Nov 19, 2012

Arguments Are Counterproductive

 Arguments are counterproductive to a relationship. The reason being is that both sides are trying to prove their case instead of coming to a mutual agreement or at best, agreeing to disagreeing. When you have a man and woman who stands their ground, you're bound to have conflict because neither side wants to admit being wrong because in their eyes, it's weakness. The best remedy is to get someone who is borderline agreeable but has their own mind. They don't have to co-sign everything you say and do but they should understand that you two can have tough conversations without screaming & cussing. When a woman doesn't get her way in a relationship, she gets to acting like a spoiled brat: Throwing verbal tantrums (including but not limited to screaming & cussing, low blows, deflection, belligerence, etc.) and silent treatment. Most men aren't phased by their woman giving them the silent treatment because to him, he doesn't have to hear her mouth and the less he has to hear her whine, the better. Where are the women who DON'T like to argue? There must be a woman that's mature enough to discuss issues in a rational manner. If you have to "argue" in order to have a healthy relationship, that's sad and those women will not receive consideration from me. These women want to be right and refuse to bend, but expect the man to do all the giving & taking. Ladies, a man's word is FINAL. Everything isn't always up for debate. Women are used to dealing in emotions, men are not. Most men will avoid confrontation at all costs; many men will confront when necessary.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.