they come through no fault of your own. Couples NEED to do their homework on their family's health history to find out if there are disabilities or health conditions that run in the family and if so, they need to reconsider having a child. No child should have the odds stacked against them, EVERY child should be born healthy so I think it's foul that some children are born healthy and others are born with birth defects/disabilities. (some children are multi-disabled having more than one disability). This is what happens when you live in a fallen world. You can pray that God gives you a healthy child with no disabilities (and he will) but some things happen that are out of our control. Yes, I'm inspired by people who don't let their disability stop them from doing big things but deep down, they want to be whole and if they don't, they're lying. Break The Cycle! If disabilities run in your family, why would you have a child knowing he/she would inherit that condition? Genetics can be a blessing & curse. Conversely, people don't realize how blessed they are because there's someone that would love to be in their shoes.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.