Feb 28, 2022

Today's Thought: Everyone's Grown Until...


Feb 27, 2022

Sunday Word

It’s crazy some people hold onto those who care nothing for them, but it happens. Those are people who don’t like being alone even if the wrong folks are in their circle. God will not being the right people into your life until you get rid of the wrong ones.

Russia vs. Ukraine (Cont’d)

People were blinded by their dislike for former president Donald Trump that they didn’t realize he put America first in all he did. Gas prices were $2, with dips below $2 in some cases. Now look where we’re at.🤦🏾

Feb 26, 2022

Russia vs. Ukraine: US Involvement

Throughout history, the US has involved itself in every war because of strategic interest. The Russia/Ukraine conflict is no different. 

Feb 25, 2022

Seeing People As They Are


What did Maya Angelou say? When people show you who they are, believe them. If you pay attention, people will always show you their true nature. If you choose to overlook the red flags, who's fault is it when you get caught up?

Today's Thought: Ukraine


Her post correlates to an earlier topic of mine: I spoke on God's regret of creating mankind, and I'm seeing more & more why. When God gave us free will, he knew we would screw up, so that's why he sent his son Jesus to die on the cross for our sin. I wonder how much more will God let things slide before he shuts it down. Tera's quote sums it up perfectly, "Every time we go to war, every time evil rears its ugly head, I'm clear on why God himself said: I regret I ever made man; Genesis 6:6" It's sad that innocent people have to suffer for others' choices.

Feb 24, 2022

Thursday Gospel: Rise & Fall According To God

Our rise & fall is connected to our faithfulness in God. If we’re overwhelmed by success, somewhere along the way we started smelling ourselves. 

Feb 23, 2022

Momma Knows

Imagine…getting ready to do something stupid before your mother says, “Where you think you’re going?” You try to lie, but you can’t because moms just know. I’m sure God gives moms discernment to know when something’s up with their child(ren) before they do something stupid. That kind of discernment can only come from the Most High.

Feb 22, 2022

Luke 16:10: Faithful In Little

“Whoever is faithful with little is also faithful with much, and the one who is dishonest with little is also dishonest with much.”

‭‭Luke‬ ‭16:10‬ ‭CEB‬‬


Translation: If you’re not responsible with little, you won’t be responsible with much. It’s like a poor man winning the lottery & going buck wild because he’s not used to wealth. He blows through those millions and ends up back in the same spot: broke. That’s why I say you can tell who’s not used to money by how they spend their wealth. Some of the wealthiest people dress regular because they have nothing to prove or people to impress. 

Feb 21, 2022

Feb 20, 2022

Who Eats First? Kids Or Husband

 Who Eats First? Man Or Kids

From time to time, this subject is debated on social media. Like Jordan vs. Lebron, this debate is infinite. Some people feel the kids should be fed first, others think it's the man. Those who feel the man should be served first understand it as honoring the provider, but...a provider would also make sure everyone eats before him. When I was coming up, my parents would feed me & my brother first, then we started fixing our plates once we got older. 

Repost from Nikki Brooks (FB friend):

"That’s what I’m saying. The hypocrisy of one calling themselves a provider, but then refusing to allow the children to eat until they have been served is crazy.

What’s lost on a lot of folks is how generational toxic masculinity actually hurt and wounded so many men that they have changed the narratives because they refuse to be their fathers.

And honestly, the kids and family units are so much better now."

This the one. I can't call myself a provider if my kids are starving while I'm eating; I wouldn't feel right. Besides, making sure my kids eat first is part of sacrificing for them. They're growing kids so they need their strength to grow up healthy & strong. It's not about me, it's about them. I can eat anytime, but my kids need to eat first. Shout out to all men BREAKING generational curses because they don't want to be their toxic fathers. I'm old school with a modern twist. Generational toxic masculinity needs to be destroyed and thrown into a river of fire & brimstone because it's done too much damage to men, and the black community as a whole. Let me get Biblical and say: Leaders are servants. Leaders have to put others ahead of themselves. So while men are barking about being fed the biggest piece of chicken, most of them don't realize that indirectly, they're providing for their families. Every move they make, whether good or bad will affect themselves & their families. What it boils down to is dynamics: Some men prefer to be fed first, other husbands have no problem feeding their family first. I know for me, if I had a family, they're eating first, then me. I don't need to eat first in order to prove that I'm the man of the house.

