Nov 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day Is Upon Us. A time for celebrating friends & family and of course, grubbing on turkey, dressing, macaroni & cheese, cranberry sauce, etc. Every year I watch the parades on TV (Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York, plus other assorted festivals in various cities) and enjoy the fellowship with family and friends. For some people, Thanksgiving isn't so wonderful due to family warfare and personal losses. My  heart goes out to everyone that through no fault of their own, won't be able to enjoy Thanksgiving with their family. I especially want to send a shout out to all our military servicemen & women who are holding it down for our country overseas, those folks deserve the ultimate thanks because if it weren't for them, we wouldn't have the freedoms we do. Aside from that, I want to wish all my FB people a Happy Thanksgiving and eat good, because I plan on doing so, then going extra hard in the gym to burn it all off. Just recently I started helping prepare Thanksgiving dinner because that's part of my self-sufficiency, being able to act the fool in the kitchen like my parents. If I do have a family, they're going to know their dad is a kitchen beast. Because of my intense workout regimen, I have an excuse to eat good for Thanksgiving Day because I know I'll put on solid muscle which allows me to push more weight in the gym. I can't get mad  at the leftovers. I have enough leftovers to last me a couple weeks to a month, which is good because sometimes you don't feel like cooking every day and it's easier if you have leftovers because all you do is reheat and eat.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.