Nov 10, 2012

Stereotypes In Politics

This was inspired by Jeannine Carswell, an intelligent Facebook friend of mine: (courtesy of Jeannine Carswell): I don't agree with everything the Democrats do. They can stand to make some improvements of their own. But I've got to tell you...

My Biggest Issue with the Republican Party is this false (and long-held) belief many of them have that most Black People are on welfare or stay getting Food Stamps. They aren't saying that a PORTION of us are doing this, they think that MOST of us are doing that! A disgusting LIE that Fox News and the like keep spewing to their gullible followers. I mean this UPSETS me. 
Just to give an example: Let's just say that 2 in 10 Blacks are on Welfare. The other 8 people work and do NOT receive Assistance. WHY would you stereotype and mistreat the other 8 in 10 Black People and lump them in with the "welfare queens"? How are the 8 being lazy leaches if they are working??? If a young black female works at McDonald's full-time she is NO MORE of a bum than the white lady who works full-time as a WAITRESS at the Waffle House. But the white lady at the Waffle House has convinced herself that she should vote Republican because BLACK & LATINO PEOPLE ARE HER BIGGEST ENEMY and THEY are why she isn't better off in life. That is an insane mindset!! If anything, you have a lot more IN COMMON with that black lady you are hating on! Rich white republicans don't care about the poor white republicans who support them in elections. That's why it's quite laughable to see you two joining forces. If you are a beer-drinking, jean-wearing, no-healthcare-having, working-class white dude....YOU have NOTHING in common with Mitt Romney but your white skin!!! This is why Blacks & Latinos sit back in utter confusion looking at this! 
There are more white people on Welfare than ANY other group. Get your facts right! And MANY people of all backgrounds have had no choice but to get Food Stamps in the past decade -- not because of their RACE but because of the RECESSION. Not every Black Person that has received Food Stamps in their life is an "abuser" of the system! Until you can stop allowing yourself to be a Hateful Puppet for a party that doesn't care about either YOU OR will ALWAYS be misled and you will always be labeled racist for those views that you are holding because they are based on LIES. 
Do a lot of black dudes rob banks? Well...that depends on if you're willing to admit that many white dudes are pedophiles. Guess we all can stereotype huh?

This is what I think: A few people can & will mess it up for everyone. Is it right? No, because there are people that truly need the help and will use public assistance to get back on their feet, which is what public assistance was intended for. Yes, you have leeches that make it a lifestyle but to make it hard on everyone is foul.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.