Feb 19, 2022

Old-School Discipline: Whoopings


Old-school discipline was how most black children were raised. Black parents believed in sparing the rod & spoiling the child. While that's Biblical, the same Bible instructs parents not to provoke their children to anger. I thought this question was worth writing on because it makes parents think about how they were raised, vs. the alternative discipline more black parents are using today. Both have their place, but for me...I was raised with old-school parents who used the belt as a last resort. All it took was a look from either of my folks and that was it. When I did get spankings, my parents explained to me why I received them, and I did my best not to repeat the same offense that warranted them. I do think constant whoopings can cause issues in children later on in life if they're done out of anger. From self-esteem issues to teaching kids to react with violence, the side effects of constant whoopings are documented, so that's why many black parents (or parents in general) are going towards alternative discipline. I'll say this: Each child requires a different form of discipline. Some kids react fine to spankings & the occasional smack, other children, not so much. Today's kids are a different breed with the disrespect because when I was coming up, I would NOT have gotten by with a fraction of the disrespect today's kids give their parents, and other authority figures.

Feb 17, 2022

Biden Regime (Repost)

 Repost (Jackie Boulle):

The Biden regime has enforced mandatory vaccines for all healthcare, peace officers, rescue workers, and military. But that’s not enough now they’re after our kids. If you want them in school..which means low options for single parents trying to survive plus homeschool? Parents are one step away from both CPS removing their children for neglect says Biden administration. Also being inserted into re-education camps & mental health counseling? Who’s the crazy one here…?!? Excuse the hell out of me? Oh also the icing on the cake is this… $450,000 dollars Biden & Kamala want to pay EACH illegal immigrants. This country is 100% DOOMED!!!

My response: People wanted Trump gone, they got him out. Only problem is, Biden is undoing everything good Trump has done. Trump was brash; he could’ve done more to condemn racist white supremacy & crack down on corrupt law enforcement officers, but that’s another blog topic for another time. I can’t be too upset because I’ve been paying enough attention to know this was coming. Too bad those who didn’t vote for Biden have to suffer with those who voted for a liberal agenda.

Feb 16, 2022

For My Believers

Nothing can stop God’s children that walk in faith. If God can bring dry bones to life, he can do a new thing in us that believe. 

Feb 15, 2022

The Lesser Of 2 Evils Is Still Evil

Evil is evil, no matter how much people try to lessen it. I hate when people use that term “lesser of two evils.” 

Feb 14, 2022

The Rockwell Dream - Brace Yourself - Dana Coverstone

America wouldn't be so messed up if we didn't stray from the Bible. Tolerance to everything has been preached too long. We live in a time where we don't hear much holiness & repentance taught. When souls are at stake (which they are), Christians (Christian leaders included) have a responsibility to keep it real regardless of what feelings are caught.

Feb 13, 2022

Something To Say

Half the world is composed of people who have something to say and can't, and the other half who have nothing to say and keep on saying it. --Robert Frost

Sometimes, it’s better to say nothing than speak and have nothing to say. You normally end up looking crazy. 

Feb 11, 2022

Friday Gospel

Repost from Michael ShoNuff Glenn:

Sometimes in Life Ya Just Have To STOP Seeing the good in SOME Folks and Start Seeing What They Show You..



I’m learning how to do this daily. We want to believe that everyone has good in them, but when they show you otherwise, it’s difficult. Truth be told, some people are evil and rotten to the core. 

Feb 10, 2022

Giving People Their Flowers While They're Living

It's sad some people give folks their flowers once they're gone. I don't know if it's pride keeping them from squashing conflict or what, but life is too short for nonsense. If you have love for someone, show it. When they're gone, it's too late to show them love because they won't feel it.

