Nov 22, 2012

The End Of Hostess

Normally I don't do twice a day blog commentaries but this one caught my eye. As you guys know, Hostess, the company that makes Twinkies has gone bankrupt so they were forced to shut down. As I read the article further, many bakers were fed up with management forcing them to take pay cuts while management gives themselves enormous raises. That's how the business world usually works, the little guy suffers while the execs pockets are unaffected. That's not right so in a way I can understand the rationale behind the workers stance. Some people haven't had raises in 3 years or more and probably have had their pay cut once and to ask them to take ANOTHER pay cut is ridiculous. This is the type of economy graduates have to look forward to and it breaks my heart. At the same time, it's not smart to quit a job without having another job lined up. I remember a company in bad times telling their workers, you will have to suffer with me, and when our company is doing better, we all benefit from it. The workers worked hard for less pay, no one was laid off and when times got better, workers were given more money for their dedication to the company. Now the attitudes are different, companies don't give a crap about their workers, and workers don't give a crap about the company. No one works together. This is how companies fail. Bring back management working with labor, bring back the good ole work ethic and bring back loyalty between companies and employees, We need to work together or we will all surely fail.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.