This & That Don't Mix


Feb 9, 2022

Imaginary Aid

I don't think l will ever understand foreign aid sent to these countries, or sending troops overseas to fight in battles when we have so many problems on our own soil. One day maybe this country will get it right. 

Feb 8, 2022

Today’s Thought: Keep Success Private

A sign someone is living their best life: they are accomplishing things everyday, but keeping them private. 

A lion doesn’t roar after a kill 

Feb 7, 2022

Question Of The Day: Are We Willing?

For Christians: Are we willing to be sent by God? We should be. We are called to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Feb 5, 2022

Protecting What's Yours

Why Gospel Singer Kierra Sheard Has Friends At A Hotel 

When I read this article, the first word that came to mind was trust. She doesn't trust her man NOT to sleep with any of her girlfriends, so she sends her friends to a hotel. If she has to do all that, maybe she needs new friends OR...a new husband. It's not her responsibility to police a grown man; it's HIS job not to put his wife in a position to have to put safeguards up. Are some men that weak for women? I'm just asking because anytime a man is caught in infidelity, some folks try to excuse his sinful act by blaming his "flesh" Look, ALL of us have & do fall short, but at some point, we need to use wisdom and avoid getting caught up. This article sounds like her husband was caught slipping with one of her girlfriends, and like most women, she stood by her man. I'm sure she let him have it but feels like she has to protect her marriage by not entertaining any potential temptation. Whether she trusts her man is a mystery. I think she makes her job as a wife harder than necessary, but that's on her.

Who really has time to watch an adult 24-7 to make sure they do right by them? If I have to police my wife to make sure she's faithful to me, then I don't want marriage. I have business to tend to, so my spouse needs to be grown and honor the vows she took & vice versa. Shout out to the brother for this comment: 

Sidney's comment ties into what I said previously about having to police an adult. It does seem like a man's sexual responsibility falls on the wife because the moment he cheats, some people justify his mistake by saying, "his wife must not have been meeting his sexual needs". Like the brother in the comment said, "Temptation & weakness is not a legitimate excuse for a man to give into his sexual desires." Hebrews 4:15-Jesus faced temptation, but did not sin. If Jesus didn't sin, then men should have enough sense NOT to put themselves in compromising positions. Flat out, some Christian men are hoes. Sorry to use that term, but I have to call it what it is.

Feb 4, 2022

Meek Is Not Weak

Today’s Scripture 

"Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth." (Matthew 5:5)


Meek does NOT mean weak. Meekness is STRENGTH UNDER CONTROL. When you ignore someone's negative comments, when you don't pay attention to other people's insults and criticisms, you're not being weak; you're being meek. You have the power to fight, you have the strength to straighten them out and let them know how you feel, but your strength is under control. You're not wasting your time and energy on things that are not between you and your destiny. If you stay on the high road, God will take care of your enemies. He can defend you better than you can defend yourself.

The message is very simple: Quit letting other people get you upset and steal your joy. You can't control what people do; you can't control what they say, but you CAN control how you respond. Quit letting their negative comments upset you. You're NOT defined by what they say. Don't give it the time of day. If you maintain your meekness, God WILL fight your battles.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that I have the power to remain quiet because You have worked meekness into my life. Thank You that I can stay on the high road and let You take care of other people's comments and attitudes. I've made up my mind that I'm going to keep my joy. In Jesus Name, Amen.” 

Feb 2, 2022

Animal Cruelty Makes Me Sick

Is it just me or do I set myself up to be pissed when I read horrific animal cruelty articles? It must be that I have a heart for mistreated pets because they can't speak for themselves, so they rely on their humans for welfare. The only thing my dogs will know is good times. Much of the reason why I want to adopt a shelter dog is to spoil it with the same attention I give my dogs. If I can heal a shelter dog of their hurtful past, that would make me and my rescue feel great.


Feb 1, 2022

Today's Thought: Women & Dogs


It's something about a woman who loves dogs that I'm drawn to. It's her nurturing nature & the way her dog looks at her with no worries. I salute all women who are dog lovers.

Women: I’m Not In My Soft Era

No woman should ever complain about NOT being in her soft era.